When Leroy gets nerfed, remember that he shouldn't have come out like that in the first place. Nerf came 2 weeks too late, with no communication that he won't be fixed before EVO JPN. Namco don't deserve praise for fixing something too late that shouldn't have been broken. 1/11
We deserve better. We are customers who have spent a lot of time and money on this game (especially if you were an arcade player like me), and the face of Namco is blocking anyone who (even constructively) criticises the decisions, calling these people not a "real fan". 2/11
There are so many things wrong with Tekken. Name a few: Delay netcode, lacking lobby system, 25% of your time spent in load screens online, no practice mode search, no RQ penalty. Just play other FGs to see what basic features Tekken is lacking. 3/11
Leroy is the icing on the cake. I am so mad for all the people who wasted thousands of dollars to attend EVO JPN. The ONLY REASON top 8 was hype was because Mikio and Ulsan didn't lose straight away. EVO JPN was a massive failure on Namco's part. 4/11
I understand that mistakes were made, despite the fact Leroy should not have been released in this state, he was. EVO JPN is supposed to be one of the hypest/most exciting tournaments in the entire year, and everyone will remember it as a complete joke. 5/11
If Namco gave the heads up to everyone that was expecting a pre-EVO nerf that there was no patch, EVO JPN could have made the call to ban the character to prevent this shit show from happening. By the time we realised, it was too late. 6/11
Sajam made a very good video about what basic features Fighting Games should have. He hits the nail on the head with his points and you should watch it if you haven't already. TLDR: FGs should adopt successful features of other FGs. 7/11
We all want the same thing: To play/watch the game we love. But except for the gameplay, there isn't that much to love. I'm a Tekken fan since T3. I've travelled a lot for Tekken, but don't play online simply because it's not enjoyable, even before Leroy. 8/11
The worst part about all of this is the face of the game doesn't seem to care. He has his his mind set, and anyone that disagrees even respectfully gets blocked, and sometimes insulted. It's extremely disappointing that he isn't listening to the people that care the most. 9/11
Michael Murray, I urge you to please have an open mind and listen to all the fans who desperately want to enjoy Tekken. We want Tekken to be a success, we want to support Namco and their decisions, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so. 10/11
If you read all of this, thank you. There are things that TEKKEN is doing right, but there are so, so many things that can be improved upon. Positive communication should be the first step. 11/11
T6.0 tournament in Philippines that I qualified for in 2008, where I met young-ass Harada. One of the many tournaments I've been overseas for, to prove that I'm a "real fan"
Looks like this post was unnnecessary because they barely touched the guy lmao. https://twitter.com/flying_wonkey/status/1221824186974236672?s=21 https://twitter.com/flying_wonkey/status/1221824186974236672
We did it boys! I didn’t even reply to his tweet or tag him myself! 🤡🤡🤡
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