Deep breath & a quick jump into the Great Trans Debate again. Hands up if you agree with this. Gender should be defined as "a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth.”
If you do, you agree with Donald Trump because that is the definition his administration has argued for. The effect would be to remove legal protections from trans people across every area of federal government.
You might be thinking yeah but come on, men are men, women are women, it's ridiculous to define people's gender by anything other than biological sex. And for the vast majority of us that's absolutely true. In 1pc or less of people, it isn't. We should be able to manage this.
This "debate" is one where what is described as gender critical feminism & right wing religious fundamentalism meet. They may have nothing else in common but they believe exactly the same thing about the primacy of biological sex. It's black & white for them. No grey areas.
Fundamentalism is always wrong. It's wrong here too. Nobody denies the existence of biological sex. Trans men without a full hysterectomy can get cervical cancer. Trans women can be at risk of prostate cancer. No-one suggests trans people change their entire biology.
So when you hear these arguments recognise them for what they are - not "pro-science". Medical science does not question the validity of those who develop a different gender identity. It's actually an argument to strip trans people of every legal right & protection they have.
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