As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor I was devastated by the ‘academic’ paper produced by @DrEllaC a couple of weeks ago, in which she and co-author Waquas Tufail @Race_Class repeatedly deny the role of race and religion in the abuse we have had to endure.
Denying racist attitudes towards white girls, based on faith, does more harm.
Our families and good decent people are concerned. We are not ‘enemies of Islam’.
If they were ‘genuinely’ anti-racist then they would oppose the anti-Western racism that drives our rapists too.
Listen to victims. We are not ‘stereotyping Muslim men’. We are pleading for these racially and religiously aggravated rapes to be prevented by addressing the beliefs behind them.
We are calling for the research commissioned by Sajid Javid to be made public, so that we can get answers and get help to address it.
Slagging off other researchers who talk sense is wholly unprofessional. Their opinions are far more informed on grooming gangs than you realise.
Dr Cockbain’s own research shows that the figures are even higher, so why does she try to cast doubt on this? Legitimate government research is necessary, but not research done by people only seeking to deflect and deny.
Her own research shows that 96% of gang-groomers are Asian.
It is unprofessional and probably illegal to slander organisations like this.
In my mind, the people ‘racialising’ Child Abuse are our racist perpetrators.
Providing specialist investigative teams for serious organised crime linked to terrorism is hardly ‘erasing’ anyone. The people you are trying to erase are victims of abuse linked to faith and belief.
The vast majority of people who care about this issue are in no way far-right, Nazis or fascists. It’s actually insulting to belittle us by saying this.
I do not know the people who wrote the Quilliam report but I consider it to be the most honest research that I have read on grooming gangs so far.

Dr Cockbain’s paper, on the other hand, is dangerously close to telling victims to ‘shut their mouths’ for the sake of diversity.
The fact that these grooming gang ‘deniers’ are regarded as #CSE ‘experts’, and are advising senior Police, government, Home Office, schools and social services is absolutely shocking and disgraceful.
Why do Islamists join up with Radical feminists? They share a similar view of the world called Critical Race Theory. They are joined in a hatred of the West, although one aims for more freedom for women, and one for less.

Translations from the wokish..
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