this is for me. for whoever wants to read.
unfortunately, a lot happened today that i couldn't defend myself from, because for one, i was confused at what was happening, but also, i did not have the time to look into it because i was in classes.

this is the worst time for this to have happened.
it all started when one of my tweets blew up before i went into my second class, where I was tweeting about the GRAMMYs news.

I was happy to see that bts got confirmed as performers, but if you saw my earlier posts, i was confused as to whether or not this was an OT7 stage.
i made a post, after having already made several on the same topic, that said that I, personally, would be supporting the performance for BTS, regardless. (meaning if it OT7 or even if it was a solo collaboration stage)

my intentions and words got twisted.
a big account that i will not name decided to respond under the post with a reply that had shown that they misunderstood my intentions. a simple "no".

immediately, i was hit with tons of tweets after by people who then interpreted it that exact same way.
these people had interpreted it as if I had said to support Lil Nas X, even when he's islamophobic. this is not at all what i had meant. and it had exploded in this way while i had been in class, and i came online to a mess that i had not known had been started.
this then took a turn into people pointing out 1 of 2 more things:

for one, that I had been following two known Jimin antis. people told me that one had been a shipper from YouTube, and another had been a large taehyung based account.
they then assumed that i was a jimin anti, and a shipper myself, based on this information.

for the taehyung account: i do not know when I had followed them, but it is most likely that i found funny posts and decided to follow. I don't intentionally follow problematic people.
i followed them, but i also have never seen their problematic posts on my timeline, and was not told prior to unfollow or was made aware of this by anyone else (which it is not anyone else's responsibility to tell me, but basically i just had not known, and this was my fault).
I have since unfollowed.

Another one is a Taekook shipper YouTube channel.

There is a lot to explain here that i've never explained before, so i understand why people were curious as to why i had been following.
A while back, I was reached out by a YouTube channel to help fight false copyright strikes they had received on their contents.

this is something I have dealt with myself before, and many other channels as well around this time.
I was unaware of their content and i chose to just help out this channel as a fellow content creator.

YouTube ended up removing their strikes as a result, and I decided to follow since i helped them out.

I had still never seen their contents on my feed since i had them muted.
I muted them since I only wanted to get tweets from certain accounts on the timeline.
I had been made aware recently (before this) of her contents, which led me to DM her and talk to her about my stance on shipping. i'm against it.

I did not unfollow after the conversation, which lead to today. I unfollowed.
i did not seem to understand that following somebody can show to others that you fully support everything they say/do with their platform.

the rumor has been going around now that i am a jimin anti because of this.
my words tend to always get twisted, no matter how i phrase them, and sometimes it can be my fault, like for my first tweet regarding LNX, but others, i feel that some people who dislike me are doing this on purpose.
several people have voiced that they don't like that i have a platform on here.

many people had issues with me prior.

as a result of all of this, my old tweets that i've apologized for and tried to move on and become better from, have been brought back up.
this is becoming a bit too much for me. maybe this is my fault.

if i offended anyone, i apologize.

i feel like this just keeps happening again and again. it's stressful. it's tiring. i'm not sure how much more i can handle.
many people i know are against me tweeting these clarifications, but even if people decide to make a drama once again out of it, at least people have two sides to a story to come to their own conclusions.

it's better for me to go about it in this way.

that's all i have to say.
this sucks that i have to make these posts so often.

i feel like i have no control, no matter how i decide to go about using social medias.

what happened today was an attack. simple.
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