This is War
Secret Societies
Know your Enemy

Who rules the world?
Secret Societies goes back to ancient times, most with one common goal.
Order of the Quest, The JASON society, The Cabala, The Knights Templars, The Knights of Malta, Knights of Columba,..
The Jesuits, The Masons, The Illuminati, Nazi Party, Communist party, The executive members of the CFR, The Brotherhood of the Dragon, The Royal institute, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg, The Vatican society, The Russell Trust, Skull and bones..
Scroll and key, and The Order are all the same in achieving their ultimate goal of a New World Order.
You must accept that you have been cattle and the ultimate consequence of being cattle is slavery, or you must prepare to fight and if necessary..
Die to preserve your God givin right to freedom. History repeats itself with Secret Societies, accounts of elders and priests who guard forbidden knowledge of ancient religions and people, important figures meeting in secret directed the course of ...
Civilization are recorded in writings from all people, the oldest being The Brotherhood of the Snake. The Brotherhood of the Snake is devoted to guarding the secrets of the ages and the recognition to Lucifer as the one and only God..
It is clear that religion has always played a significant role in these organizations. Communication with a higher loyalty, often divine is a familiar claim in all but a few. The most potent tool of a secret Society is the ritual and initiation, these...
Ceremonies have deep meaning for the participant. Initiations are very important, only to further up to higher loyalties to the leaders known as adepts. Initiations is a means to award those who can be trusted to carry out orders without question, like ...
Soldiers willing to die for a cause, even if not knowing the cause. The higher the degree of initiation, the fewer the members, for those low on the totem pole, never really know what they are fighting for. One of the mysteries is that Religion..
Is used as a tool to control the masses, for wisdom is their only God and through that man becomes God. To Secret Societies they see ones self wisdom beyond that of a normal person who needs to be governed, like sheep totally dependent on the shepherd..
Those who are illuminated to hold the secrets of the ancients are illuminated or known as illuminati.
Of special interest in Afghanistan in ancient times called Roshaniya, (illuminated one) references going back to the house of wisdom at Kyro..
Which the tenants were; abolishment of private property, elimination of religion, elimination of Nation states, and the belief that illumination originated from the Supreme being (Lucifer) and taking over countries one by one. After reaching 4th degree..
One could communicate with the "Ascended ", therefore wise men will again recognize the Brotherhood. The extreme right and left are both under the rule of a small hardcore who are still illuminus or illuminati, and still in control. They are and always have..
Been Luciferian or occult Nationalist, they give allegiance to no nation and have no concern other than Economic and Political power. Their goal is to control the Wealth, Natural resources, and Labor of the entire planet. They intend to turn the world into...
Their version of a Luciferian totalitarianism government state, in the process will eliminate all Christians, Jews, and atheists. The Trilateral commission is an elite group of 300 business, political, and intellectual figures of Western Europe, North...
America and Japan. This enterprise is a private agency that works to build political and economic cooperation among the 3 regions to further a NWO. The majority of the members of the CFR never serve on the executive executive committee, they are not really ..
Members, only meant to think they are, In fact are being used by the Order of the Quest. Which is how they bought Henry kissinger, Rockefeller gave Kissinger a 50K donation in the 50's(a fortune in those days).For anyone who does not commit will be disposed..
The CFR has been America's plank on foreign policy for more than half a century, a private Org, the CFR is one of the most powerful groups in the world, and controlled by an elect group of men recruited from Skull and Bones and Scroll and Key societies from..
Yale and Harvard which are both chapters from a secret branch of illuminati known as chapter 322 of the Order. The CFR is a sister org to The British Royal institute, which also to forward the agenda of a NWO. The CFR controls our gov, through the years,its..
Members have infiltrated the Entire ext branch, State dept, Justice dept,and CIA. Every director of the CIA has been a member of CFR, most Presidents since Roosevelt have been members. CFR members dominate ownership of the Press.The CFR does not conform to..
Government. Eisenhower appointed 6 members called Majesty 12, during meetings any member who talks or takes notes is terminated. The most powerful group in the world is the Bilderberg, Prince Bernard of Netherlands who organized the Bilderberg, has the..
Power to Veto the Vatican's choice of any Pope, he had this power because his family "The Habsburgs" are descendants of the Roman emperor, thus leader of the Black family. Bernard with CIA, brought illuminati to public through the Bilderberg. This is the..
Official alliance that make up the world's governing body. The core, 3 committees of 13 members, consists of 39 members of Illuminati. The 3 committees consist of The Freemasons, The Vatican, and the Black Nobility. Every proposal or plan by the Bilderberg...
Has come to pass.The Bilderberg has been directing the Quiet War waged against us, for thousands of years secret Societies have been slowly herding us as sheep to complete their agenda of a New World Order.
Evil prevails when good men fail to act,and one has
One man stood up to this evil.
One man gave everything for his country.
And he was slain for it.
We will Never forget You
We Are With You
For they will be SEVEARLY PUNISHED
This is for you John

- The Punisher
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