1. The idea of ​​this thread is inspired by a fun model of the universe running away over the horizon, discussed by @StartsWithABang.
This thread answers the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. And this is not 42.
2. If we are talking about the universe, then the only question that makes sense is: why does the universe exist. All other questions (i.e. how it exists) are consequences of it. If your cosmology does not answer this question, it is not cosmology.
3. The Big Bang Theory does not answer the question of why the universe exists. Therefore, neither it nor the countless daughter theories built on it are cosmology. They are fundamentally naught, even when consistent with observations.
4. Authors and adherents of theories based on the idea of ​​the Big Bang should be clearly aware that these theories, no matter how outstanding practical results they give, must either be revised or rejected as soon as will be answered the main question of the universe.
5. To answer the question why the universe exists, it is necessary to accept (that is, prove and realize) that the universe is only information, and nothing else.
Proving it is very simple, just one tweet is enough: https://twitter.com/inftoe/status/1218826934190321665
6. To realize this is much more difficult, due to the inconsistency the concept of "information" with our everyday stereotypes, formed by life in the things world. It is difficult even for specialists in the information theory with their stereotype about a carrier of information.
7. The only way to realize the fact that the universe is only information, and nothing else, and to convince yourself of this, is to constantly return to transparent and irrefutable proof of it in any doubt. https://twitter.com/inftoe/status/1218826934190321665
8. Information has a single state: existence. It is single because the opposite state "non-existent information" internally excludes itself: if something does not exist, then it is not the information.
That is, the fact the universe is information is the reason for its existence.
9. That's all.
Our stereotypical thinking will require great efforts to realize the answer to the main question of the universe. But you will be rewarded with answers to many questions that science, which is at the impasse of the fictive Big Bang theory, cannot answer.
10. A sign that you have not yet realized the answer to the main question of the universe is your criticism of its formalism.
Realize: this answer must be absolutely formal. Any non-formal answer would require external justification. But then it would not be the universe.
11. A sign that you realize the answer to the main question of the universe is your ability to answer questions to which the "official cosmology", which is at an impasse, answers with fictitious constructions.
Q: Are there other universes?
A: The concept "the other" is the fundamental concept of the universe. Everything that it applies to, applies to the universe. The universe is the only one, "other" universes don't exist. https://twitter.com/inftoe/status/1218826935779778562?s=20
Q: Is there an extraterrestrial life (and aliens)?
A: Mankind is an intermediate peak of the progress of the universe. The rest of the universe represents the past stages of this progress. Extraterrestrial life and aliens do not exist. https://twitter.com/inftoe/status/1214053399513182211?s=20
Q: Time, what is it?
A: Time is a manifestation of causality. Everything is a consequence of something, that is, it contains information of its cause. The sharing of information between causes and consequences at a finite speed of information transfer is a passage of time.
Q: Why is the arrow of time irreversible?
A: Because the information shared between the causes and their consequences remains to belong to both the causes and the consequences. It is impossible to return the system to the state preceding the sharing of information.
Q: Is the universe infinite?
A: Infinity is a math abstraction. Physical infinity does not exist, since it requires existence an infinite of information. An infinite of information - is the absence of information. Therefore, the universe in all its manifestations is finite.
Q: What is information?
A: “Official" science is not able to give a nonspecific definition of this concept. In the InfToE, information is a difference. Something is different from the other in something. The universe is a finite set of differences. https://twitter.com/inftoe/status/1218826935779778562
Continued in this thread https://twitter.com/inftoe/status/1283756003390099456
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