sick of people spreading rumours around about chen feiyu when:

1. they were resurfaced by an anti
2. he didn’t say anything about bl and it is a rumour (no sources/links have been provided)
3. apologised after accidentally liking the anti-yibo tweet, saying it was a mistake
stop bandwagon hating him.

lots of “big” cql accounts are throwing shade at him when no trustworthy sources have been provided, and it’s a game of chinese whispers rn.

below is where he posted that he will buy anti-slip gloves. he literally liked and unliked it immediately.
unreal how so many people believe this sort of stuff without a trustworthy source of information or without fact-checking.

also stop saying that he’s riding on this bl clout, his dad is chen kaige. he really doesn’t need this “clout” that many stan cql accs are talking about.
put this into your own perspective - how many times have you accidentally liked a post and immediately unliked due to it just being a mistake? i've accidentally liked multiple tweets that i didn't agree with, and i unliked straight away.
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