Hot Take: Not eating meat does not make you more spiritual. Let’s cut that out in 2020.
Eating meat is actually perfectly fine and healthy if you are getting it locally sourced. The caveat is that it essentially means the prices are raised and not everyone can afford it NOR does everyone have the ability to own and operate their own farm.
This means folks are literally forced to buy low quality meat that is filled with so much preservatives and trash.

And niggas know this, y’all act as if people who eat meat don’t know that their health is slowly being afflicted.
The mass-produced meat industry under capitalism is the enemy. Not what anyone is eating.
Muted. Average day consumers (meat + plant based) should not be held liable for their consumption as it is the multi-billion dollar corporations (and the 1% funding them) that should be held accountable for how they produce their products.
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