In today’s episode of Dumbass Town™️:
I spent 15 minutes trying to find a lamp to light my desk because I’m drawing and thought I won’t be able to see in the dark. I’m drawing on my ipad.
In today’s episode of Dumbass Town™️:
I spent 20 minutes on the road freaking out that my car’s AC is broken and that’s why my car is freezing from the inside but the AC button shows that it’s off. It’s winter. The AC isn’t on, it’s just cold.
Happy Friday from Dumbass Town™️: I just commented “I’m so sorry for your loss” on a post of a friend announcing her newborn’s name. Another friend dm-ed me about it questioning my reading skills.
Blessed Friday from Dumbass Town ™️ I just spent ten minutes trying to kill a cockroach on my sink by spraying him with rosewater isntead of turning the tap of WATER on him. Cockroach ended up dead after that realisation was made. 🦗
I just tried to turn on th AC by tapping on the plug
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