imagine hybrid au where kitty yoon is OBSESSED with one type of cat snack and he's purring as loud as a little motor, his tail going swoosh swoosh fast behind him
and hobi always insists on feeding it to him himself, because he thinks it's just too cute how yoon always rubs his
cheek on his palm to get more and how he licks his fingers with his eyes closed and a happy relaxed expression, his rough kitten tongue tickling him, hobi smiling so wide and giggling constantly
(but also because yoonie would probably inhale the entire package in one go otherwise and get a tummy ache. And a yoonie with a tummy ache is no good)

and when it's finished he whines to hobi
"why did you only buy one package, you know I love these TㅅT"
and hobi coos at him "but it's just a snack, you have to eat something proper too!" and yoon pouts but lays down on his lap anyway, still purring like crazy and licking himself clean
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