Katsuki: Delete that photo, fuck face.

Pikachu: he asked about u
Katsuki: I dont care, don't tell him anything about me.
Katsuki locked his phone, tossing it on the bed before stomping into the kitchen to grab his ice cold take out left overs.
Three years since he'd seen that smile in person-
And it still made him so damn weak.
He returned to his bedroom after warming his food up, flicking on the over sized TV to catch up on his trash TV.
The Bachelor was a great reference for his podcast material.
His phone dinged just as the opening credits started on the screen, and Katsuki reflexively looked at the message.
Pikachu: dude will u chill. how long are u gonna hate him? U had a part in the break up, too.
Katsuki narrowed his eyes at this phone screen, the food in his mouth suddenly tasting sour.
Who the hell did Denki think it was?
Katuski: Delete that picture, and my number. Asshole. Don't text me ever again.
Katsuki turned off his phone and threw it in an unspecified direction, angrily pouring Sriracha over his left overa.
/His/ part in the break up?


/His/ part was being the asshole who thought Eijirou was endgame, and the other man had /allowed/ him to believe that.
He'd tried so hard, too hard to make it work.

Hed wanted to make it work with Eijirou more than he'd every wanted anything in his life.
/What if that was the problem?/
"Boyfriend?" Eijirou yelped, clearly caught off guard.
Katsuki turned around as he yanked the shirt in his hands back over his head.
"I- yeah? What, is that /not/ what we are?" He snapped defensively, suddenly beyond embarrassed.
It'd been a slip of the tongue, really. But there wasn't any use in trying to back pedal.
"No, no! We- I mean. That's what I've been telling my moms..." Eijirou shifted in his postion seated on the bed, grabbing the comforter to cover himself.
"Your moms know about me?" Katsuki arched one thin eyebrow.
Eijirou didn't answer right away. Instead he chewed on his lip and began to fiddle nervously with the comforter.
"Yeah? We've been doing /this/ for a month." Eijirou answered, gesturing between them.
Heat crept up Katsuki's neck.
"I just. Didn't know how else to explain it to them?" Eijirou offered sheepishly. "I know we hadn't talked about it yet..."
Katsuki rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed but mostly endeared by Eijirou's honesty.
"Okay, well- as I was /saying/ since you're my /boyfriend/ I want you to go with me to this stupid lame party my friends always throw every new year."
He turned just in time to see Eijirou wrap the blanket around his head, the brightest smile he'd ever seen painted across blushing cheeks
"Katsuki Bakugou is my boyfriend, give me a moment to process this, dude."
"Oh my god, will you fucking /chill/?"
Eijirou flopped back on the bed, curling himself into the mass of covers as he rocked back and forth.
"You are a child."

Katsuki couldn't help but laugh at the over reaction.
After a moment, Eijirou sat back up, a feral grin replacing the sweet on from before.
"Come and kiss me, boyfriend."
Katsuki couldnt deny Eijirou anything when he used that tone of voice.

Rated M // Miscommunication, accusations of cheating, college drinking, anger pining, breaking up and making up, bitter Bakugou, HAPPY ENDING.
Top of the thread: https://twitter.com/KB_Shark/status/1203064889872437255?s=19
"You cant tell people who to hang out with, Kacchan." Deku rolled his eyes
"I can when its my back stabbing ex boyfriend." He snapped, pouring himself another mug full of coffee
Bakugou had just come off a grueling recording session of answering peoples questions and he was exhausted and just needed to /vent/.
"Thats not how this works."
"Yes, the fuck, it is. Denkinwas MY friend before he was Eijirou's-"
"And he's still your friend! It wasn't like Denki was the one who told Eijirou to turn your proposal down."
Katsuki falls silent
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