
"The choice to know will be yours."

Q said this as a warning... That many of those in power live lives that will sicken anyone. It's an important warning. To be ready. Because it WILL change you.

But it's also a call to action.

The choice to know.

2/ We ARE the news now. The biggest worldwide community of people united by the CHOICE to seek truth and KNOW. We are working together to Lift the Veil. And we will not stop until it's done.

And it's your CHOICE to be a person who seeks Truth. That researches. Verifies.
3/This is more than politics. Every untruth you reveal, socially or personally, within the world or within yourself, is a push into the momentum of a better world.
That is the essence of Qanon.

Internet 3.0. The new social network. And, beautifully, it can't be owned
4/ It's a self-healing, self-verifying, self-evolving community of self-verifying individuals, all with the same goal. Truth, in the most granular 40,000ft view. Where Truth becomes non binary. Truth becomes a tapestry,
5/ shades of information, moving towards proof or away from proof, as your knowledge grows along with those around you, until the stone is upturned. And every stone WILL be upturned until the Veil is lifted.
6/What you know.
What you know you don't know.
What you don't know you don't know.

Which one is the most important?
7/In this system, we all grow when we are incorrect, acknowledge it, and move on. To continue striving for a deeper truth. For the unknown unknown.

It's literally spiritual. Your spirit, the Human Spirit, THRIVES on Truth. Starting with yourself. And ending with yourself. Think globally, act locally has never had more meaning. Acting locally now acts globally. The Great Awakening.
9/ we share, to be held accountable to ourselves and to the human race.
Because we haven't given up. We do NOT submit. We believe. That we are better than this. We believe in a better world for EVERYONE. We believe that MOST people believe that.
10/ We believe that it is our own responsibility. We believe that to err is human but to learn is divine. And we believe that the only way towards this ideal is through Truth. We actively seek it. We yearn to learn. We're tired of being lied to for their selfish gain.
11/ The Truth shall set you free. And, oh look, we've got the key.

It's all of us. Where we go is towards the truth. Together. The Truth is our Keystone.

We only want Truth. We're committed to the direction of Truth, and accept it, even when it hurts.

You WILL change. How you change is up to you. For a better world, we must work together. And you know working together means YOU doing YOUR part. Ready...?

It's not easy, but it's simple.

*Commit to truth*
[not fiction]

The time for that is now.
No one wants anything else from you. Anon means anonymous. Ego is irrelevant of the goal.
We are on the precipice.

Many don't even have don't have to be anonymous. Anymore. We (You and everyone you know) have arrived at the tipping point. Where you don't have to be anonymous to speak the truth. What an absurd place to be. What a terrifying and beautiful place to be.
c: a sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works
the canon of great literature
4a: an accepted principle or rule
b: a criterion or standard of judgment
the canons of good taste
c: a body of principles, rules, standards, or norms

(Always be) Expand(ing) your thinking.
Share and communicate, . Allow yourself to learn. Share what you know. learn when you're wrong. We all need all of you.

This is how we evolve.
Together. Through Truth.

Where We Go One We Go All

Where we go One =You.

Embrace the responsibility of actively seeking the truth, to the best of your ability. Of the world around you. And of yourself. Be mindful with your knowledge.

Stand simply and defiantly, under the Banner of Truth, Whatever That May Be.

Now, and in the future,

The choice to know will be yours.

You can follow @drippingtape.
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