Another horseman has arrived?
It’s getting worse.
If it’s airborne and human to human, and there are signs it could, this could be pretty heavy.
It’s also about to be Chinese New Year, one of the single biggest human migrations in the world as coastal population goes inland to see family.
Look, if this is what China is telling us, it’s probably worse in reality.
Australia is not catching any breaks.
Chinese whales are so key to Las Vegas that everyone's stocks are going down now.
Breaking: it has reached the states
Is it okay if I call it Captain Trips?
go grocery shopping today and order a flu mask before stuff sells out, our media is gonna be entirely irresponsible about this and cause a panic
The city of Wuhan is under quarantine #coronavirus
Screening for Captain Tripps starts in the US
well, I think it's safe to say that initial efforts to contain the virus have failed and that it's out in the wild. it seems very contagious and not very deadly (some but not everyone dies). I assume the situation is worse than what the Chinese are telling us. No zombies yet.
I don't think they've determined what the window period is for the virus, so people could be going a certain number of days before they even show symptoms.
good news, americans aren't the only complete dumb dumbs on the planet
We’re going to need a vaccine for this, it’s too contagious to just burn out on its own like Ebola.
Captain Tripps is maybe in Mexico. How is it spreading everywhere so fast?
it's gonna mutate if it stays out in the wild long enough.
just had a thought! China can kill as many people in the concentration camps as they want and just blame it on the virus. In fact, anyone with concentration camps could do that. aaaaaaaah
Death toll ticks up to 17
the people of wuhan are not happy (the social media post was deleted by censors shortly after)
WHO emergency meeting at 1pm
i'd guess the real number of infected is probably over 1000 right now and could be over 10,000 by the time chinese new year season ends.
i'd also guess what makes this dangerous is not the lethality of the virus, but its ability to spread so quickly. if it hits urban areas, hospitals will be quickly overwhelmed. 1 patient infected 12 hospital staff - the supply of healthy doctors will run out too.
barring some nifty vaccine, I think this looks kind of serious.
Too little, too late. Should’ve done it as soon as they found out how infectious it was.
The one major benefit of CCP style government is you can lock down entire cities or provinces whenever you want. For any reason! And they flubbed it.
They should suspend travel for Chinese New Year, but they won’t because it would be an embarrassing admission that they don’t have it under control. So it’s gonna end up all over the country.
For comparison, there were only 8000 some SARS cases.
Sick and worried about being sick people flood hospitals, making more people sick
This is the province with the Uighur camps. Hope I’m wrong.
The hospitals are running out of supplies, the staff is at breaking point, and they are beginning to turn people away and tell them the best place to stay is home. This isn't going to go over well with a terrified populace, and people will try to break the quarantine to find help
there's gonna be an "oh shit" moment when everyone rushes out to buy everything, the goal is to have anything you need *before* then.
i think you need something stronger than a face mask anyway, there's a doctor who says he thinks he got infected through his eye.
WuFlu is the best name I've heard for it
Everyone everywhere should be shutting down travel and outdoor events until we know what is going on, or at least for two weeks.
Up to 56 million on lockdown. That’s gone up a lot since just Wuhan.
the virus has spread around the world, they're sealing borders and all of this has happened in roughly 14 days.
you could see exponential growth in any country that this has landed in over the last two weeks. people will panic when it picks up here and it will be hard to find the things you need.
Still concerned about Trump and WHO's lax approach to all this, it was clear that China did not have this under control and that this was going to be a global health emergency from very early on.
Well, the situation seems to have gotten worse since Jan 31. There's going to be starvation in China, already a net importer of food, because the supply lines are down, the livestock is dying because the feed markets are closed, etc etc etc
We've done an unusually low number of tests compared to other countries.
On the one hand, we have an unusually low number of cases compared to say Singapore which has a similar amount of Chinese air traffic. And we've done relatively few tests. On the other hand, social media means that it would be hard to conceal an outbreak if there was one here.
This stuff is extremely contagious and if hundreds of people fell ill anywhere around the country, we'd all know about it pretty fast. You couldn't black that information out if you wanted to. So I feel medium okay that we don't have an active outbreaks right now.
The problem is that shutting down air traffic with China isn't effective when a new country has an outbreak every day now. Without closing the borders now, it's inevitable we have an outbreak here. No point in having borders if you don't use them during a pandemic.
So the disease either kills you or it doesn’t. Worse for old people and men. But the lethality as far as we know is 2%ish. Those odds aren’t terrible if that’s true. So you might not get it, and if you get it you will probably live. So the virus itself isn’t apolcolytpic.
The breakdown of the global economy following the collapse of the supply chains is more dangerous. As is the disorder that would follow that. Start preparing.
this suuuuucks, this suuuuucks, I hope the internet doesn't go down so I can keep posting how this suuuuuucks
What's maybe more concerning is that as far as I can tell our government's plan is to just let it hit us. WHO has been active PR for China. We're really on our own it looks like. Our government has only done 500 tests total for Coronavirus. They've missed cases.
Yup, the government just let it hit us and now it's spreading around the globe.
We are closer to this than you might think.
I would imagine that as soon as they start testing for this seriously here, we're all going into lockdown.
We did, in fact, go into lockdown.
The coronavirus isn't going away until there's a vaccine or we have "herd immunity" (aka get our asses kicked). So the number of cases/deaths is gonna flatten and then they'll relax the shelter in place/quarantines and try to reboot the economy. And then comes the second wave.
Quarantine life isn't going away anytime soon. This is the new normal until something changes. It could last well over a year.
The good news? Supply chains are still functioning, which means there's a floor to how bad things can get for now. The bad news is that it was the fed govt's plan to just let this hit us, taking no action to mitigate damage, making it worse at every turn
They've been making this worse every step of the way since the start. Trump and his proxies played down the threat even as they were selling their stocks and warning their friends. This maximized the damage the virus would do. Incompetence masks malice.
It's like they cut the brakes, ripped out the airbag, and left a pipe bomb in our car by accident
This is consistent with what I was saying in Jan/feb. the accumulated mass of anecdotal and video evidence did not gel with official story. Many such cases.
This is going to kill more Americans than many of our wars combined. And I see this push to shift the blame exclusively to China that is concerning.
I did.
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