Fire and Fury: Trump is an idiot

Fear: Trump is an idiot and dangerous

Trumpocracy: Trump is corrupt

Creeping Fascism: Trump is a fascist

Whose boat is it: Trump is an imbecile

Everything Trump touches dies: Trump is a moron and toxic

Unhinged: Trump is a dangerous idiot
It’s worse than you think: Trump is an extremely dangerous imbecile

Full Disclosure: Trump has yeti pubes and a small dick shaped like a toadstool

MacTrump: Trump is crazy

The dangerous case of Donald Trump: Trump’s gonzo

The plot to destroy America: trump is malignant
The Mueller Report: Trump obstructed justice

Russian a Roulette: Trump is Putin’s bitch

Dumpty: Trump is humpty

If you give a pig a White House: Trump will eat all the cookies and blame the deep state

The constitution of the United States: Trump is guilty AF
101 indisputable facts proving Donald Trump is an idiot: ⬅️

Donald Teump is seriously an idiot and he’s also a douchebag: ⬅️

The beautiful poetry of Donald trump: 😂

Donald Trump is a big fat idiot: ⬅️

A warning: Trump is a dangerous idiot
The case against Donald Trump: Trump is corrupt AF

Crime in progress: Trump is Putin’s bitch

# SAD!: doonesbury in the time of trump: we’re living in stupid times

The fifth risk: it’s trump. Trump is the security risk
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