Hello Everyone!

Today is my 35th Birthday.

Here are 35 Lessons I have learned in the 35 Years I have been alive.

I will split this over 3 parts.

Today we will cover Part 1 of 3.

#30DaysofThreads (17/30)

First, a little about me:

My name is Eddy.

I'm an Australian of Chinese heritage.

I have lived in multiple countries - Malaysia (born there), Papua New Guinea, Australia, Thailand & Colombia.

I used to work in Accountancy and now
run a tourism biz in LATAM but my current mission is to transition to making a full time living online in 2020.

I used to be an alcoholic, overweight office worker.

One day, I said fck it, no more of this and quit my job to travel the world.

This is my story so far....
1. Lift Weights

Lesson # 1 is a cliche for a reason.

We are all here to improve ourselves, but you cannot build a house without a strong foundation.

Lifting weights is good for your physical, mental and spiritual health.

There are zero downsides to this and all the upsides.
I quit the gym about 5 times in my life.

It took my 30th birthday to finally wake the AF up. It's been 5 years and I haven't gone less than 4x a week since.

If I were to send just one message to my younger self, I would tell him to start lifting and never stop.
2. Don't focus on being Happy. Focus on being Great.

Happiness is a side effect of living a great life.

This means you must get out and do sh!t.

Travel, build businesses, fail & learn, get rejected, win, and do it over and over again.

People who focus on trying to happy ...
are usually never happy. Why?

Because they are sitting on the couch watching Netflix, scrolling through IG and asking themselves "how can I be happy like him/her?"

You can be happy by getting off your ass and living the great life you are watching from your couch!
3. Quit your 9-5

I'm not saying to do it impulsively the way I did.

But if you want freedom, you must leave your 9-5 eventually.

The only exception to this is if you truly love your job beyond the steady salary.

A 9-5 is a form of slavery in contentment.

Avoid if you can
4. Focus on accumulating experiences, not things

Experiences, NOT things

are what you will think about when you are so old it takes you 10 mins just to take a piss.

If you have a spare $1k to spend,

Buy a ticket to an exotic location instead of buying another iPhone.
5. Live Simply

People always ask me why I am so calm and collected, even when I'm going through hard times

The secret is to live simply.

I'm a simple guy.

As long as my health is good, I can travel, I have a good book in hand and I don't have to worry about money, I'm happy.
6. Listen to your gut before you listen to anyone else

Most ppl do not know how to think for themselves.

You see this all the time on Twitter. Ppl debating whether someone is "alpha" or not

Filter every book you read and every advice you hear through your gut.

The inability
to think for oneself is cowardly.

In life, you have to take risks.

You have to make tough decisions.

Life is nothing like school where you can prepare for the perfect scenario.

Life is chaotic and the best way to navigate that chaos is to trust your gut and take action.
7. Health, then money, then relationships

If you do not have your health in order, then it is much harder to improve anything else.

This is why I put Lift weights as lesson #1

After you sort out your health, you can focus on the money.

Money buys time. The time to do ..
what you want

Ideally, you will have an online business. This will give you freedom of time and location.

The last is relationships. Be around positive people, and date people that add value to your life (and you to theirs).

Focus on all 3 but this is the order of importance
8. Quit Porn

Porn used to be relatively harmless before the internet.

I remember as a teen, once every couple of months, stealing my friend's dad's Playboy when his parents left us alone.

"Wow! Boobs!"

These days, all you have to do is open up your browser, go to pornhub
and you can jerk off to every sick and twisted fantasy out there.


Watching porn is the fastest way to kill your soul, your focus, your energy and your ability to win in life.

PS: I am currently working on a guide to help men quit porn because it has...
reached a level of degeneracy that's threatening to the mental health of young men.

But I digress...
9. Go Outside

The last time I went home to Australia, I saw something truly depressing.

I was outside my gym, waiting for my brother to pick me up when I saw

a morbidly obese teenager from my old school watching a video on his iPhone, while munching on a Big Mac.
In my days, when school finished, I would go play sports outside with my friends.

We were usually either out on the rugby field or in the cricket nets.

Playing outside was natural to me because we didn't have smartphones back then.

We have regressed so far as a society that...
telling people to do basic sh!t like go for a walk is self improvement advice.

It's easy to get trapped in the digital world but understand that excessive screen time is NOT GOOD for your physical and mental health.

Get in nature as much as possible.

This is a "hack".
10. Spend time alone Daily

Life has never been as comfortable nor as easy as it is today.

Yet, more and more people are suffering from depression and anxiety.

It's a complex issue, but there's no doubt in my mind that a lot of it....
has to do with excessive screen time.

I know this to be true because I am one of the few lucky ones to have enjoyed a pre-internet childhood.

The more time you spend online, the more uninvited thoughts and ideas enter and pollute your mind.

Cleanse yourself by seeking time ...
alone daily.

Go for a long walk with nothing but a pad and pen.

Be alone with your thoughts.



Gift yourself an hour per day.

This will improve your mental and spiritual health.
11. 99% of the Worst Case Scenarios you imagined will never happen

Average people worry their life away.

They spend their limited time alive watching a mental movie of how bad their life will be.

They worry about being dying early, losing all their money and being alone.
Do you know what's NOT happening when you worry?

That idea that COULD solve your money worries is Not being turned into a business.

Those weights that WILL prevent you from dying early are Not being lifted.

The best way to murder worry is to drown it with Action.
12. Be Grateful

There is nothing I hate more than a self-indulgent, entitled POS.

I have lived on the side of poverty and among the rich.

Thanks to my amazing parents and the values they instilled in me,

I got out and now live a life I never could have dreamed of before.
There is nothing that boils my blood more than seeing a spoiled Westerner whinge about nothing

Ppl, if you want to be happy and be useful to society,

show some gratitude.

Every morning, think of or write down

3 simple things you are grateful for.

That's all it takes.
Imagine what your life would be like if those things were taken from you forever.

Then go forth and conquer the rest of your day.

That ends Part 1 of 3

If you made it this far, thank you for reading.

If you got value out of this thread and want to wish me a Happy Birthday, please like and RT the first Tweet of this thread.

Thank you very much indeed.
Part 2: https://twitter.com/waronweakness/status/1218285347051921410?s=20
Part 3 https://twitter.com/waronweakness/status/1218648797347307521?s=20
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