the GATE program in the United States, which started in the 1990's, has been the subject of scrutiny and interest among the conspiracy-minded, I have gathered together some sketches about the true purpose of the program by piecing together data to tell a story (thread)
first and foremost I have to give the warning that these are speculative conclusions based on an attempt to "fill the gap" of several overlapping sets of data that we have available as civilians, some of these inferences are based on deduction concerning history and sociology
to begin, the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program was rolled out at the federal although implementation differed on the state level, however in general these programs were effective at identifying children with exceptional intelligence and gathering them together
the GATE program would be used not only to identify and enrich the educations of exceptionally intelligent children, more importantly it would be used to identify children's psychological proclivities, in particular their aptitude for conformity
one of the biggest problems facing the USG in the late 20th century was making sure the best and brightest would be promoted to the frontiers of innovation, so their contributions could be put to the service of American society, but there is an inherent threat to genius
the problem with genius is that, on one hand, it is the necessary ingredient to successfully furthering the system of neoliberalism as we recognize it today, but it is also the greatest threat to the coherency of that system, which brings the crux of the GATE program into view
you want to promote "conformist" geniuses, who can be conditioned to the neoliberal mindset and forward its interests, without also threatening that status quo by "non-conformist" geniuses, whose innovations might change the shape of society and alter its ruling regime
we have historically observed that IQ positively correlates with outcomes *up to 130 IQ,* which also incidentally is the point at which individuals whose IQ exceeds that threshold pose the greatest threat to the status quo while they are also the most visible as children
if you look deeply into this phenomenon, you will be forced to answer why 130+ individuals fail to outperform their peers, which might be answered by several hypotheses, among them the hypothesis geniuses are oppressed by society
when you include the effect of programs such as GATE, which readily identifies geniuses, it is not beyond imagination to realize, given their identification, they might be targeted for suppression and diversion into obscurity, in order to reduce their non-conformist potential
measuring children's conformity is not especially hard to do, even an elementary school teacher might do it, they will readily notice how well children get along with their peers and observe that some can't help upsetting their local equilibrium
iow, to put it plainly, one of the purposes of the GATE program was to identify conformist and non-conformist geniuses, so that conformist geniuses could be assisted into important positions, whereas non-conformist geniuses could be diverted away from positions of influence
now it is time to interpolate some historically obscured elements, in particular Operation Paperclip - a program to repatriate Nazi scientists in the 40's and 50's to the US - and the work of Hans Asperger, whose work only became influential starting in the 80's
Operation Paperclip was a program run by the USG to select Nazi scientists after WWII and bring them to the US, so their vital scientific knowledge could be used to contribute to, among other things, rocketry and aeronautics (their most publicized use), to medicine and chemistry
one of the "features" of the Holocaust, at least seen from a strictly scientific perspective, is that you had many millions of humans upon whom you could perform various experiments, of which we know certain experiments took place, some of which would have included psychology
scientific knowledge gained from the Holocaust would be captured and rehabilitated by the USA and USSR (who were in competition), and doubtless included in this knowledge would be psychological experimentation on children (some of which we know through irreputable sources)
if you have studied CIA programs like MK-Ultra, then you would know that one of its basic techniques was directing funds to researchers who unwittingly engaged in research the CIA deemed vital, and much of that research is in fact public albeit not documented as influenced by MK
now we must bring up the work of Hans Asperger, an Austrian researcher known for his research on "autistic children," for whom "Asperger's" is named; his work rose into prominence in the 1980's, around the same time as programs like GATE were being considered and developed
the focus on autists, in particular "Aspies," is because they were recognized as children whose psychological predispositions precluded them from being unduly influenced by their peers, making them exceptional at resisting propaganda and, in turn, "viral carriers" themselves
this focus on autists is not really unusual when one considers there has also been a focus on individuals predisposed to dissociating, a feature that has been exploited by programs such as MK-Ultra (and much earlier) to create individuals who could be reliably "programmed"
very early on, theorists recognized the potential for technologies such as the internet to change the world by bringing people into contact would might otherwise never find each other, concentrating their energies and thus their overall ideological impact
however (and this becomes highly speculative), funding for the program was very limited when the USSR was no longer a threat and neoliberal ascendance was promised by people such as Fukuyama - the GATE program, already developed, was allowed to proceed but in a deprecated form
whereas there was an original intention to "load" every child with programming up to their limits, so that even if non-conformist their energies would still support the ruling regime, there wasn't enough resources so children were only installed with proprietary programming
this "proprietary" programming would be easy to overlook as such, e.g. school assignments that forced young children to analyze and interact with moral dilemmas, which would make their minds ready to identify and respond to particular patterns - memes, in other words
the basic purpose of GATE - to promote conformists and divert non-conformists - could still be easily deployed, at least by concentrating resources on the most promising candidates and pulling strings behind the scenes to help them occupy prestigious, influential positions
HOWEVER, there weren't really resources available for diversion, meaning many identified "non-conformists" mixed with the general population, competing with conformists for resources (eg scholarships) meant they were overlooked and effectively "nullified," at least for basic SES
so you have many, perhaps tens or even hundreds of thousands, of "non-conformists" who grow up with proprietary programming that can be easily exploited - and this is where you have your base of "weaponized autists" in the 10's through today
many of these non-conformists were labeled "autistic," at least in part because genius automatically differentiates itself from "normal" behavior by conforming itself to exploiting patterns in a way others might not think to, tho it might still be individually disadvantageous
iow, we automatically develop our behaviors with reference to ourselves as an average, and when you're exceptional, this means you assume a median of human behavior that simply doesn't exist, so you cooperate in situations everyone else defects, causing individual disadvantage
it is precisely this tendency to cooperate in situations the majority of people never even recognize as prisoner's dilemmas that makes (genius) autists so exploitable - provided with a situation seeming to resemble how we expect people should behave, we engage that behavior AGAIN
provided a situation where someone else seems to emulate that cooperate-defect pattern we expect of someone else on our level, we thus go on to engage in an attitude towards status quo norms which would fundamentally alter it, iow we "come out of our shell," unleashing our autism
sometime in the early 10's there came the spontaneous recognition by autist geniuses that the norms and attitudes of the majority *could be successfully countered with reason and argument,* with aesthetic affirmation following naturally IE WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG
thus you have an emergence of "weaponized autism" in the early 10's where enough autists found each other and could represent each other's expected cooperate-defect pattern, unlocking their potential to act as leaders in the development of novel information patterns - memes, iow
the election of Trump was notable in that it depended on a sufficient number breaching the "line" enforced by establishment sources permitting many others to follow along and summarily defect against the obvious ideology of the ruling regime
so, to tie together these strands, we have a high concentration of non-conformists who, in principle of their being spurned by the system, found each other and, recognizing their innate superiority, implicitly made the decision to overturn the ruling regime rather than obscurity
the legacy of GATE brought on the creation of a non-conformist army, led by genius autists, who as a *mere proof of concept* elected Donald Trump, and who are already going on to thrash the system to bits, becoming the true rulers of the world despite being targeted for obscurity
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