When we talk about Kainene, we always ask Adichie to “finish” the story. But Kainene’s disappearance is the reality of many Igbo families including mine.
My friend Chukwu Favour puts it better Kainene “is that child whose mother never found after the bombing at Obulo-Afo. The husband whose wife was killed at Afia N’ayi. Or the teenage boy who was forcefully conscripted into the Nigerian army on his way to the farm...”
Kainene symbolizes the loss of the Igbo man. 💔
Seeing as this tweet is doing numbers, I want to implore all Igbos (home and diaspora alike) to invest in their communities. Let us develop the East!

Renovate your community schools, provide scholarships for children, donate to libraries, health centers etc🙏🏾
Setting up a Garri Processing Mill, Palm Oil Processing Mill and Storage facilities in your village will not only fetch money for you but help the farmers in your community as well as generate employment for a lot of Igbos.
You can follow @thekelechiamadi.
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