This. But, I can explain where this animosity towards civil behavior comes from.

Time for a thread. 1/
The left has, for years, been taught that speech they disagree with, or simply dislike, is violence.

Not mere words. But violence.

When I was a kid, it was “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

(I was picked on, a lot. That was my mantra). 2/
The left has completely turned that on its ear.

Not only can words hurt you, but they are violence. VIOLENCE.  defines violence as “behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.” 3/
They equate words with physical, sometimes lethal, trauma.

This is important. Why?

Because when you believe that words are as dangerous as a gun or a knife, you’re going to act in self defense. 4/
Police in riot gear don’t show up to a peaceful, non-violent protest. Just saying. 7/
You also need to understand that all the accusations the left hurls at the right are really just MASSIVE amounts of projection.

Racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, bigotry, violence. All of it is what the left engages in on a daily basis. 9/
Ask any woman, minority, gay or trans individual who doesn’t toe the leftist line how they’re treated by the left.

Look at how Jessica Yaniv treats ethnic and religious minority women in Canada.

Ask Steve Scalise about violence.

And the left justifies it all. 10/
Why? Because in their mind, they’re morally superior to the right, merely because they disagree with and dislike what others believe, say, and do.

So their violence and bigotry are justified. No matter how deadly or vile. 11/
So OF COURSE they would be mad at someone for being civil to a person who they have been conditioned to believe is Hitler reincarnated.

“How can you be nice to someone who is committing violence on us?!?!” 12/
They can’t wrap their head around how you can be civil towards, friends with, or family of someone who holds beliefs they find tantamount to actually killing someone.

Because THEY are incapable of doing it themselves. 13/
To them, disagreeing with someone is also “hatred” of that person. Saying you disagree with gay marriage, for example, means you hate gay people.

Even if you’re gay. And they’ll not only bully you, they’ll smugly cheer when you kill yourself. If you’re conservative. 14/
But the slurs they hurl at women? Minorities? Gay and trans individuals? Totally fine, if those targets had the wrong ideologies.

They are bullies. Imagine what they’d do with more power over you. 15/
They are awful, hypocritical people. Which most of you know.

Their behavior needs to be mocked, ridiculed, and — when necessary — met with the same behavior (see: cancel culture).

People like Ellen and Vince Vaughn need to tell them to go pound sand. 16/
The problem in this world is not Trump. It’s not Ellen being cordial with W, and it’s not Vaughn shaking the president’s hand. We need more of that civility, not less.

The problem is the left. They are bullies. Bullies perpetually in pursuit of power. 17/
Their attempts to cancel people are born out of their belief words are violence and their fear of losing power when decent, civil people come together and realize we have more in common than not.

They can’t divide and conquer us when we’re not at each other’s throats. 18/
It’s why they encourage “How to talk to your racist MAGA uncle at Thanksgiving” garbage. They want to you to hate. The way they hate.

So they can have power. Don’t give it to them. 19/19
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