I have never done tweet threads on books, but seems like an interesting concept. It has helped me discover many great books (mostly from @shrinivassg) and I hope sharing my reading list helps others discover some, too.
Started the year off with a rather disappointing book, though.

Deep Work by Cal Newport.

Rate it 2.5/5. For a book about depth, the book is actually surprisingly shallow. It's one of those classic examples of "Could've been a blog post instead of a book."

I forgot to update this thread about books until someone asked me if I stopped reading altogether.

Other books I read in 2020 so far:
- The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins - 3/5
- When Genius Failed - 4/5
- Facebook: The Inside Story - 3/5
- The World as It Is - 3/5
Now Reading (6 and 7/n)
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