LETS TALK CONSENT. #THREAD To be valid, consent must meet 4 criteria: it must be—1. Continuous, 2. Enthusiastic, 3. Informed & 4. Freely given. At any moment, it can be revoked regardless of how far you are in the act. As soon as any of these are unmet, consent is no longer valid
1. Continuous - all parties are okay w/ the act continuing as it progresses. No hesitation or shaky grounds.

2. Enthusiastic - all parties are excited to do it. Consent isn’t always verbal so think body language & cues. Discomfort can be spotted if you pay attention.
3. Informed - all parties are in a RIGHT state of mind which means no drugs, alcohol or anything that would impact their judgement. They also have all the facts incl. crucial info like age & health status if applicable. They’re not being conned into the act or UNABLE to decide.
4. FREELY GIVEN - This one is important & I see A LOT of issues around that in today’s society. Your partner gives consent FREELY. Not out of pressure, coercion, manipulation (I.e if you really loved me...) & etc. You don’t have to “convince” them to say YES. It is FREELY GIVEN.
It’s pretty easy to skate on safe grounds w/ consent if you’re willing to PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS HAPPENING. I get it, emotions are running high& often times were aroused but it’s a RESPONSABILITY WE HAVE. Some of these are granted & ignoring them makes you an actual CRIMINAL.
***I’ll emphasize this again, but consent isn’t solely verbal. Pay attention to your 4 criteria. Someone can say yes to you but not mean it. Don’t just take your “yes” & go. There’s more to it. Choose to be a decent human being so all parties can have a good time, PERIOD.
We’ll be diving into consent & all it entails on @SisAreYouOkPod month’s theme of SEX. Love y’all & be safe out there ❤️❤️❤️
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