While it would be so easy for me to find 100 pictures of Eruri for this I don't want to do a rehash of Erwin's thread. So instead I will make it a combo of Eruri pics and moments, either from manga or official releases.
Day 1: To quote the synopsis of the ACWNR manga, Erwin and Levi are the "the greatest team of Titan-fighters humanity will ever know."
Day 2: Sukiya AU is an absolute Eruri goldmine 😆 Erwin & Levi going to the same school, being senpai and kouhai, eating beef bowl together and my personal fave element is that it gave us white-collar Levi and blue-collar worker Erwin. *Chefs kiss* for this AU
Day 3: When you don’t care about your own birthday but you are more than happy to take the opportunity to drink tea with your husband. Eruri is so married and so wholesome 🥰
Day 4: Dat size difference though 👀
Day 5: They just called all other couples ugly and you know what they are not wrong.
Day 6: Stylish gay man and his not so stylish blonde himbo.
Day 7: Remember how we as fandom collectively lost our minds when we were told during the USJ exhibit that Eruri were roommates? Though looking back at the anime I have to wonder how the hell we didn't figure it out sooner. Those books on their bed hold all the secrets 😏😉
Day 8: It was their destiny to be by each others side
Day 9: Don't mind Erwin. He's just making snowmen of himself and Levi. Nothing to see here. Just childish Commander being a childish Commander.
Day 10: When you are at a group amusement park date with bae but you cannot stop staring at him cause you are so in love. 🥰
Day 11: “The summer is so hot this year, and as the heat continues, it looks like Levi’s head is filled with thoughts of the Commander.” – I think the Editor just did my job for me 🤣

I mean who else is Levi really going to think about but Erwin when he rips his shirt off?
Day 12: When Levi wants to clean the entire SC before the New Year, Erwin being the supportive BF he is encourages Mike to join while grabbing a duster to help out. Can Eruri get more adorable? 🥰 Spoiler alert! Yes, yes they can. 💕
Day 13: Fellas is it gay have your Commander reflect back in your eyes while being naked? Just asking for a friend.
Day 14: Ok can we talk about how happy it makes Erwin when Levi approves of his tea choices. No wonder why Erwin risks it all to get the good quality stuff illegally and probably blows half the SC budget in the process to do that. All that to treat Levi and make him happy. 🥰
Day 15: It is so freaking adorable that Erwin reassures a new recruit that Levi is not scary. The very man who was sent to kill him. I like to think when it comes to Levi, Erwin does not notice how intimidating he is. He just sees Levi as a kindhearted, strong, beautiful man
Day 16: There canon height difference will always mess me up. Levi is so smol next to Erwin but we all know who is the stronger one in the relationship.
Day 17: This shot looks like a portrait that needs to be hanged in the Louve, titled, "A Couple's Judgement."
Day 18: "Goodbye, my love..."
Day 19: Every single time I see this picture my brain immediately gets tricked into thinking Erwin has a hickey and Levi's the one who gave it to him.
Day 20: This entire conversation was full of so many innuendos. I can't believe someone sat down & wrote this.

Erwin asking Levi to wear his stain with pride & Levi telling Erwin he'll show him exactly what he thinks of his honour.

As they say, "Ohh they Fooking!" 🤣
Day 21: Levi be like, "When will my husband return from the war? All I have is his coat to remember him by... Please return to me soon my love."
Day 22: Levi giving Erwin tea. What really gets me is how happy, soft and handsome Erwin looks. If this is from Levi’s POV does this mean that this is how he sees Erwin all the time? 💕
Day 23: They couldn't show us Erwin and Levi teasing each other while Erwin's in the hospital because *checks notes* the audience wouldn't be able to handle Soft Eruris...At least until Season 3 when we tear their hearts into itty, bity tiny pieces. 💔
Day 24: The lust and admiration on Erwin's eyes when he first saw Levi fly. Damn (Section) Commander Handsome, rein in the danger boner 🍆a bit, you are in a public place 😂
Day 25: Waiters AU where Levi and Erwin bond over the ridiculous costumes their employer forces them to wear.
Day 26: Just you know, some casual hand touching between two best bros. It's completely normal. Nothing gay to see here. Move along.
Day 27: Even if it's just a sketch it's so adorable we have a picture where Levi is sitting on Erwin's lap. Levi is at the perfect height for Erwin to rest his chin on his head 🥰

Also whenever I see this picture I immediately associate it with at @supasafeboss ♥️
Day 28: Chibi Eruris to make your day better 🥰
Day 29: Why does this looks like it is a start of a smut scene in a yaoi anime? 🤣
Day 30: The face you make 😳 when Levi calls you Commander outside the bedroom.
Day 31: Just a friendly reminder that Erwin and Levi dine together every day after expeditions. I'm sorry I just cannot get over how wholesome these two are 😭❤️
Day 32: I know it's a joke and a crude one at that but it is low-key adorable that Levi knows about Erwin's bowel movements. I guess if you are married for that long you really do know everything about each other. #eruriisanoldmarriedcouple
Day 33: Erwin abuses his powers as a Commander to trick Levi into going into the circus with him. Though I love it when they are actually there Levi has a box of popcorn on his lap and even his protest sounds sarcastic. Levi's tsundere around Erwin. Don't change my mind.
Day 34: Erwin and Levi are going to spoil each other rotten on Valentine's Day. Also, Yams emailed me to tell me that they boinked each other until Erwin passed out.
Day 35: Remember how we collectively freaked out when we got the Eruri proposal pic?! 😱 Then on top of that we got matching rings?

We are such a lucky fandom to have this much canon content for our ship 😍
Day 36: Levi will fight against the titans with the passion through Erwin who is his ONE AND ONLY PARTNER.

Do I even need to explain or say anything at this point? Cause once again the editor did my job for me.
Day 37: Get yourself a man who looks at you the way Erwin looks at Levi.
Day 38: Is it even an enemies to lovers ship if there isn't some aggressive handholding with a massive helping of belligerent sexual tension?
Day 39: Like I said before Mr Smith is definitely fucking the School Janitor.
Day 40: Remember that one time Levi broke the arm of that MP who dared to bad mouth and threaten Erwin in front of him?
Day 41: Erwin is the man Levi CHOSE to put his faith on.
Day 42: “Only One Man” 😭💔
Day 43: Seriously though is there anyone else in the series that Levi gives a look like this to? There is no other way to describe this but say, he is utterly smitten with Erwin.
Day 44: Levi has a vore kink... Who knew 🤷‍♀️ I love the absolute look of pleasure he has on his face while Zombie Erwin eats him alive. 🤣
Day 45: Erwin bought Levi a white suit as a present and then frets about it, wondering if Levi would actually like it. Eruri is so wholesome 🥰
Day 46: It’s good to spice up your relationship sometimes by slaying titans together.
Day 47: During the Female Titan arc, Erwin gave his own gas and blades so Levi could refuel and restock before taking on Annie.

Don't mind me, I'll be on my corner crying about how much Erwin loved Levi. 😭❤️
Day 48: Is this what they call parallels of the gay variety? 🤔
Day 49: You've fought well. It's all thanks to you that we've come this far. I'm making the choice. Give up on your dream and die. Lead the recruits straight into the hell. I will take down the Beast Titan."

No matter how many times I hear this I will never be ok with this 😭💔
Day 50: "Levi, Thank you."

Levi set Erwin free from his burden. In the process, Levi was vilified in the eyes of the public & even his colleagues. Not to mention the excruciating pain he must have felt letting the man he love go. So I concur with Erwin and say, Levi, Thank you
Day 51: I said this many times and I'll say it again. I'm never ever going to be over their canon height difference. 😍
Day 52: Erwin has a very thicc and cute 🍑 which I have no doubt Levi loves to squeeze at any given opportunity 😏

Sure they are soldiers in the middle of a war but that doesn’t mean Levi doesn’t have time for some subtle PDA with his BF.
Day 53: Just a gay man and his bi husband. Can just say that I love Erwin in mom jeans? Like I said before in my Erwin thread, this is the peak Bi Erwin outfit. I also love the little necklace that Levi's wearing. Is it bad that I HC Erwin gave it to him? 🥰
Day 54: Erwin's about to feed his berries to Levi and I'm not talking about the grapes on his hand. 🤭🤭
Day 55: Levi let Erwin go due to his personal feelings towards him. His decision was always about Erwin. No one else mattered when he made his decision on the roof. The outcome would still be the same no matter who else was up there with Erwin that day.
Day 56: Fellas is it gay to think of your assassination target's crotch right in the middle of a battlefield?
Day 57: I stan hard one badass Battle Couple
Day 58: Eruri official art really are just romance novel covers at this point aren’t they? 🤭
Day 59: Erwin’s a gentleman. He knows that you are meant to make someone tea right after they sucked your dick. It’s just good manners.
Day 60: I wish Erwin and Levi had a chance to see the ocean together 😢💔
Day 61: An AU where Erwin and Levi who are husbands running a successful tea shop together 🥰
Day 62: I know this is meant to be a badass and poignant moment but I honestly cannot get over how smol Levi looks next to Erwin 😂😅
Day 63: Remember that time we were told that Levi loves Erwin? ❤️ I don't care what anyone tells me & I know officials will never declare them truly canon. That doesn't matter to me because I know Erwin & Levi truly loved each other & this one of many of proof of that fact.
Day 64: Hug time!!
Day 65: Dat moment when the officials cater to your aesthetics with your fave ship. I feel so lucky and so grateful right now 🥰
Day 66: Eruri are that couple who are equal partners in every way.
Day 67: Erwin seduced Levi to join the SC with dat juicy ass 🍑👀 Change my mind
Day 68: Imagine being this sexy of a power couple. You can't cause you are not Eruri.
Day 69: The world around them is literally falling apart but they only have eyes for each other.
Day 70: At least Erwin had Levi by his side in his last moments...a small comfort Levi would never have.

Though I know for a fact Erwin would be waiting for Levi with BOTH hands stretched out to take him to the afterlife when Levi's time has come.
Day 71: I wish we knew what they were laughing about. I don’t think we ever seen Levi nor Erwin this happy. Only each other’s presence can make them feel so at ease they laugh with no inhibitions.
Day 72: I wish Erwin knew that even though he thinks (wrongly) that his life is worthless, there is someone for whom he is an irreplaceable existence.
Day 73: No way Levi was using his full strength in this scene. If he was Erwin would be on the ground with his throat cut. Something stopped Levi from going completely berserk & killing him. This makes me wonder did Levi know Erwin was his liege the moment he grabbed the sword?
Day 74: I don't think I even need to caption this cause this answer speaks for itself. The fact that Levi's like a "balloon dangling in the air" since Erwin died is absolutely heartbreaking.
Day 75: Fellas is it gay-

-You know what fuck it! Yes, it's gay! Eruri is super-duper GAY! End of story!
Day 76: Husbands with matching suits 😍 Also, Erwin left that jacket on the couch for Levi. Doesn't matter if Levi has a coat of his own. It's just instinct at this point for Erwin to leave his coat out for Levi. Don't change my mind.
Day 77: The contrast and the massive development in the Eruri relationship. BRB going outside and having a cry 😭💔
Day 78: Always by each others side 💕
Day 79: I love this picture. Levi's hiding from his own surprise birthday party while Erwin's trying reign in the mayhem while trying to ensure Levi's feeling alright. I just love the Eruri dynamic so freaking much 🥰
Day 80: Whoever drew this picture bloody well knew what this was going to look like. Erwin looks like he's a second away from softly caressing Levi's squishy cheeks. Cuties!! 💕
Day 81: All Ackerman's are enamoured with their liege and Erwin is Levi's one and only liege.
Day 82: Teatime with your hot Husband. Erwin's such a lucky man to be loved so unconditionally like this 💕
Day 83: There's a lot to love about this Eruri picture but let me also add a bit from an interview (which I posted earlier in this thread) where Isyama said it's normal for Erwin and Levi's hands to touch.
Day 84: The way Levi's gently lowering Erwin onto the roof. I-my heart 😭💔
Day 85: Where to begin with this...
A reporter comes in to interview Erwin & Levi opens the door & intimidates him, acting like Erwin's guard dog
Levi calls it "this room" not Erwin's room
On top of that, Erwin as per usual making up excuses for Levi being scary & intimidating.
Day 86: Four years...Four, long, lonely years and Levi is just as determined to fulfil his promise to Erwin since the day he made it.
Day 87: This bio highlights the symbiotic relationship between Eruri:

Meeting Erwin CHANGED Levi from a "notorious thug" to a soldier with a purpose. Levi BELIEVES in Erwin's strength more than anyone else.

In short, their relationship is based on mutual trust & respect.
Day 88: "...But Levi and Erwin is different, it is like, there is a situation which you can save someone by embracing and forgiving the imperfections of a person..."
Day 89: "...To Levi, no matter what outsiders say about the thing between him and Erwin, he never cares and plans to explain it. He thinks even explain, no one can understand..."
Day 90: For Levi, Erwin is his CHOICE with NO REGRETS for as long as he lives."
Day 91:

"He's Gone"

Day 92: An extension to Day 15 where Erwin tells a new recruit that Levi isn't scary. In this, it's Levi who reassures the recruit that Erwin isn't scary.

We stan the Only One Couple that see each other through rose coloured & is surprised at everyone who doesn't feel the same.
Day 93: Erwin and Levi's relationship is definitely something way beyond just friendship.
Day 94: Day 94: The story behind this picture is really adorable. Erwin's drinking by himself during a welcome party for the new recruits because he thinks he is going to intimidate them by his presence. Then Levi joins him cause he doesn't want Erwin to be alone.

My heart 😭❤️
Day 95: I don't think we'll ever get an explanation for this pic.

While I don't know whether this shot is due to paths, a flashback or Erwin's projection, I do know one thing- Erwin & Levi's story is completely & utterly intertwined with each other. That is an undeniable fact.
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