holy shit im kinda good at finding private info :flushed:
im watching a livestream about this guy named sephius rivendare and he said he wont reveal his twitter and i fucking found it im basically god
because who the fuck in their right mind would do this shit. i just think its so weird that he is not in jail. sorry if this is a jumble of mess but holy shit! i also forgot to mention i found his facebook along with the kiwifarms threads
im really not sure if anyone will see this but if anyone is interested in the first place in like looking into this shit but
the person that started the thread edited it and sent it to animal control october 1st 2018. sephius is still not in jail though which is why this is still relevant like... who just rape a dog, kills multiple puppies, rapes them and then fucks a dead deer and doesnt go to jail
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