I’m really sick of “cool kids” dunking on D&D because there are “better games out there.”

Yes there are

But guess what

Acting smug because an indie RPG you found on The Forge in 2006 is “better” than D&D isn’t going to convert anyone

It just makes you look like an insufferable ass

And those D&D players aren’t going to give two shits what you recommend
I want to add: I do not want to shield D&D from criticism. It NEEDS it. It deserves it. I’m saying that if someone says they love D&D then don’t just turn around and tell them how much ir sucks, maybe let them love it and look for a good time and a place for that criticism
And one more addendum: I’m not trying to tone police POC and others who are pointing out prejudices inherent in D&D - those conversations are absolutely needed and should happen all the fucking time regardless.
Friends, one more addendum: 99.99999999999999999% of indie game designers are not like this. They are awesome people that you can and should support. Explore indie games! Find games you like! There are so many fantastic indie RPGs out there!
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