Nikola Tesla
The Greatest Inventor in History
A Towering Genius
Electric Messiah

Who got credit for NTs inventions?
Who created the "Bulb"?
Who illuminated 1893 worlds fair?
How many Patents did NT have?
Born in Croatia 1856, NT spoke 8 languages.
Who invented E.generators, FM radio, robotics, sparkplug, and florescent bulbs?
Walking descendants?
Follow Bloodlines
1891 what is Tesla coil?
What is death rays?
Did the inventor of xrays find a way to communicate with other planets?
Looking glass?
Who is Einstein and Edison compared to NT?
What do you get when you rub amber and silk?
What is Queen Bee?
Who is Anthony Szigeti?
What is alternating current?
Why was JP Morgan heavily invested in Edison?
What did Edison steal from NT?
What is Thermo Magnetic motor,
Pyromagnetic Generator?
Who is George Westinghouse?
"Father of wireless "?
What did the Tesla coil provide?
Teslas connection to Niagara Falls?
Teslas connection to John Jacob Astor, who was taken out by JP Morgan on the...
Who funded Edison?
What is Magnifying Transmitter?
What was NT interest in Mars?
What is the WardenClyffe tower?
NT involvement in looking glass?
What is 3,6,9?
+ magnetism and electricity?
Artificial black hole?
Who was Tesla team of 2?
NT involvement in WW1?
What was Teslas phobia?
After NT was awarded Grand of "white" eagle, he stated he could smash atoms to produce radium.
What does that mean?
80 trunks of Alien tech and research?
Who raided Teslas work?
Who retained...
Research from FBI?
Who is John G.Trump?
When Q says we have it all...
Space force?
Looking glass?
What does POTUS have access to?
What is Free energy?

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