1 RT = 1 Health/Diet Tip
Let me begin this thread by reminding you the physical and metaphysical are one and the same; it is true you are what you eat, it is also true you are what you think, accordingly you think what you eat and you eat what you think. https://twitter.com/VEDIC_CYBERGOD/status/1214799425089998848?s=20
1. Your body knows what nutrients it needs, and tells you with cravings. Always give in. However, if its for processed or isolated foods, learn to interpret it & possibly find a better solution for the deficiency - e.g. you may crave ramen because you require sodium. Eat seaweed.
2. You must eat until you are no longer hungry, and no more. Gorging yourself will make you tired. This is why the restaurants of elites serve small plates. Eating only until not hungry + eating whatever you crave is known as "the Native American Diet".
3. Chew your food very well so it may be digested fully. Some Buddhists practice eating one grain of rice at a time. Dining is a ritual, and should be given its proper respect: taken slow and deliberate.
4. Fat is the first lifeforce, protein the second. Eat many game, gorged in butter and oil. Eat many diary, doused in honey and berry jam. Nuts, fruits and leaves need only be eaten when craved.
5. All things that taste like the sea hold the best of the sea: oysters, fish eyes, fish eggs.
6. The best, possibly only, way to consume vegetables is fermented. The gut is your most important brain, feed him well with probiotics; this is especially important in an age of antibiotics, C-sections and baby formula, damaging the proper descendance of maternal gut biomes.
7. Buy all your meat, eggs and milk from local ranchers, whose farms you've personally toured. Look at the cow and pig's eyes, you'll see if they're happy and well fed. Try looking up your state here: http://www.eatwild.com/ 
8. If you aren't buying from a local ranch, lamb is always preferable to beef. They don't take to grain easily (at worst, they'll be "grain-finished" just before butchering), so are always grass-fed.
9. You can get an entire cow or half cow (or lamb) butchered to store in the deep freeze and eat all year, to save ~50% on beef. A whole cow will feed a family of 4 for 1 year. There are also crowdsourced "cowpools" to get smaller portions while maintaining the bulk savings.
10. Gravity or reverse osmosis filter all your water, including showerhead and sinks. Don't settle for any lesser filter - you need to get rid of flouride and xenoestrogens. For deflouroding your pineal gland, take iodine drops.
11. Better yet, find a local spring ( http://findaspring.com ); you'll get better water, clean, for free. You drink brita filtered tap. I fill up at an underground aquifer blessed by a past pope, known for life extending properties. We are not the same.
12. You can buy cornish chicks for like $2 at feed supply stores, they'll be full-size ready to eat in 6 weeks. You can debone whole chicken by just sticking it in the slow cooker until the meat falls off. Then turn the leftovers into bone broth.
13. Everyone should make their own yogurt, kefir, kimchi, beer. It's cheap & easy, healthier and tastier.
14. You can also roast your own coffee and make your own bread easily at home. If you buy it at the store, you're a poorbrain and probably flouridated too.
15. Potatoes don't belong in the fridge, they'll generate poison if you do. They also rot onions if stored nearby. Oranges, bread, apples, tomatoes, garlic, herbs, they all last longer outside. Learn your materials, life isn't so simple as fridge = preservation.
16. Probiotic pills can be PIRATED! it’s so simple, you just unleash them into a yogurt culture. In BAM, BAP suggests Gastrus is expensive - it doesn’t have to be, look up L. reuteri yogurt.
17. Most pills are ineffective, they just stuff the item in with no concern for bioactiveness. The only brands I endorse are Thorne Research and HealthForce. In general, you can find a non-pill delivery for anything. It's more raw that way, anyway. pills are spiritual HRT.
18. Egg yolk should be eaten raw, for cooking destroys its nutrients. Egg whites should never be eaten raw, for it has anti-nutrients... Egg whites should be eaten cooked, for cooking destroys its anti-nutrients.
19. You can boil eggs easily en masse by putting them in a rice cooker filled to half with water and a splash of vinegar, hit cook. Tastiest way to eat raw eggs is dropped into beer and swished.
20. The only materials that should ever touch your food, in cooking and in eating, are: cast-iron, copper, ceramic, wood and stone.
21. You can make almost everything you need with only a cast-iron pan with lid and a dutch oven or slow cooker. Everything else is superfluous.
22. Any practiced recipe that requires more than ~20 minutes actual work (not counting cook time, marination, etc) is decadent. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that, but you must understand it was meant to be prepared by servants for their betters. Not you, for yourself.
23. One must be discretionary when seeking "traditional" recipes, whose global degeneration began at minimum with "discovery" of the Americas, and most "cuisines" are descendant family recipe-books; many of which are low caste, most likely to surreptitiously drift from tradition.
24. As I've noted elsewhere, you must never forget that gut biomes are not only largely determinant of food reaction, but also multi-localized, from race to tribe to family. If your local cuisine tradition's been severed, you must make great food experimentation to reconstruct it
25. You can buy unopened clams by the bag for very cheap, and open them yourself easily, there's a trick to it, and once you learn it, it makes a great party trick, or party favor, rather.
26. I will now teach you the most efficient coffee prep (TW: Left hand recipe). Microwave mug of water till boiling. Pour espresso grind in mug. Stir, drink.

This is called "Czech coffee". I believe they learned this imitating the turks.
27. A most powerful brew can be made gathering spring's fallen pine cone pollen into a tea. This is the secret to the American frontiersman's many feats of endurance.
28. A garlic clove a day, eaten raw and whole, keeps the doctor away. You will never get sick, ever. If you do get sick, eat a bag of oranges. I learned this one from William Burroughs.
29. Brushing your teeth destroys the enamel. Swish with coconut oil 15m daily to clear stuck food bits and strengthen + whiten teeth ("oil pulling") and scrub the tongue with a 'tongue scraper' to remove germs/smell. Dentists are crooks!
30. Chew gum to strengthen jaw muscles and become beautiful (this is traditional version of "mewing"). Order boxes of turkish "Falim" online, it is sugarless tasteless rubber. one piece will last up to 72 hours!
31. the 5 most essential versatile herbs you MUST keep stocked in your medicinal drawer: ginger, cayenne, cloves, chaparral, peppermint. I will give U one secret remedy: put cayenne pepper in open cut, it will seal overnight! This is not a troll, it doesn't burn, trust me!
32. Cayenne pepper is a god spice, but cooking it burns its remedial properties. It should be ground in at the end of all cooking, or better yet - keep it on the table along with your salt and pepper.
33. Plantstuff vegetables, nuts etc. are naturally toxic, to prevent being damaged by animals. Should be avoided. Fruits, however, are designed to be nutritious, and are accordingly delectable, so their seeds are spread, and roots aren't toxic as they're hard to reach by animals.
34. no poo https://twitter.com/neltnin/status/1215377256618627072?s=20
35. for beautiful skin, as far as cosmetics are concerned, shower with grapeseed oil and scrub, hard, with exfoliating bath cloth. use vitamin C serum on the face and tan with coconut oil.
36. The most important aspect thing weight lifting does for your looks is improves posture. The second most important thing is it strengthens the neck and jaw. Commercial gyms are a meme, just buy kettle bells and a pullup bar. Calisthenics & swimming also valid, but nothing else
37. Dish soap is unnecessary, ruins the taste of foods and keeps your immunity weak. Just rinse and scrub. Cast-iron equipment will teach you to be comfortable with this truth, as well as the depths of flavor available to uncleaned utensils.
38. You must make water fasts part of your diet, ~5 days every month is a good target, but you can begin with 3 days every few months. It cleanses not only your cells, but your addiction to palate; expands time and teaches you true satiation.
39. In general, moderns suffer from salt, sun and fat deficiencies. You may notice these are all targeted as problems to be minimized; these deficiencies are engineered. Salt and butter your foods liberally, and sunbathe daily.
40. It is inaccurate poverty demands a poor diet. The low demand for healthy food means it's more expansive industrially produced, but traditionalist efficiency of traditionalism means it's cheapest if DIY'd at home.
41. If you struggle for both time and money to eat well, consider that eating itself is mostly optional: even on trash diets, you can fast 50% of your life, and would be better off those than "poor" who gorge themselves daily. Bad diet is a product of a bad mind, nothing else.
42. Trust the whole, not the isolate. Nutrition science has barely scratched the surface of holistic interactions of foods with our bodies. It's never as simple as just taking more of this vitamin or that compound. https://twitter.com/BPD_GOD/status/1167479712681058304?s=20
43. Hype for cold showers is real. Your body benefits from the training. Don't forget steaming is good, too, though. You should treat it to the full spectrum of experience. But cold showers, weight lifting and sunbathing are king.
44. It's not that difficult to live a life free of toxins after getting the hang of things. Install filters on your taps, set up sources for drinking spring water, schedule meat and produce deliveries from local farms, use natural cleaners in the home. That's basically it.
45. If your home life is clean, your body will be robust; you need not waste energy worrying about BPA in receipts, mercury in fish, radiation in Japanese beer, MSG in burgers (actually not bad for u). Regularly well-fed body is strong enough to deal with eating out effortlessly.
46. Women don’t belong in the gym; female “exercise” is itself a myth. A woman only needs to live a good spiritual life and a diet which mirrors that to be shapely and beautiful.
47. Sex will always be the ultimate workout. Swimming is a good second.
48. Tea plant stores fluoride from the soil very easily; be wary. You should only consume Japanese green tea bought loose leaf, organic - Japan has much less natural fluoride content than China, Indian & Taiwan. White tea also better than green/black bc it is harvested earlier.
49. Fluoridated middle class exoticism has everyone singing praise about green tea "antioxidants", but coffee has many too. Have no guilt, I recommend 10+ cups a day. If u drink it black, u may feel jittery or anxious, a signal more glucose is required; pair with something sweet.
50. Yes, organic is a "meme" that's easily circumvented. All industrial classifications are, grass-fed can be grain-finished, free range can mean a pop hole. The sentiment is correct tho, so when someone says "buy butter grass-fed", verify its truly grass-fed, not only by name.
51. Always prefer local farms and local foods. Personally verify them, even if it just means googling reviews or looking at pics of their farm. You only have to find the right suppliers one time for the rest of your life's weekly groceries, it's really not a big burden.
52. "Learning to cook" is a myth. Cooking is just fire, iron, fat and salt. There is nothing to be taught, only a skill to be trained thru experience - both in cooking & in eating. "Trying a new recipe" is indulgent hobby, housewives pasttime, something adjacent to cooking itself
53. I shall teach you the only recipe you need to know:
- Cast-iron on grill
- Wait till hot
- Slap on butter
- Slap on whatever u want to eat. steak, fish, eggs, potatoes, whatever
- Take off when done

Everything else is extraneous.
54. I shall teach you the Second Recipe:
- Closed lid dutch-oven on grill
- Heat on low perpetually
- Add meat, bones & vegetable scraps
- Fill with water + splash of salt and/or raw ACV
- Pour out broth for soup when needed
- Refill water & add more scraps when needed
55. This is the perpetual broth. The broth is a black hole whose gravity draws out all nutrients. Everyone should maintain in their home, for all food scraps. Discard hollowed materials & continuously refill. Never turn off or clean. I have supped from a broth aged 680 years yet.
56. Grilling is the right hand path of cooking, baking the left hand path. Be very wary of the pastry's dark allure; not to mention the cake, which through black arts somehow disappears precious eggs.
57. Most of you already know this, but good diet is the exact opposite what is taught by government institutions: Fat is good. Meat good. Salt good. Grains bad. Processed Sugar evil. Vegetables, carbs are okay at best. Calories don't matter.
58. Eating healthy isn't complicated. If you just eat tons of meat, plus dairy (milk, but also fermented dairy e.g. yogurt, cheese, kefir) and eggs, and whatever fruits & berries you find around, you'll feel like a king everyday.
59. Intermittent fasting, daily 16 hour fasts (aka skip breakfast, no snacking), is worthwhile.
60. The only good mainstream diet is keto (aka no carbs) but this isn't worth pursuing long-term. Carbs aren't the problem, but it works because it's simple enough rule that forces normies to 1. eat lots of meat, 2. eliminate grains, 3. avoid sugary processed foods, 4. fast.
61. Never trust Western medicine, or any doctor, surgeon, dentist. The autistic experiments of western medicine has been the leading cause of death and debilitation in modernity since at least the invention of the 18th century invention of the hospital.
62. Health is a constant practice, not something that breaks occasionally and you take in to get fixed. Eat well, live well, think well and you will not experience the extreme illnesses of contemporaneity: diseases such as cancer are not of man but of modernity.
63. When sick, food is always the first medicine, and herbs the second. Outsourcing health to Western "experts" is only useful in extreme cases, in very rare diseases or where elaborate surgeries and treatments are required; if you must utilize them, do so with extreme caution.
64. Illness is always partly psychological. You must will yourself to betterment, and address lingering mental malaise that prevent recovery. The mind has always fallen first before the body.
65. The only exercises a man actually needs are pushups, pullups & squats, and variations on them to increase resistance - one handed, weighted, etc. They should be done daily, in the home.
66. Stomach vacuums are a favorite exercise, will tone abs quickly. Procedure simple: exhale all air, pump out chest & suck in stomach as if it wishes to touch spine. Continue holding while breathing. Can be done anywhere; should be done 10 sets of 10 reps for 10 seconds daily.
67. Stomach capacity, how much you can eat more in a sitting, can be trained like any other part of the body. Simply eating more will work, but the best exercise is actually chugging large amounts of water very quickly. Do ramp up your training slowly, overhydration can kill.
68. Wim Hof breathing method is effective tool before any intense activity, from bracing the freezing cold to hikes of heroic endurance, providing temporary immunity from the physical. Detailed steps attached.
68. Breathing technique for strenuous cardio, eg mountain climbing, enclosed inside: https://twitter.com/bpd_god/status/1187474656615256066?s=21 https://twitter.com/BPD_GOD/status/1187474656615256066
69. Incense is good, but this is something you should be sure to buy organic; low quality incense is made with toxic chemicals, e.g. most Indian factories. I recommend Shoyeido and Nippon Kodo. Incense is an inexpensive high luxury, you can find boxes of 300 sticks for ~$10.
70. Efficient "clean" living divorced from industrial consumerism calls for simple systems utilizing small selection of versatile bulk materials. e.g. you can mix all the various cleaners you'll ever need for a house w only liquid castile soap, baking soda, water, lemons & vodka.
71. All traditional cuisines follow the same principle; this knowledge is greatly lost by the confused approach to cooking as a hobby. Learning a cuisine means organizing a new set of ingredients, possibly purchasing equipment and learning new technique. Not "learning" "recipes".
72. If a clear ancestral cuisine has had its branch broken before reaching you, either by lack of proper maternal filiaty or miscegenation, a program of personal reconstruction is required; diet exploration and self-experimentation to your unique ethnic stomach.
73. A personal cuisine as a set of recipes is an atheistic abomination. It should be a set of core ingredients, spices and tools you know intimately; a controlled domain that can be explored effortlessly, combined in various ways, and undergo informed experimentation.
74.The best respect you can give domesticated livestock is to eat it well; those who hope to "rescue" it from its life purpose by refusing its meat do it great dishonor. The hunted is honored by simply being hunted well.
75. Address your insecurities. All self-destructive pathologies and conscious-heavy delusions stem from the subconscious trying to protect the ego against the pain of your insecurities. Becoming one w yourself is same as becoming one w the world, and you'll live without burden.
76. I wake up every day in a glowing love for the world & all its inhabitants. My eyes twinkle like diamonds from perennial mirth, my step is light & I dance where I stand. I shine with beauty, never souring except in jest, loved by all except the bitter. Can you say the same?
77. Get your raw honey local for immunity benefits
78. Personally I've good result from vit D, coffee, l-theanine, l-arginine, zinc, L gastrus. for liver recovery, dandelion and milk thistle extract. for cold, vitamin C overdose. for sleep, melatonin spray, clove tea. for aphrodisiac, yohimbe, l-citrulline, pine pollen.
79. One must keep experimenting for maximum supplement gainz. I've heard good things about glycine for mood. I've heard ice cream & coffee before sleep is important pair. I may turn some my pine pollen from powder to vodka tincture, i hear it goes from aphrodisia to multivitamin.
80. Human body is unbreakable and also nutritionally individuated. It's much faster and more reliable to self-experiment with trial & error supplementation then undergoing extensive nutritional study; all useful supplement discoveries are found this way, and "understood" later.
81. The bodybuilding community is only space where masculine good health is still found in the modern West outside of certain trades; because of this, many confuse them for pursuing a natural basic health. Make no mistake: bodybuilding is a sport and an art; it sculpts the body.
82. Bodybuilding is at its best a self-fetishizing cult pursuing a spiritually noble ideal, the objective eternal beauty of man; at its worst, in its lower forms, a fetish of the exercise, ennobling any extreme achievement of training with subjective aesthetic impunity...
... but as a community embarking on collective self-experimentation, it is a great engine of heuristic anatomical and nutritional knowledge, extremely valuable even to disinterested men who seek simply to recover good health in modernity, which can be borrowed sans fetishism.
83. I am suspect mainstream hype for drinking many water. Most water these influencers drink is either poisoned or distilled. The touted value in water is actually in its minerals and electrolytes. You must seek quality of water, great quantities of bad water will do you nothing.
84. Many hyped health fads are false. Avocados unsaturated fats produce free radicals; fish oil suppresses immunity; lettuce is antimetabolic; charcoal absorbs nutrients. Look to ancient practices—ayurvedic, daoist, iranian—to find medicine u seek, not white women "nutritionists"
85. If you suffer internal ailment, eat a beast's corresponding organ. Heart to heal the heart, liver to heal the liver, eye to heal the eye. A secret study performed where radioactive isotopes used to track transport of eaten organ meats: nutrients DO reach corresponding organ.
86. https://twitter.com/BPD_GOD/status/1215322563250835456?s=20
87. For those many here suffering wrist pains due to excessive web surfing, the best remedy is Baoding (iron) balls used in Qi Gong, spun in circles in hand, both balls always touching. Otherwise, just learn some basic wrist exercises to do on occasion.
88. Regarding sleep, I recommend on floor, on hard wood or thin futon, on back or left side. Wake to sunlight. Use 1mg melatonin spray to regulate sleep cycle if yours is messed up, only until fixed not everyday. Around 2 am, wake up for a few hours to write before sleeping again
89. House plants clean the air and their sight will improve mood. The Snake plant and Money plant are easiest to grow ‘air plants’. Fake plants, however, will invite ghosts to your home. The flower bouquet is a weekly cycle of youth & aging, a memento mori and metaphor for women.
90. You should walk a lot. Pace when you talk, pace to think, stroll after dinners and before you begin the day, meet friends for a stroll. If your feet hurt it’s because you wear bad shoes. Best walking shoes are boomer low boots, eg Keen; the best standing shoes are clogs.
91. When was the last time your bare feet or hands ever touched natural, solid Earth?
92. Losing weight is not about counting calories, but increasing metabolism. The fastest ways to do it, in combination with daily bodyweight exercise, is water fasting or intermittent fasting, no carbs ketogenic diet and/or cold showers. Everything else is BS.
93. The brain can be trained like any other muscle, specifically, it’s neurons - which form and solidify neural pathways as habits. I suspect living a life too deeply ingrained in habits degenerates the brain, and small daily disruptions of the habitual will keep it youthful.
94. Tip to avoid getting trained by your touchphone's dopamine manipulations: turn on B&W mode in accessibility settings. Brain evolved strong response to saccharine colors as an identifier of fruit; advertising, casinos all utilize this. Also, take caution women dressed in red..
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