You have been lied to all your life.
They have told you it will make you sick. They have told you it will give you heart disease. They want you weak. I want you strong. That is why I now bring to you the esoteric knowledge of the raw egg cult.
The whole “cholesterol bad” myth is a vast demonic conspiracy to rob us of our health and beauty. Most doctors can’t even explain what cholesterol “is”. Think of it as a package - fat wrapped in a protein box with an address label telling it which cell it needs to go to.
If the fat is unstable (vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, etc), it damages the protein address label and the cholesterol package becomes a zombie, wandering around your body without reaching its intended destination, finally disintegrating and ending up on your artery wall.
So, cholesterol itself isn’t the problem. It’s giving unstable fat to your body to make cholesterol with that can kill you.

Cholesterol made from stable fat is incredibly good for you. It’s what you make your androgen hormones like testosterone from. Most are deficient.
Your body converts cholesterol to testosterone at about a 5-10% rate depending on your level of thyroid function. It also creates other androgens from it that are essential for muscle growth. Importantly, it does it in a balanced way that you cant replicate from pinning test.
The association between cholesterol consumption and increase in lean muscle mass was far stronger than protein intake
In this study, the high cholesterol group had nearly 3 times higher myofibrillar protein synthesis rate 22 hours after intense resistance exercise than the low cholesterol group
In the clinical setting I can tell you that when a patient goes on statins their strength starts deteriorating immediately. Cholesterol drugs are a population control op imo. If you have loved ones taking them, get them off and force feed them cholesterol and saturated fat.
The egg is symbolically balanced between the Apollonian solar yolk and the Artemisian lunar white. The masculine virilizing nutrients are almost entirely found in the yolk.
Now we put this knowledge into practice, what Vince Gironda pioneered with a few tweaks.


“8 weeks of this is as good as a cycle of dianabol”
I break these up into shakes, it’s very manageable.

Key is, buy best quality eggs you can get ahold of. I like @vitalfarms pastured eggs (not pasteurized, different things).

This is more nutritious and will keep you safe from bacteria.
If biotin-binding is a concern, separate the eggs, cook the whites, and eat the yolks raw. The rawness is for ease of consumption and to avoid denaturing the fat or cholesterol.
Also make sure to keep your glycine consumption high while doing this, to balance out the methionine.
This is my favorite recipe
Another way to make this is with eggs, cream/milk, cocoa powder, maple syrup or glycine as sweetener. Its like a very rich chocolate milk. You can also put in raspberries or frozen cherries or banana and it’s delicious.
Another variant is to make this with cashew butter, cream, dates, cinnamon, and a little bit of maca
I should also mention that if you put any of these shakes in an ice cream freezer you’ll get a very nice frozen custard
You can work your way up to 36 if you have digestive issues. This is a very good probiotic for digestion, also produces testosterone, contains the l.reuteri strain recommended by @bronzeagemantis
Imagine the possibilities...maybe I will make a tropical raw egg shake with 🥥 and 🍍 to sip when I am on the beach being slathered in olive oil by Brazilian beach volleyball qts
You can follow @BenBraddock67.
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