Ill try my best to give yall a step by step this friday. But im gonna season them today cause thats how you do it marinate em bony meats for a day or too w sazon.
first thing is first for me when i cook so i make my sazon using cilantro MACHO red onions mad garlic a combination of red/green peppers mostly red, cellery apple cider vinegar, ajicito dulce issa must and Dominican oregano ONLY. You put it in your blender and walaaaaa sazon
While im prepping for friday im here cooking my todays meal as well. Say hello to my little beans. Theyre boiling a fuego lento cause thats how its lit. Mind you its just beans,auyama and oregano in there nothing else.
My ingredients.... that salt is the shit tho
So i dont measure when i cook im sorry but this is how i threw everything on my rabo.
So imma put it in the fridge until friday and ill add whatelse i do. Also i buy and season my meat fresh. Meaning i dont throw it in my freezer without seasoning because the last thing i was is my meat to soak in all that blood juice back in. Idk if it makes sense but thats me.
Ok so im ready. This is what the oxttails look like today after spending lots of time under the sazon. Also this is the oil i will be using not too much because the oxtails have lots of fat and you dont have a greasy nasty rabo. Also ask the butcher to remove most of it.
So theyre gonna be cooking med fire for about 45 mins to an hr so im gonna chop up the veggies (red pepper,cilantro and onions) and see if i have red wine to pour on it. Ill start my moro then. We have time.
And shoutout to @chrissyteigen and her popping pots. These make the best rabo ever so i gave up on my dreams of owning my own royal prestige set cause we goooooood
Should i do a thread on my moro negro too?!? Or am i just doing too much for my 3 followers lol??
Okay so boom. This is all i will use for my moro negro plus a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Imma make this one shorter cause idk if i have it in me to keep doing step by step and tend my house lol
So i was taught differently but i kind of drifted into my own way of cooking. You know throw the season and the beans in the pot but i chose to pit the season right on the beans and just saute it on the pot along with my olive oil. I used the ninja to puree my ajicito and garlic
I was supposed to chop my veggies but im tiredddd af from work so i didnt do it yet. Im not going to go in to the rice process cause thats odee and this is a free service announcement. Btw i forgot i have to make a chivo tomorrow for @_garii04 dad!! Are we still on?
Next step i hate greasy oxtails so remove all that extra oil the meat makes.
A put it where its lacking..... i like to try to keep my moro as natural as possible but still flavorful. Theres no “right” way to do it use whatever you need to use to get it to how you like it
Final touches for the oxtails... naranja agria was godsent for us cibaeñas that use it to cook everything.
Secret weapon this shit is crazy i cough if I accidentally inhale when i open this so i use a tiny tiny tiny bit and dilute it. This is for the oxtail sauce.
This is my plate theres salsita but idk i dont think it looks okay for the pic lol! Btw the meat fall off the bone.
My version of Camarones Criollo:

Season the shrimp with garlic and oregano and the sauce its just tomato paste salt pepper cilantro red and green peppers sopita and naranja agria. I needed an onion but was too sick to step out but they’re necessary so get em
All the ingredients for my version of Ginger Soy Salmon. Someone gave me this recipe and its one of my favorites.
To both the ginger and garlic using a little salt so them bitches dont be jumping around
Wash the salmon as you would if you do. I used lime water because lime never hurt. So add your garlic and ginger al gusto. Salt pepper oregano squeeze the lime and some soy sauce. Thats the only one i had it works. A let it chill for a few mins.
I wish i could video it but i cook too fast and that would slow me down destroy my inspirationa and nah. This is how i left my salmon hang out before i throw it in the oven
So i had regular potatoes and i had to use then. I peeled sliced them thin because i am going to throw them in the air fryer. Garlic paste,salt,pepper, that dry seasoning is the bombs and olive oil.
Theres no such thing as too much garlic
Shout out to my sis cause she be mosting. This is for real my favorite salmon style.
I toasted the shit out of my Dominican oregano for this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️
When the meat fall off the bone for me>>>>
This is the color of my "pollo al caldero" On an "iron clad" pan
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