10 years ago I spent some time in Beijing working on a project which helped enhance the advocacy capabilities of Chinese environmental NGOs (ENGOs) /1
Together with American and Chinese colleagues we organised a national summit for ENGOs, supported local pilot initiatives and published a Chinese-language book on the subject of collective policy entrepreneurship /2
Fast forward to 2020 and such capacity building work seems like a fading dream. Under Xi Jinping we have seen the rise of an increasingly totalitarian Chinese security state /3
To defend its authority at home and abroad, the Chinese Communist Party has declared an ideological war on open societies /4
The CCP's ideological war is directed against anyone within or outside China who believes in ideological pluralism, constitutionalism, democracy, human rights and the rule of law /5
In the following I would like to highlight a number of key party documents and/or laws which make up the CCP's metabolising censorship regime /6
Over the past few years I have noticed that many people outside China—including NGO practitioners, journalists and academics—are not aware of these party edicts or laws. This leads to an information asymmetry which undermines a critical engagement with China /7
National Intelligence Law (2017). "All organizations and citizens shall, according to the law, provide support and assistance to and co­ operate with the State intelligence work, and keep secret the State intelligence work that they know" /12

Epilogue: if you are a policy maker / NGO practitioner engaging with China or a journalist / academic researching Chinese politics, please be mindful of the existence of these illiberal and anti-democratic edicts & laws issued by the Chinese Communist Party /End
We can now add the “Five Never Allows” (五个绝不答应) (2020) to this growing list of illiberal party directives. https://twitter.com/jeromeacohen/status/1301971334948364289
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