So, a few days into the new year, I thought I'd belatedly start a biking challenge. I'll tweet my rides every day with #Bike365. Want to join me?

What do you want to see? KMs? Pics? Purpose of trip? (I warn you, most will be hauling kids to school) #BikeYVR #YVRFamilyBiking
#Bike365 day 1: New Year's Day family seawall ride... along with most of the rest of the city! ~26km, 6yo rode more than half on her own bike!
#Bike365 day 2: biked kiddo to an appointment. Maybe 1 km? 🀣
#Bike365 day 3: biked to Costco (with 2 kids!! Alone!!) & then the opposite direction to another kid appointment. In the rain. 😝🌧🌧🌧12km total.
#Bike365 day 4: Biked one kid to a friend's for a playdate. Enjoying the pogies I got as a present from an awesome friend! 3.5km
#Bike365 day 5: last day of Xmas holidays seawall ride with the kids to Granville Island. Bribed them to get out of their PJs with the promise of treats. 11km (6yo rode 8km of that!)
#Bike365 day 6: biked the kids to school. Picked them up & hit our favourite cafe & bike shop,  for snacks. Grabbed a few groceries on the way home too. About 13km.
#Bike365 day 7: our old "Vancouver quality" plastic shovel broke a while ago, & there's snow in the forecast, so I picked up a new metal snow pusher on the way home from school dropoff. After biking one kid to & from skating lessons, 13km for the (very πŸŒ§β˜”πŸ’¦) day.
#Bike365 day 8: I wouldn't call it a nice day, but it wasn't raining! School dropoff & pickup, 12km. Really enjoying #PogieLife
#Bike365 day 9:
School dropoff, then I had to pick up a kickstand & tires. Also a mochaccino muffin. My life is hard 🀣

Collected the kids, then after dinner picked up a selfie stick from a Buy Nothing Group neighbour. Now I can take blurry selfies from farther away! πŸ˜‚ 15km.
#Bike365 day 10: snow! (Well, snain/sleet) But above 0Β°C, so I biked the kids to school the @ternbicycles GSD, which doesn't have the studded tires on it yet. Handled the slushy roads just fine, going slow. School run x 2 + groceries = 13km
#Bike365 day 11: gorgeous day out, despite some serious crosswinds! Small Costco run on the @ternbicycles #GSD. Only bought about 30 lbs of groceries, but the kids were each a couple pounds of ice cream & hot dogs heavier on the way up the hill home! 🀣 8km
#Bike365 day 12: quick library run (2km) to pick up a hold just before closing time. Toted both kids on our @YubaBicycles #Mundo with the #Schwalbe studded tires. Roads are a bit slushy & it's going to freeze overnight. 😬 #VikingBiking
Huh, I've ridden over 10km/day on average in 2020.
#Bike365 day 13: roads were ice & packed snow, but no big deal with studded tires! School dropoff, then on our way home from pickup, we did a little shovelling at beg buttons & through the plowed bank at the Main & 14th plaza bike lane. 12km.
😠 Image description didn't post for all pics. 1. Me & my kids on longtail cargobike in snowy alley. 2. Road bike leaning on longtail cargobike with two snow shovels sticking out back of bag. 4. My husband & kid shovelling 2 paths thru small snowbank that had blocked bike lane.
#Bike365 day 14: the roads are more pulverized "brown sugar snow", which is a bit harder to bike in, but still doable with studs! The bike routes & bike racks are a bit lonely--haven't seen many other cyclists out there! School runs, then skating lessons: 20km for the day.
#Bike365 Day 15: today would've been a busy day of toting kids to & from school, appointment, Sparks... but #Snowmageddon. Everything got cancelled; we didn't have to go anywhere. We did walk to the park & a cafe, but both are so close that it doesn't make sense to bike. 0km
Oops, Image description for previous: two children each pulling a plastic snow sled, waiting to cross a street. snow covered road & tree-lined park in the background
#Bike365 day 16: bikeways are an unrideable mess, but school's back on, so I biked the sidewalk all the way to & from school. 😬

If only I could ride on the well plowed road *I live on* without drivers being aggro around me & my kids...
#Bike365 day 17: bikeways around here are still unrideable, with a loose sand-like layer of snow over ice. So I rode mostly on the sidewalk, with a bit of taking the lane on the absolutely bare 16th Ave. Only a few punishment passes. πŸ™„ School run x2: 12km
#Bike365 day 18: grocery run with one kid. Roads are slop. Had a clear rut some of the time, but kiddo had to help push once we got to our back lane loaded with groceries! 3km. #VikingBiking #SlushBike
#Bike365 day 19: quick trip to the store, solo. Back to our regular #BikeYVR weather: rain.

Slush/ice is slowly melting away, but still enough to reduce access to beg buttons & make many side streets & lanes tricky. 2km
#Bike365 day 20: pro-D day for the kids, only music class to go to. Back on the @ternbicycles GSD! (I didn't bother putting the studded tires on for only a week of sub zero temps) 3km.
#Bike365 day 21: school runs plus skating, 20km. It was raining for 4/6 trips, but hey, we're #NotMadeOfSugar! Here's hoping we can leave the studded tires at home for the rest of the winter. #BikeYVR #CarFreeFamily #YVRFamilyBiking
#Bike365 day 22: phew, it was one of those "dry out all the rain gear just in time to put it on & get it soaked again three times" days. School runs plus Sparks, 18km

[GIF shows small dog wearing blue glasses with windshield wipers]
#Bike365 day 23: whoops! Forgot to tweet. Did not forget to ride! School run, ho hum, kinda rainy on & off. 12km.

[Video: low camera angle of rain falling on my back deck, houses visible through railings in background]
#Bike365 day 24: morning school run & groceries. Bumped into a #YVRFamilyBiking friend at the bike racks! Got home before the torrential downpour, then had another break in the rain for afternoon pickup & errand. ☺ 14km
#Bike365 day 25: quick run to Home Despot for some grip thingers so I won't slip down the stairs again. πŸ™„ 6km
#Bike365 Day 26: enticed by FB posts of stripey cotton lycra, I popped over to the @oursocialfabric sale on my @ternbicycles GSD. As ALWAYS, I came home with more than planned. But it's not overshopping if it all fits in the front basket, right?!? 8km
#Bike365 day 27: the virus I was fighting has won.🏳 But I biked the kids to & from school today, & to music class, because I have to be REALLY sick for biking NOT to make me feel better. Grabbed some groceries & All The Cough Drops on my way home. 17km
#Bike365 day 28: still hacking up a lung, but the school runs were doable--enjoyable, even--with my @ternbicycles GSD ebike. Back & forth to skating lessons with both kids, 20km for the day. & we weren't the only ones who biked to the rink! #IBikeISkate
#Bike365 day 29: still sick, still did the school run morning & afternoon, plus a @mobi_bikes ride to & from City Hall for a Transportation Advisory Committee meeting. 16km
#Bike365 day 30: school runs were both rain-free, so I wore (gasp) cotton jeans. Can't wait til it's warm enough to get out of All The Layers. 12km

[GIF: woman wraps wooly scarf around child's neck & head, over top of winter jacket hood, covering much of his face]
#Bike365 day 31: Rainfall warning. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ #BikeYVR as usual.

I was so focused on my @ternbicycles #GSD odometer (almost 2000km) on the way *to* school dropoff, then shifted to I'm-soaked-I-wanna-get-home mode, so here's the pic I got. 🀣

School runs, plus a playdate pickup: 16km
#Bike365 day 32: big grocery run. Should have been 3km, but it ended up being 6km because I realized *at the till* that I'd forgotten my wallet. 😳

7 bags of groceries plus some awkward boxes fit pretty easily on the @ternbicycles #GSDS10 #WhoNeedsAMinivan
#Bike365 day 33: short shopping trip on the @ternbicycles #GSD with the kids to buy some essentials: garlic, ginger, ice cream, beer, wine, rum. 🀣 Went to the mall because it has both a supermarket & liquor store. Kids enjoyed a bus tour while we were there. πŸ˜‰ 2km
#Bike365 Day 34: winter is half-heartedly attempting a return, with near-zero Β°C temperatures & a light powdered-sugar-dusting of snow yesterday. I may have to put the pogies back on the bike. Ferrying around of children amounted to 15km.
#Bike365 Day 35: a less half-hearted attempt at winter today. πŸŒ¨β„πŸ€¨ Didn't think the roads were bad enough for studs & my @ternbicycles #GSD stayed rubber side down, very little slipping. πŸ€“ 20km
#Bike365 Day 36: Lots of short trips to take the kids to school, get a part replaced at the bike shop, grab some milk, take one kid to her activity. 10 mins, here & 10 mins there adds up to >hour of exercise, just built into my day. 28km #CarFreeFamily
#Bike365 day 37: school runs, 12km. Waiting to cross Main St another cyclist asked about my pogies & we chatted as we rode the same way for the next few blocks. Wished him a good ride & pedalled on. #ThingsYouMissWhenDriving
#Bike365 day 38: other than a couple mins of terror when 2 drivers didn't bother to look when proceeding through different 2-way stops, today was a boring day of school runs. Is it SO MUCH TO ASK that you LOOK for cyclists when you're driving through a bike route? πŸ™„ 12km.
#Bike365 day 39: #multimodal day today! Walk, @mobi_bikes, #Skytrain, #Brompton, @modo_carcoop, in Vancouver, Richmond, & Burnaby. 8km of cycling.
#Bike365 day 40: biked over to meet some @VOKRAtweets kitties, stopped in at #VeloStar on the way home, & ran a quick errand. 10km
#Bike365 day 41: school runs plus kitty shopping, appointment, & music class. 20km
#Bike365 day 42: school runs plus more kitty shopping (food: 12 big cans & a bag in the front basket; 40lbs of pine kitty litter in the @ternbicycles) #GSD CargoHold pannier) & skating lessons. 20km for the day.
#Bike365 day 43: school runs, meetup with @VOKRAtweets volunteer to do kitty paperwork, two different pickups of Buy Nothing group stuff, 24 km.

FYI: a vintage laundry hamper fits great in the @ternbicycles #GSD CargoHold panniers! #CarryShitOlympics #CarFreeFamily
#Bike365 day 44: school runs, meeting to plan Bike to School Week at the kids' school, then we brought our @VOKRAtweets kitties home! 21km 😻😻 #CarFreeFamily #YVRFamilyBiking
#Bike365 day 45:
(to the tune of Billie Eilish's "bad guy")
🎡🎢it was v-Day, also a Pro-D day, not-a-lot-of-biking day.🎡🎢

Quick trip to the store for a few groceries: 2km.
#Bike365 day 46: got a break in the rain & ran a quick errand, 1km. 🀣
#Bike365 day 47: biked to Leg-In-Boot Square for a @CyclingWithoutAge info session. I've been wanting to volunteer as a pilot for aaages. I got to be a passenger in the trishaw today & shot a little video of it. 8km
[Video description: me & another woman riding in the front of a trishaw (a three wheeled bike with a two seater bench in front) with a man pedalling the bike. The ride is the first part of our training to become volunteer pilots for Cycling Without Age.]
#Bike365 day 48: grocery run on the @ternbicycles #GSD, 3km. As long as I use one of the small carts, it all fits in the bags & basket, then I don't need extra bungees. #Quaxing #IBikeIBuy #CarFreeFamily
#Bike365 day 49: a thrilling day of school runs, errand, & skating, 20km.
#BikeYVR Day 50: school runs on the @ternbicycles #GSD, as usual, plus @mobi_bikes to a Transportation Advisory Committee meeting at City Hall. 16km
#Bike365 day 51: multimodal today: school runs by bike, 12km; walking to an appointment, 1km; driving kids to Minecraft Club & a quick IKEA run, 35km. Osteoarthritis is crap right now, so walking sucks, & driving was mostly in rush hour. Definitely enjoyed the biking best.
#Bike365 day 52: gorgeous day out there. School runs, same old, 12km.
#Bike365 Day 53: another day, another very short bike errand. Eggs on sale at Shoppers! I could go for a ride, but I'd rather stay home & snuggle with this dude instead. LOL 2km #ToeBeans
#Bike365 day 54: and, well, I didn't actually bike anywhere. Since it's a leap year with 366 days, I'm gonna call it a wash. πŸ˜‰
#Bike365 day 55: school run, checkup at the vet for the kitties, school run, music class. Our old cat carrier is *just* barely too big to fit in the @ternbicycles GSD bags, so we brought them in the Bakfiets. 29km #CarFreeFamily #CarFreePets
#Bike365: day 56. Managed to avoid almost all the rain during the school runs & barely got damp with some drizzle on the way home from skating lesson. 20km.
#Bike365 day 57: just the school runs today, 12km. Also oiled my kickstand. Love how easy that is to do with my @ternbicycles #GSD.
#Bike365 day 58: morning school run was one of those rides where it's *technically* raining, but not enough for rain pants & barely any on my glasses. Detoured to grab milk & eggs. Yep you can bike home with eggs, even in the ridiculously rutted streets here. 13km
#Bike365 Day 59: Stopped at the pet store on the way home from school dropoff & bumped into a friend at the bike rack outside. Had a nice chat, went home with lots of cat food & a smile on my face. Less than pleasant school pickup run due to plentiful liquid sunshine. 12km
#Bike365 day 60: rode to get ice cream with the kids. 2km.
#Bike365 day 61: biked to run an errand plus run the kids at a playground, 3km. Spent a lot of the day like this, though:
#Bike365 Day 62: school run, groceries, school run, prescription pickup, music class. One of those days where your coat doesn't quite dry between rides. Ah, #Raincouver. 17km
#Bike365 Day 63: School runs, skating lessons, 20km.
#Bike365 Day 64: Gorgeous day to bike. Chatted with a woman at the bike rack on the way in to the supermarket, & a guy asked about my @ternbicycles #GSD on my way out. Biked part way home from school with another family: 8 people, 2 cargobikes! Then to & from Girl Guides, 25km
#Bike365 Day 65: just biked the school runs, 12km.
#Bike365 day 66: School dropoff, quick errand on the @ternbicycles #GSD, @mobi_bikes date with @pomomama around Stanley Park Seawall (oops! First ever Mobi overage charge) & much deliciousness at @Purebreadwhis, rush back home to grab the e-cargobike for school pickup: 42km.
#Bike365 day 67: decided to drive to a family event on the North Shore. Probably would have enjoyed biking a lot more. 😬 Ugh, I hate BEING traffic.

Ran an errand by bike tonight, for a grand total of 2km of riding. (Buy Low still had a lot of TP, in case you were wondering)
#Bike365 day 68: biked to the park with the kids, one on her own bike, one on the @ternbicycles #GSD with me. Can you spot the cute bike rack in the background? 5km
#Bike365 Day 69: school run Γ—3. Drop kids off, head back home. Bike back an hour later to pick up Thing One, as he's feeling ill. Head home, set him up with bucket, ginger tea, crackers. Back to pick up Thing Two, then home again. 19km

🀞the rest of us don't get the barfs. 😬
#Bike365 Day 70: ordinary day of school runs plus quick detour for bread & milk, no evening extracurriculars. 13km
#Bike365 Day 71:
School runs, @VPL hold pickup, @girlguidesofcan trip to @vanaqua. The kind of absolutely gorgeous day where I almost forget to take photos of all the beautiful scenery while riding. Got one after sunset. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ 37km.
#Bike365 Day 72: school runs, groceries on the way home (not a bad haul for a bike), 14km
#Bike365 day 73: school dropoff, library return, stocking upon thread & elastic from @dressew, school pickup, 20km.
#Bike365 day 74: returned yet more books to the library, grabbed some supplies at the dollar store to ward off Spring Break/social distancing boredom. 4km
#Bike365 day 75: Girl Guide cookie pickup, plus an errand for a friend. 7km.

Who needs a box or three of classic chocolate & vanilla Girl Guide cookies? $5 each, can deliver within Vancouver proper.
#Bike365 day 76: @girlguidesofcan cookie dropoff for two friends, plus some #SocialDistancing outdoor playtime at the beach for the kids, then stocked up on wine on our way home. 18km
#Bike365 day 77: a couple more @girlguidesofcan cookie deliveries & some cat food shopping, plus a visit to some neighbourhood hens at the #ChickenChannel. Kiddo biked most of the way with me, 11km. #SocialDistancingCookieDrop
#Bike365 day 78: vet visit for the kitties in the Bakfiets, their third trip by bike! (Less meowing, maybe they'll eventually like it?) Another trip to get medication at the pharmacy, grocery store for some milk & eggs. 7km
Bike#365 day 79: no errands or shopping, so we rode west to watch the sunset. So glad we have such a gorgeous place to ride so close to home. 6-year-old biked there, I bag&dragged her bike home. 20km total.
#Bike365 day 80: picked up some spare tubes for my @ternbicycles #GSD & threw in one of their new caps at VeloStar Cafe. The kids were dressed as a dragon & a bee, so I decided to wear my zebra onesie. Hopefully we gave a few people a smile as we rode by. 5km
#Bike365 day 81: this "biking for recreation" is weird. I'm used to 40-60 mins of riding on my way to school/work/errands/meetings, etc. Since I'm trying to minimize shopping/errands & can't take the kids to a playground, I'm at a loss as to where to go. 5km round the hood.
#Bike365 Day 82: biked with kiddo to a Little Library where some friends have left a bunch of seeds to share. Got a few veggies, herbs, & flowers. If you're in the area, it's at 21st & Prince Albert. 2km
#Bike365 day 83: braved the supermarket today to pick up groceries (wait, do we call them provisions now?) for us & a friend who needs to isolate but is struggling to get delivery. Walked around in the store looking like this the whole time. 21km
#Bike365 day 84: hung out at home all day until the 6yo got spinny, so I took her out for a quick boot in the neighbourhood. 2km
#Bike365 day 85: Rode up Little Mountain to see the city view (sorry, no pretty pic, left phone at home). It looked normal from up there, but eerily quiet while riding through. So empty I started counting: 4 other cyclists, 14 pedestrians, 12 drivers (2 cop cars), & 1 bus in 9km.
#Bike365 day 86: went out for a very short ride with the fam to & fro in front of the hospital near our house, dinging our bells along with many people in the neighbourhood banging pots, clapping, & cheering to say #ThankYouHealthcareWorkers at 7pm.
#Bike365 day 87: rode--literally--around the block today. In the rain. 0.4km πŸ˜‚
#Bike365 day 88: went for a ride, literally around the block again, during the commercial break while watching TV. πŸ˜‚ 0.4km
#Bike365 Day 89: went out for a ride with the fam, through the bikeways in our neighbourhood, around Queen Elizabeth Park, & back through Mountainview Cemetery. So many people out walking & biking; the vast majority careful to maintain #SocialDistancing. πŸ‘
#Bike365 Day 90: managed to go a full week between grocery shops (I'm used to several times a week!) & hit up Costco first thing this morning. Got some stuff for a friend & enough food for at least a week. I think this qualifies as #CarryShitOlympics 8km
#Bike365 Day 91: dropped off some stuff for a friend, using the errand as an excuse for #YVRFamilyBiking , then stopped at the beach briefly on the way home. One kiddo rode all the way there, I towed her bike all the way home on my @ternbicycles GSD. 17km #BagAndDrag
#Bike365 day 92: Started off #30DaysOfBiking with a 1km loop around my neighbourhood after the kids were in bed. March I biked almost 350km, surprisingly. I suspect April is going to be a pretty low mileage month, though.
#Bike365 day 93: we did a loop around the hospital near our house for the 7pm cheer, then a quick ride in the 'hood. 6km #30DaysOfBiking

[Video: us 4 riding bikes in parking lot & streets around hospital during cheer for healthcare workers, banging pots, horns, bells audible]
#Bike365 day 94: rode around the block for form's sake, LOL. #30DaysOfCycling
#Bike365 day 95: another thrilling day of #30DaysOfBiking... rode 2km to the store & back to grab a few things I couldn't find at Costco Monday. Glad my kids are big enough to take a regular acetaminophen now, because it's been hard to find the kids' version. 😐
#Bike365 Day 96: GORGEOUS weather out there, so we biked to Granville Island. Seagulls outnumbered people outside the Public Market & they are as brazen as ever. #WatchYerSnax #30DaysOfCycling
#Bike365 day 97: another 1km ride at night just to get out of the house for #30DaysOfBiking. Yesterday's 11km will help with the KMs this month, but I doubt I'll even ride half as many as the ~350km I did in March.
#Bike365 day98: biked up to @CanadasLifeline to donate blood for the first time in a few years. Beautiful day for a ride, 9km.
#Bike365 day 99: another of what I'm coming to think of as my "COVIDcycle". Quick 1km loop after dark around my immediate neighbourhood on the @ternbicycles GSD (because it has the best lights). #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 100! & to celebrate, I biked a whole 2km around my neighbourhood after dark. 🀣 #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 101: We rode our Bakfiets & @ternbicycles #GSD around the now-closed-to-cars Stanley Park Drive, along the new #PhysicalDistancing bike lane on Beach Ave. Saw many families & seniors riding, two people on adaptive trikes. 25km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 102: biked over to the Dairy Queen for ice cream with the kids. It was nice to do something that felt sort of normal. 2km #COVIDDiaries #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 103: rode around part of the @OfficialVCBF 2019 #BikeTheBlossoms route that's in our neighbourhood. Most of the trees aren't yet in bloom. 5km
#Bike365 day 104: quick ride with the 6yo to the #ChickenChannel to see their new backdrop. Love having stuff like this in the neighbourhood! 2km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 105: another Costco run for our family & a friend's. Not quite as huge a load, but definitely #CarryShitOlympics territory, I think. Tried wearing my mask this time. It's weird. 8km @ternbicycles #GSD #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 106: grocery delivery for a friend & a quick beach stop on the way home. 8km #30DaysOfBiking

Really enjoying riding along the new bike lanes on Beach Ave--when are the next street space reallocations happening in #BikeYVR? @Dale_Bracewell?
#Bike365 day 107: biked to the kids' school to pick up a package of worksheets. On my way home, I stopped by my LBS/favourite cafe, VeloStar, to ask a question & grab a minute to myself with a blueberry London fog. 7km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 108: thrilling 1km ride around the block. #COVIDcycle #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 109: discovered that Minecraft Earth now works on our Android tablet, so we went out for a walk to play. Decided we could cover more ground if we switched to the Bakfiets. 🀣 3km
#Bike365 day 110: another Minecraft Earth ride with the whole fam this time. Collected tonnes of animals, stone, wood, & even a rare spotted pig. πŸ–πŸŒ²πŸ’ŽπŸŒ±πŸπŸŒ³πŸ“ 3km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 111: headed out at the #7pmcheer & biked around about 4km under all the cherry blossoms, the kids collecting Minecraft Earth chests, trees, & various livestock. #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 112: cherry trees are in full bloom in our neighbourhood now... & some of them have white blossoms too? Stopped to look at one that's been grafted. Will have to check later this summer to see what grows on it... 5km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 113: 5km loop at sunset. #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 114: another quick "Minecraft Ride" around the neighbourhood in the Bakfiets at dusk. 2km, but felt like more on the big ol' unassisted Bakfiets. Can't believe I hauled these kids around in it for so long before I got an e-cargobike! #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 115: 8km loop up & around Queen Elizabeth Park at dusk. This photo is very representative of the ride. #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 116: convinced the one reluctant cyclist in the house to join us on his trusty magenta steed & we all rode over to the Chicken Channel. 2km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 117: Rode down to the seawall for a quick rock chucking session, back under the "kissing canopies" of 10th Avenue Bikeway. 8km #YVRFamilyBiking
Rock chucking video, inspired by @tomflood1
#Bike365 day 118: rode around Stanley Park on the cargobikes. I forgot to charge my @ternbicycles #GSD since I've been riding less. Had to pedal most of the 26km without assist πŸ˜…. Saved up the last bit of ⚑for the hill at the end. #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 119: biked to get a (routine) blood test for kiddo, then a suitable reward for her being so brave. 11km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 120: Rode through the cherry-treed bikeways of my neighbourhood, through QE Park (where I left kids & spouse), & over to the LDB on Cambie. It poured on us but weirdly, we enjoyed it--been so long since we biked in the rain. 😭 10km #30DaysOfBiking
#Bike365 day 121, last day of #30DaysOfBiking: epic Costco run, then grocery delivery for a friend. Along the way we saw a wildlife release, a "flying car", & had some takeout treats at a little plaza. 25km
#Bike365 day 122: rode the Bakfiets to Dairy Queen for ice cream, 2km. Having the box to contain the children helps with #PhysicalDistancing 🀣
#Bike365 Day 123: rode with B to Vanier Park in the rain to enjoy the uncrowded seawall. It actually stopped raining for at least half of our 15km ride. We saw 13 goslings, a very successful cormorant fishing, & The Bubble Man. #YVRFamilyBiking
#Bike365 day 124: cat food run with the Bakfiets. I meant to get litter too--the 40 pound bags are super easy to load into this bike--but they were sold out! 2km
#Bike365 day 125: quick errand juuust as the rain was starting πŸ™„ to drop off the money for the @girlguidesofcan cookies we managed to sell just before Pandemic Times. 2km
#Bike365 day 126: picked up an @oursocialfabric order. 9km.

I love seeing so many cyclists out. Everywhere you look, there's usually another person on a bike along the neighbourhood bikeways. I'd love to know what the cycling mode share is at right now. πŸ€”
#Bike365 Day 127: errand plus selfie scavenger hunt organized by a @WeAreHub coworker, 20km. Here are the first four stops. This was really fun to do & we even bumped into some old friends along our way. πŸ˜„
#Bike365 day 128: quick run to the drugstore on my own, 2km. My other two masks are in the laundry bin, so I sewed another one. At some point I'll run out of fabric & have to do a load of my laundry. 🀣
#Bike365 day 129: dropped off more supplies for a friend downtown, hit the beach for a bit on our way home, then another quick ride out for ice cream after dinner. 20km

[Video: sun-dappled water lapping at a rocky beach, trees & park across the water]
#bike365 day 130: @tisolpets was out of the kitty litter we use last time, so I had to go back again when they had a similar one in stock. Super easy pickup since they had it set aside for me already. 2km
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