bought a new sketchbook; gunna make a theead of all my doodles so we can watch my progress and laugh at how much i can’t draw (i’m working on it!)
these were the christening pages. was just gunna try and draw a single person as a benchmark of where I am at the start but ended up getting obsessed with one skirt.

no clue who this OC i ended up doodling was but she still wears mittens in her underwear, we stan.
More just random doodles at first, I think I’m overcomplicating her hair. It’s too tempting to make it all squiggly and dumb.

Then I channeled my inner Tulip and went for a fullbody tasteful lingerie to practice body shape.
no idea who this character I keep drawing is but I’ve dubbed her Connie because she’s born entirely out of compromises I keep making for the fact I can’t draw 🙃
Decided to do a couple of full body Connie sketches then vowed I need to stop defaulting to the pose where you can’t see her hands or feet (promise she’ll get a face one day too!) also did a Sonia half way through lol.
Problem is I dont know what good practice is for practice?? Like I thought I should maybe be trying more body shapes than just the one early on, should I do the same thing over and over to get better? Or variety to expose myself to other quirks of drawing? HOW DO YOU DRAW HANDS?!
Hand a ‘nother couple of attempts. Was intending on practicing hands and hats. Did a little bit, drew Connie being sassy. Then decided Connie needs an as yet unnamed gf with a different body shape to give me something new to practice. She needs name. Suggest names.
eyes eyes 👀 eyes eyes

realised that maybe, just maybe, the reason none of my eyes before today looked good, was because I was forgetting eyebrows.

had to resist the urge just to draw more bodyshots, spent an hour and a half on drawing unnamed gf tho :3
Started with profile views. Can’t quite figure out how chins work. Then took a detour onto Hands. Hands and Eyes are the two major things I need to work on as my first git gud. Gunna push my poses *slightly* over time too, but that’s lower priority.
Decided to also mesh my practice with #MariHildaWeek too. Not relevant to the theme just cuz I’ve only been drawing for a week. But was fun practice of alternative hair and clothing!

The rest is just hands and eyes. More of the same. Still not good, but better!!
Back on with practice. Gotten a pair of eyes and even one whole face I’m happy with! So I’m calling eyes ‘basically done’ for now. At least until I want some less stylised...

now... haaannnddddsssss.....
Tried to spent tonight only worrying about hands and proceeded to only draw a few hands. I love my girls so much. Tomorrow night end up writing character sheets for them 👀
Vauge roadmap.
Character sheets -> more hands -> arm positions maybe?? -> more detailed clothing -> shoes.
y'know here's what I do. I practice more stuff until February then BAM i spend like a week just drawing fanart of like Marianne Pokemon or Athena Ace Attorney or something then I can be like actual art.
Was supposed to do character sheets for the trio of Lesbians I’ve devised. But ended up wanting to draw Byleth but her outfit is crazy so I drew Hapi then kinda trailed ooooffffff. Hands are getting better tho so happy!!
For FYI i'm uploading the uncensored versions to my alt, just cba to deal with even the slightest risk of Twitter's refusal to have consistent rules about nudity.
character sheets let’s gooooo thought this would be quick why did it take 3 hours.
closeups in case you care about this manic Ellie-verse I’m building. Clara is the chaotic disaster lesbian we all need.
gosh... my handwriting is unbearably terrible...
Wanted to draw the whole pose of Clara from the character sheet. Then drew Athena Cykes because ??? been thinking about Ace Attorney again. Never did Spirit of Justice...

might be hard to see, but damn... I’m legit proud of this. fingers crossed 🤞 i don’t mess this up.
god maybe I just leave her blankface...
Very happy with today. Started with alternative poses since it pushes my comfort zones but kinda fell off and ended up drawing Kirby. Then of course I finished the full shot of Clara. Nose a bit off? Sure. Her left boob a weird perspective? Yee. Do I still love her? YES SO MUCH.
Hair in the full Clara pic:

(not the hairstyle obviously, like, how I've drawn her)
HILDA! HILDA! HILDA! ft. flustered Marianne trying not to look at her Goneril Creat boobie tattoo.
More practice. Tryna fix my heada from just being round blobs because heads are just round.

idk yesterday felt like a mistake like drawing someone i can directly compare to others in retrospect is a big nono so no more fanart for a while just practice
dunno why i’ve moved from Connie to Clara as my default OC to practice on I just think she’s cuter hashtag no favs.
Side faces, woopers, boobies.

I took an actual look at se head drawing shape diagrams templates WHATEVER THEY’RE CALLED so maybe it’ll get better. Maybe it’ll get worse. idk i’m just enjoying drawing rn.
Tryna refine my eyes a bit more too since someone described them as “nightmareish” and my higher brain is like ‘uh yeah I’ve been drawing for 3 weeks’ but my lower brain got really sad about it so we’re meeting in the middle and am gunna try improving them.
Forgot to post yesterday’ so here it is. Still just practicing new eyes and also the general head shape.
Today’s too. I think the heads are starting to come out a bit... square I guess? The eyes are getting a bit leas terrible though so I think if I can reel them both in it should be fine..?
Today’s works are pretty fun. Tried a couple new poses. I reckon I’m at a point where I can get a particular post to something resembling passable in only an hour.

ignore that oversketch at the end. Not practicing these poses for lewd reasons 👀
Kinda in a Marianne mood since I wanted to try some new hair things and some subtle Marihilda crept in because I’m weak 💙💖
I kinda just felt compelled to draw Froggie Hoodie Marianne 🥰 Also been putting ofd leg and foot practice so gunna do that for a bit
The greatest trick feet ever pulled was convincing the world that hands were the hardest part of a person to draw
More feeets practice. Not gunna lie drawing heels are hella fun cuz they so cute. Also HILDA.
nyaaaaa i’m just too much of a sucker for cute girls
Ellie actually practice a single thing and don’t just descend into drawing girls challenge.
Me: Starting tomorrow no drawing girls for a few days
Tomorrow: is Hilda's Birthday.
adding today’s birthday bashes to the threaaaad
Clara with her Nonbinary wooper. In the Pokeverse she runs a dual daycare centre+gym.
Turns out I never added yesterday’s to the thread.

Think it looks okay. Proportions are a bit off and her raised arm’s a bit odd?? But looks not bad ™️
Today actually marks a month since I started this.

Succame to Marihilsa smooching. Then had the spontanious urge to draw a character with massive bells in her hair because reasons?!
Tried giving her a darker skin tone than just paper-white and kinda worked I think? Having only one pencil to work with makes differentiating colours hard so I might do the normative thing and stick to not worrying about it so the pencil runs out slower.
All characters drawn from here until I get multiple actual art pencils so I can practice different tones of colour are all whatever skin tone you want and it's all canon.
Writing note to myself is good arting maybe?

Not sure how hair is supposed to work.
Today’s been rough as grit I just want tomorrow to be better. Did some drawing just to let myself into a bubble.
Since it’s been a month and a bit, this is going go be the new pinned tweet for my learning-to-art thread. So if anyone clicks it there’ll be stuff above and below it.
Was given the idea of using an arty smudgy pencil (a 6B whatever that means) to draw darker skin and it works a bit? It looks better than my last attempt, and seem like it’s a good idea, but I deffo need to practice this.

my 50th page wanted to to try drawing something rather than just a bunch of poses and honestly i wish it happened when i wasn’t just done with existing
didn’t I say something about posting other 3H characters next
Hilda would deffo dom this is not up for debate.
I said I wasn’t gunna draw another lewd Marianne today but last night I thought the word ‘Shibarianne’ and it broke me.

Maurice panties and Goneril gag is too powerful a combination.
This is the first thing I've drawn that was done over multiple nights since I drew most of this yesterday and just did some little bits of shading tonight so yay I guess?
Today in the wonderful wonderful MariHilda server we were doing a draw-party and I naturally began the day’s proceedings drawing alt-rock Dorothea and practicing handholding.
Then got briefly distracted by inventing the pun ‘Swordfish of the Creator’ and just being like OH DAMN and naturally that necessitated Flayn.
Then the whole server got into a tangent about drawing 3H characters as Cowboys and I’m like “umm what about PIRATE MARIANNE”
of course getting back on topic
Finally ended on remembering “oh yeah my goal today was to draw them holding hands” and then got hard distracted and pulled back. They’re just so precious they’d be great moms :3
some friends OCs ^_^
More OCs!
Sometimes you just wanna be held by your big tiddy axe-gf 👀

These are just sketches for a big piece I’ll work on tomorrow
Never added the Shibarianne moodboard to the art thread.
nonbi’s bitch and her nonbi.
Adding Goneril's Emporium to the art thread ^_^
Adding my ALMIGHTY THIRST to the art thread
Also adding thiiiis
Decided to make Lysithea my new profile pic AND new pinned for the art thread because I’m super proud of this one ^_^
“Oh my, we’ll never get around to reforming House Nuvelle if our meetings end up like this.

#Edlestance got me 🥰
Ashen Wolves has had big Bi/Gay Yuri and Hapistance is cool and all BUT THE TRANS REPRESENTATION IN AW HAS BEEN WOEFUL AND I INTEND TO RECTIFY THAT
Closeups of the faces for the Art Thread.
Thread add
Thread add but with BOOBIES
Wow I actually like practiced a specific thing a little bit before I got bored and drew Shamir in a hoodie
the many moods of marianne
Adding the two newest to the thread...
...because of one little thing...
I’ve successfully filled my first sketchbook! 💯 pages full of practice ^_^ finally done, now I’m moving onto my second one and I’n so damn proud! Here’s to more and more progress from here 💕
Anyway time to move onto a new one this time I felt comfortable moving to one with higher quality paper and OH NO IT’S NOT SQUARE GOD DAMMIT EVERYTHING IS RUINED brb abandoning hobby
Broke in the new sketchbook with some eyes practice.

Tell you what: the greatest skill I have as an artist is the ability to not stop when that wave of “YOU’LL NEVER BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN AWFUL AT THIS” voices all decide to show up in my head cuz BOY did they show up today.
My Day 1 contribution to #LysinetteWeek! The Magical Girl prompt was such a fun excuse to draw weirder outfits that usual I had a lot of fun! Annie’s face turned out a bit weird but I’m still learning the new eye shape so it’s understandable and I’m still happy ^_^
Day 2 of Lysinette week! Theme was Light/Dark! ^_^
Day 3 of #LysinetteWeek haa taught me that I have VERY different thoughts when I heard the prompt “Dance” compared to most of the fanbase.
Never got a chance to include it in the picture but the game is called Dance Dance Meritocracy and Lysithea is CRAZY good at it while Annie just likes to waaatch~
Day 4 of #Lysinetteweek! The topics were Academia and Overexertion. So naturally I conbined them. Anyone else and Lysithea would chastise them for falling asleep at their desk but she knows how hard Annie works otherwise ^_^
Adding to thread
Day 5 contribution to #LysinetteWeek. I didn’t pick one of the prompts this week cuz I JUST WANTED TO DRAW GIRLS KISSING, SORRY 🙇‍♀️
had a second attempt at Lingerie Marianne because yesterday’s was kinda bad even by my own low-low standards.
Day 6 of #LysinetteWeek. Sad it’s gunna be over soon cuz I love smol girls. But I’ve loved seeing everyone’s contributions ^_^

Here’s mine! The prompt was War, but because I can’t draw action-ey scenes yet, but I drew DDR earlier so I’ve stretched further ;)
also adding to 🧵
nyuuu~ I think it was @TwizzTurk9991 who inspired me to draw #Marihilda in Animal Crossing but I couldn’t get them in AC’s style down so I decided to pull it back a bit. Plus I’ll find any excuse to draw snuggly bedbug Marianne~~
Final contribution to #LysinetteWeek. The prompt was Supernatural Creatures but uuuugh CATS ARE SUPERNATRUALLY CUTE i’m sorry 😐 Drawing so much of them has made this week so enjoyable thank you to the organisers and everyone who also made such lovely contributions! 🧡💜
With that the Lysinette content on my twitter should fade out as I return back to being the sole contributor to the big-brain Doronette ship... and nothing shall ever break Dorothea and Annette up ever again...
...OH NO
You can follow @609Ellie.
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