maybe considering blocking @JFOSTERFILMS , who thinks that sending these kind of messages to a sexual assault survivor is acceptable!
some added context: jacob had been DMing me, trying to start conversations, for 18 months, which included him tracking down my PERSONAL facebook (which is under a different name to my social media) to add me twice, until he finally sent me the above message.
after i reported and blocked him, i did some research and ended up reaching out to others who had been photographed by him. the most shocking response was one individual showing me screenshots of jacob asking to photograph them naked when he had been told they were underage.
the violent sexual threat i recieved was clearly a reaction to my ignoring him, & one that was MEANT to traumatise me. the models he photographs are overly sexualised and the way he treats women is disturbingly inappropriate. i wholeheartedly believe he is dangerous & predatory.
dude, not the time
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