1/ THREAD: Donald Trump's pupils are intermittently, bilaterally, dilated — often very widely dilated. At other times his pupils are normal (this is key). This pattern is longstanding (decades) and is *highly* suggestive of drug abuse.
2/ But Trump's pupils are not the problem. With extremely high probability, the reason they are dilated is secondary to drugs. Trump's pupils are the analog of a warning light on the dashboard.
3/ Trump's pupils are signals to the rest of us that there are drugs acting on Trump's brain/central nervous system — and importantly his cognition and judgment are substantially affected.
4/ Trump's pupil diameter changes are *objective* — and therein lies their importance and scientific/medical value. They are available to everyone to see.
5/ Physicians around the world — particularly those with neuro-ophthalmology and neurology expertise — can and should comment loudly regarding the ramifications/highly likely underlying cause of Trump's intermittently and widely dilated pupils.

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