68 recipes inspired by Earthbound and the Mother series, let's roll.
It's breakfast time and I'm already doing stuff I....never would have considered
That's recipe #1 done: Fluffy Omelette! I make a regular unfluffy omelette for breakfast most mornings and already had onion and mushrooms chopped when I decided to make the Fluffy version, so I added them anyway even though the recipe is just for a cheesy one. Mom won't mind! :)
I definitely need a bigger pan next time I make this with a lid that fits better -- a smaller pan made it tricky to flip and I broke it a bit. That said, this is a texture DELIGHT and worth the extra bit of work it takes to whip the egg whites. This was a great start!
I've been reading through to roughly gauge what recipes I should do first (I should probably make Delisauce early?) and I just realized this cookbook wants me to make stuff like homemade pasta noodles and (effectively) sauerkraut. holy shit I'm gonna learn so much
Why would they put a recipe for black tea with lots of cream and lavender syrup in this cookbook?! did they know I was going to be making it?! am I being called out on my love of tea and lavender?!
The recipe in question, Royal Iced Tea. I made a double batch because I knew I'd be down to drink copious amounts of creamy lavender tea!
"Step 3: Put on everything"
There are a few different burger recipes in here. This is just the basic burger. I have literally never made a burger before in my life. I cannot believe how easy it was to make tasty ones. I did these in a cast iron and topped them with onion, pickle, and the "Delisauce" above.
these were so good, I'm so happy with this cookbook so far
Hello! Mach Pizza delivery!
Here is your pizza pie.
I'm so bad at making cookies! Mine always seem to melt together and get too flat. :(
Everyone telling me to chill the dough next time: thank you! This is good advice!!!
Thanks for the advice, everyone! I chilled the dough on the second batch and they're staying together quite a bit better. I would still like them to be smaller/thicker but I may need to freeze the dough for that and I'd need an ice cream scoop.
Also: I set an oven mitt on fire this morning!!
Favorite food?
(it's steak)
(I used too much oil and a cheap cut)
(but steak is never bad)
(nailed getting it a little pink inside tho)
Fly Honey? Sounds ridiculous. It's crushed garlic fermented in honey. But I'm getting fancy this morning and adding it to some store bought pasta sauce and homemade meatballs with some Trader Joe's Ravioli. So we'll see.
Update: okay wtf this is so good, I am going to make sure I always have a jar available for pasta, pizza, etc
Another update: I've got some hella garlic breath folks
Gonna knock out a few today since it's a day off. This is Grapefruit Falls, one of a few alcoholic beverages in the book. It's really good and tangy, though I have quite nailed the way the recipe wants me to layer the colors into it
It looks like Winters outside right now, so I made a big pot of Tessie Watchin' Stew
I have all the ingredients for a cookie cake in the cabinet right now but I have to go on a trip in a few days and I could not reasonably finish an entire cookie cake by then
I also have the ingredients for the pickle drink but I hate pickle juice, I don't want to drink this (even though I have to try it eventually, by my own rules)
Say..."Fuzzy Pickle" .... I guess!
I hated this, but I hate pickle juice and am indifferent to vodka. There was no pleasing me here. I can see why someone who likes both these things would enjoy this combo though. It has a...quality
A bologna sandwich for a clumsy robot. Don't drop it!
I normally do a French press but today I made Mom's Pourover Coffee
Some dude named *checks notes* Lier X. Agerate really loves garlic. Thanks to him, I now have my new favorite garlic bread recipe...

...though I learned the hard way to use unsalted butter if I'm gonna add salt. Oops.
They're kind of messy!!! But I made Peanut Cheese Bars!!!!!!!
Tonight: Pasta.....with a Past?!

(it was breadcrumbs in a previous incarnation)
This was my first try making my own pasta noodles! No pasta maker required?!?
Anyone up for some cool, refreshing Trout Yogurt? :)
a fun, unanticipated side effect of doing this cookbook is how the amount of "weird stuff in jars" in my fridge has multiplied over the last two months
Made a jar of Dragonite Spice tonight....what am I about to use it in, though? :)
if you guessed "to season borgers" you win! There are four burger recipes in Mother's. This is #2, the Double Burger. I topped one with pickles, onion, and Delisauce, and the other with bacon and Trout Yogurt. Both have sharp cheddar.
can I eat all this borger? hard no.
Sorry, I tapped out at one and a few bites of the second. boy do I have leftovers tho
I was well enough today to eat something that wasn't soup or cereal, so I made a Lucky Sandwich!
Lucky Sandwiches include whatever toppings you want, as long as it's real extra. So mine's pepperoni and salami, mozzarella, two kinds of cheddar, black olives, some leafy stuff, mayo, and a bit of Italian dressing.
The recipe suggested the "Lucky" part be something spicy to surprise you with, but I don't like spicy sandwiches, so my luck was in biting into a black olive. But I put so many in I got one in every bite. :) Lucky indeed.
I've been eating a lot of soup this week, and one of those soups was the Kraken Soup. Don't worry. It's only faux Kraken.
This will probably be the last one for several weeks. I'm going to San Francisco for two weeks starting a week from today, and I need to clean out my fridge before then, so no buying new ingredients. I'll be back at the start of April to keep trucking on this book, though!
Poo likes very plain Rice Gruel. I added a lot of toppings. Sorry Poo.
It's Pi Day today, so what better time to make a Polestar Pie? :)
Made a nice, healthy Brain Food Lunch to power me through Monday!
I was out of whipped cream, so I topped Man K. Man's Banana Cream Pie with more bananas. :)
What's a Chef's Special? A dish that's particular to the guy in charge of the kitchen...or in this case, the cookbook! Here's @lvl1_chef's!
I accidentally used all the white wine and forgot to buy more so this has red wine, but still smells and looks superb. :)
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