The Razor Crest, an old gunship - The Mandalorian ( @Jon_Favreau 2019)
Art by Doug Chiang.
The Razor Crest.
The Razor Crest.
My old thread, with many pics and behind the scene stuff.
The Razor Crest.
The Razor Crest.
A nice fan art:
The official LEGO:
The Mandalorian (2019): The Razor Crest.

ILM VFX Supervisor Richard Bluff: “The model was used for shots in deep space, moving around and above planet surfaces, and jumps into hyperspace”.
ILM VFX Supervisor Richard Bluff: “Except for some very extreme dogfight maneuvers and flight inside a hanger [which were achieved via CGI], the miniature got used for pretty much everything.”

Behind the scenes.
2 new great pics of the Razor Crest in the Volume.
@smeecheck : "We also worked on a lot of the Razor Crest [The Mandalorian’s ship] flying through valleys and landing and taking off here and there."
Great doc!
Now I have to start this ship thread again <3
The obvious reference.
The Razor Crest, very early art by?
The Razor Crest, art by Ryan Church.

A more agressive design.
More Ryan Church artworks.

Can't wait to see more in The Art of Mandalorian (book).
Ryan Church and Doug Chiang in the same picture.

To each his own icons ;)
Doug Chiang and a Razor Crest study model.
Bandai, what are you waiting?
The legend John Knoll and the motion control system.

What a dream team in this video.
Doug Chiang.
Beautiful shadow.
The Razor Crest model.
From all angles.
A star is born.
Motion control.
Dream team again.
Hello @halhickel
Still motion control.
I would have made the same face. ^^
Ok it will have taken more than a year but here is a good document / making of. The other licenses should learn from this and do the same. It's a shame that only the most famous license does that (I don't even want to talk to you, Trek).
Just for fun, some old pics of John Knoll. (guess the movies)
And Doug Chiang and John Knoll (and Steve Gawley) a long time ago, in a galaxy far away.
One more for this thread.
'Inside ILM: Creating the Razor Crest' director & ILM Digital Media Manager Chris Hawkinson: “Miniatures and motion control are in our DNA at ILM, and it’s been over 15 years since we have done a motion-control shoot”.

More pîcs from @starwars
“From the design of the ship, to the engineering the motion-control rig and model mover, to the incredible level of detail in the miniature, to the passion everyone brought to the project... It’s movie magic.”
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