The #NHS is trash.
Imagine feeling so low & worthless in tears in a hospital ward, waiting aimlessly for 4 hrs just to be told to face that you won't be helped. That ur "condition can only be treated by community mental health" depsite ur suicidal state.

02/01/2020 I nearly took my life... if it wasnt for my man I wouldn't be here. I thank and honour him and love him sooo much he's such an amazing human being. Which makes writing this tweet even more hard. But I'm at a loss. Do I fake being ok ? Or spend each day in misery.
These two evil white women (left is called Rachel) told me to "manage my expectations" and what did i think being admitted to the hosptial would achieve....
I went private because i felt SLAM were not helping me at all.... This Rachel woman wanted to piant me out to look like I ws being difficult when that was not the case. To them they think I've been missing appointments (when I've only missed the last two due to reasons above).
I asked to be discharged but they refuse to do so all while not giving me the care I deserve. I wish people put mental health on the same level as physical health and emergencies. #NHS
@NHSuk @NHSEnglandLDN should be ashamed of themselves tbh.
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