On the 1st and 2nd Jan last year, Pakistani Propagandu-in-Chief tweeted, claiming that the Brown Panted ones had shot down two Indian 'spy quadcopters' on the LoC.
I shared some thoughts on it one year ago.
Replugging that thread here again.
Here goes ..
Anyone see a bullet hole?
#JustCurious https://twitter.com/OfficialDGISPR/status/1080145860179251201
Propagandu at its best!
(Nope, that is NOT a spelling mistake!)
Here's how -
Firstly, you claim to have shot it down. Yet the entire body of the quadcopter is intact, instead of the bullet shredding the flimsy structure to pieces. https://twitter.com/OfficialDGISPR/status/1080496982496559104
Secondly, let's assume that the quadcopter got shit scared of the mere sound of Pure Paki gunfire & had a heart attack and fell down. (Quite possible in a land where Djinns diverted Indian bombs away from the believers in 1965, mind you. Don't believe me? See screenshot below!)
BUT ...
(isn't there always a BUT when it comes to Paki Propagandu? Btw, once again, NOT a spelling mistake!)
As I was saying, the 'Indian' 'Spy Quadcopter' fell after dying from a heart attack.
BUT .. it fell on rocks and yet, miraculously, no damage was caused to it!
BUT ..
Maybe even the rocks in Pakiland are so patriotic that they know that their broke and bankrupt country may be able to put these unbroken 'spy quadcopters' to their own use since buying new ones is out of the question .. unless their Beggar-in-Chief can beg for some!
Oh, my apologies, I meant to type in 'Cricketer-in-Chief'. I don't know how the word 'cricketer' got changed to 'beggar'!
(yes, here's the BUT once again)
Shri Gafoor Saheb is a clever one. He posted a pic with 2 pieces of the 'Spy Quadcopter' detached from it no?
BUT ..
Look closely, the 'U' shaped piece that should have gotten ripped off the body on impact, doesn't seem to have actually ripped off!
It looks more like having been carefully 'unscrewed' (No pun intended!) and gently placed next to the dead body of the 'Spy Quadcopter'!
Btw I don't know why I used the word 'unscrewed' in the above tweet, esp when according to Gafoor Saheb, his Men in Brown actually 'screwed' the 'Indian' 'Spy Quadcopter'!
Btw, talking about men in brown, I just got reminded of a joke.
But maybe that is for later!
Isnt' there a second piece lying detached from the 'Indian' 'Spy Quadcopter', you asked?
Well, isn't that a nice little, undamaged battery that has been just as carefully taken out & gently placed next to the dead body?
The beggars cannot afford to 'screw' the battery!
BUT ..
Didn't they down a similar 'Indian' 'Spy Quadcopter' some years ago as well?
Surely, THAT one must have been shredded to pieces by Paki bullets, especially since the country had thrown away its begging bowl 'for good' at that time, no?
Well, apparently not!
Here's the pic of the 'Indian' Drone 'shot down' by Pakis in Brown Pants sometime in July 2015.
DAMN THOSE 'INDIAN' DRONES .. Their flimsy bodies just REFUSE to get obliterated by Paki bullets!
(Here's the link to that news - https://twitter.com/DunyaPakistan/status/621301499067367424)
Look at the similarities in the photos of the THREE 'Indian' drones downed by brown pants in this thread.
ALL of them are unbroken despite having been fcuking SHOT DOWN!
ALL of them have fallen in 'difficult' positions - covered in snow, on rocks and waters and in foliage
And, uncannily, ALL of them look like they can just be picked up & sent into air right away!
Bleddy Nincompoop Propagandus of the Brown Pants!
In fact, in the last pic, the flimsy lightweight 'Indian' drone seems to have broken a number of branches without suffering a scratch!
BTW, what is to say that in the last case, the Brown Pants Propagandu didn't summarily summon the drones of the Rawalpindi Police for a quick photoshoot and claim 'My Pants Brownest', hain ji?
🤣 https://www.dawn.com/news/1192038 
Here, I closed this thread with this saying dedicated to Shri Gafoor Saheb, the Brown Pants Prapagandu-in-Chief:
चौबे जी गए छब्बे जी बनने,
दूबे जी ही रह गए!

Then the thread came alive on 26th Feb 2019!
Reviving this thread to show the Brown Pants Propagandu-in-Chief how a shot down drone looks like!
So the Propagandu-in-Chief forced me to re-open this thread again in March 2019 'coz .. well .. he's a smart guy .. 'coz .. well .. the Brown Pants won't just make any Tom Dick or Harry their Propagandu-in-Chief, no?
He's so smart that it seems that he took time out from his very busy schedule to actually go thru this thread above, before posting the next propagandu tweet about 'yet another' Indian 'spy quadcopter' being shot down by the valiant brown panted ones!
So smart indeed, that this time he chose to tweet only extremely low resolution pix of the kafir 'spy' quadcopter lying mortally wounded in his own lands!
Now that's REALLY smart indeed, otherwise all those 'vella' tweeple like yours truly would punch holes in his story, no?
So many holes that he didn't know last time which one to plug .. re-screw .. first!
(Once again, NO PUN INTENDED!) https://twitter.com/CestMoiz/status/1080816197971730437
So he did a 'smart' thing this time.
He 'ordered' the faithful 'Indian' 'spy' quadcopter to do a proper suicide this time when the brown-panted ones yelled thain thain!
Not only that, he used a motivational video, from birather mulk Turkey no less!
The 'Indian' 'spy' quadcopter was suitably impressed while his minions in Propagandu Department clapped tearfully at the end of this motivational video!
Soon came the big day.
It simply HAD to come soon, because the Indians had been busy shooting down Paki drones out of the sky with reckless abandon lately!
The Propagandu-in-Chief yelled ACTION!
And the 'Indian' 'spy' quadcopter 'suicided' itself, just as ordered!
You don't believe me?
Well here's an extremely low resolution pic of the same, tweeted by the Propagandu-in-Chief himself!
Once again, even though it fell from the skies above, onto ground littered with stones, it 'miraculously' survived intact, in one single piece!
Not only that, but also in a true tribute to the shooting skills of the brown panted ones, the 'Indian' 'spy' quadcopter also, VERY NEATLY, shed one single rotor blade each from three of the four appendages, and BOTH from the fourth one!
Not just that, but inspired by the 'motivational' video shown by Shri Brown Pants Propagandu-in-Chief, the 'Indian' spy quadcopter also unscrewed (There's that word again, despite I trying NOT to use it again in this thread!) a motor from two of its hinges and tilted it a bit!
And when it (re)touched the soil of Pakistan, the 'Indian' spy quadcopter quickly dashed on a mud patch of Multani Mitti because .. well .. it needed to camouflage itself so that it could no longer be accused of being 'brand new', unlike its predecessors 'felled' by the Pakis!
But .. in his 'valiant' attempt at atleast giving a semblance of being 'smart', the Brown Pants Propagandu-in-Chief overdid it a bit!
Firstly, a hat-tip to the person who not only unscrewed the three rotor blades from the three appendages, but also ensured they don't appear in the photographs unlike their earlier attempts!
Like I told you, the Propagandu-in-Chief is a quick learner! https://twitter.com/CestMoiz/status/1080816197971730437
BUT .. what about aerodynamic instability when 1 rotor blade out of two falls out mid flight,esp when the motor rotates at 10K plus RPM!
There would be no way in hell that the second rotor blade WON'T shear off too!
But then, if it did, how would this be Propagandu? Hainji?
BUT .. the junior propagandus did unscrew BOTH the blades from the fourth motor, no?
Apparently, as per the narrative, the Brown Pants 'sharp-shooters' got BOTH of them when the bird was mid-flight, aka Shri Rajinikanth!
DAMN, they are good!
BUT .. with both the blades gone, the motor should have stayed on, no?
(I say this with personal experience of aeromodelling. MIND IT!)
BUT .. where is the time to 'think' when there is Propagandu to be made!
BUT .. saannu ki!
Let Propagandu-in-Chief keep doing his propagandu 'coz .. well .. brainwashed Abduls in Pakiland will gladly lap it up & go clapping madly,no longer interested in knowing as to how Paki drones shot by Indians end up in tatters unlike Indian 'spy' quadcopters!
And no one will ask where is the video that the suicided Indian 'spy' quadcopter was recording either.
BUT .. please don't blame Propagandu-in-Chief for this faux pas!
Fault lies with the Beggar-in-Chief, oh sorry, I meant Cricketer-in-Chief for not providing enough funds to buy better toys WITH ACTUAL CAMERAS!!
And that too when Amazon hardly delivers anything in Terroristan!
Ah .. well, but Shri Propagandu-in-Chief went for a quick nap after posting this tweet.
He had a vivid dream during that nap .. "if only Terroristan wasn't Beggaristan, we could have actually shot through this toy to add some authenticity to our Propagandu".
But something suddenly woke him up.
'Good Morning Sir' his beautiful little, budding Propagandu minion was saying.
'Wood Morning My Beautiful Minion', he said, quickly issuing a rejoined, 'Err .. I meant GOOD Morning'
His cheeks turning crimson red, the budding Propagandu minion continued, 'Sir, we have cleaned up mud on the toy and re-screwed the blades and motor. It is ready for the next round of propagandu'
'Shabash, my gorgeous .. err .. I mean .. GOOD minion. Till we need it again!', said Propagandu-in-Chief & went back to his dreamland,plotting the next round of Propagandu against those bleddy Indians
'You Indians think only YOU can shoot Paki drones? Well, so can I!'
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