Today begins my 52 Movies Challenge. Every week, I will watch one movie I have never watched, whether they're classics, more modern, or what. This is to help broaden my horizons when it comes to movies.
Week 1 - Bumblebee
At last! A good Transformers film. Action that relies on real choreography, and not mindless explosions, great chemistry between character, and a lot of great fanservice for long-time fans. Can Travis Knight just make his own franchise with no connection to Bay
Week 2 - Kick-Ass
Holy crap! This may be one of my favorite action comedies of all time. The humor is spot-on, the action is so much fun, and the characters are the right balance of over the top and grounded. Give this movie a watch if you haven't. Also, Hit Girl is a badass
Week 3 - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
This is one of the funniest movies I have seen. It's humor is fast-paced, and has a hilarious take on spy movie cliches. I was laughing my ass off the whole time.
Week 4 - Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
About time I watched this one. And I'm impressed. It has incredible world-building, great characters, and I'm on the edge of my seat, wondering what happens next.
Week 5 - The Two Towers
Once again, this trilogy continues to impress me. The character interactions are incredible, especially with Frodo, Sam, and Gollum, the music is beautifully orchestrated, and the Battle of Helm's Deep is Endgame levels of epic. Next week, it concludes.
Week 6 - The Return of the King
This is probably my favorite of the trilogy. The battles are incredible, the music is beautiful, and it has one of the most emotional endings in a movie. This trilogy was an incredible one, and I'm glad I finally got around to watching it
Week 7: Groundhog Day
Since it's February, it makes sense that I watch this. And I really like it, it's funny, yet surprisingly emotional. And I just can't say no to Bill Murray
Week 8: Shin Godzilla
This one was all kinds of disturbing. From the disgusting abomination that is Godzilla, to the Atomic Death scene, and that horrifying ending, this is a reminder to what Godzilla was, a living disaster. And it is amazing.
Week 9: Your Name.
One word: beautiful. Nothing else can describe this movie. Just, beautiful. I wish I can elaborate more, but I can't.
Week 10: Titan AE
This month has a theme, which is sci-fi animated movies that were recieved well, but did poorly financially. Anyway, I liked this movie. The characters are likable, the music is great, and the animation is gorgeous. Not bad for Don Bluth's last movie.
Week 11: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
We continue with the underrated SciFi movies with Atlantis. I liked this one. The premise is cool, the characters are likeable, it's a lot edgier than most Disney movies, and hot damn, does it look good.
Week 12: Treasure Planet
Good God, this movie deserves better. Beautiful animation, great characters, and a concept involving telling Treasure Island in space that works so well. I love the steampunk aesthetic, I love the landscapes, I just love it.
Week 13: The Iron Giant
The last of underrated sci fi animated movies, and by far the best. Beautiful animation, likable characters, and great themes and messages. More people definitely need to see this one.
Week 14: The Evil Dead
This was, overall, a good horror movie. It has that Sam Raimi cheese I love, it can get pretty scary and very gory at times, and I like the characters. The only problem I had was that DAMN ENDING! YOU CAN'T PULL SOMETHING LIKE THAT ON ME! THAT'S BULLSHIT!
Week 15: Evil Dead 2
Holy crap! This movie was nuts. Once again, Sam Raimi delivers a fun horror movie. It's got some great puppetry, and watching Ash develop from a struggling survivor to an absolute badass is so satisfying. What else can I say, except
Week 16: Army of Darkness
Ok, I think it's safe to say that this is the moment when Evil Dead stopped taking itself seriously, but that's honestly what makes this movie so amazing. It's got some creative visuals, great action, and once again, Ash is a total badass
Week 17: Evil Dead (2013)
This is probably the weakest Evil Dead movie. It feels weird to go from horror comedy, to just horror. And there are a few cliches. But it does have good stuff. I like the characters(except Eric), the acting is good, and I like that there's little CG.
Week 18: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Welp, this was a long time coming. And I'm glad I'm finally getting into this series. I liked this movie. It's got impressive visuals for the time, the themes of humanity are good, and it's interesting seeing it resolved without violence
Week 19: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
A major improvement over the original. Khan, himself is a great villain, the characters are much better developed, the stakes are higher, and the ending is heart-wrenching.
Week 20: Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
A bit of a step down from Wrath of Khan, but still a great movie. The acting is phenomenal, and it's really gut-punching at times. But I felt Kruge was a lame villain, especially compared to Khan. Still, great movie.
Week 21: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. I thought I was watching Star Trek IV, because I have a hard time reading Roman Numerals. Oops. Well, I still liked this movie. It's a great finale for this series, and Kirk and Spock are still awesome.
Week 22: Edge of Tomorrow
Movie nights are being moved to Saturday until further notice. Also, this movie was badass. I love the concept, the characters, and the action.
Week 23: V for Vendetta
Thank you to @Piggs24 for suggesting this. This was a damn good one. It was kinda beautiful in a way. It has great cinematography, and V himself is so badass and charming, I just can't hate him.
Week 24: The Road to El Dorado
Man, this movie needs more love. The animation is beautiful, all the characters are likable, the Mayan culture is greatly represented, and the soundtrack is very underrated.
Week 25: Back to the Future
Talk about a classic. What else can I say? It's just a really good movie
Week 26: Batman '88
Again, what can I say that hasn't been said. This is a really good movie, and a really good Batman movie.
Week 27: Little Shop of Horrors
Well, this is going in my top favorite musicals. The songs are all bangers, it's really funny, and Audrey II is a fantastic villain, with godlike puppetry and a fantastic performance by Levi Stubbs.
Week 28: Godzilla '54
Damn, talk about depressing. It's rare for a Godzilla film to focus on the people. It's a bit dated in some areas, but is still a phenomenal movie.
Week 29: Back to the Future: Part II
Honestly, not as good as the original. Wasn't a fan of the excessive product placement, and I felt Marty and Jennifer's relationship was underdeveloped. That being said, I did like the moral message of abusing power
Week 30: Back to the Future: Part III
Definitely a step up from Part II. I love that there's more focus on Doc Brown, and his character arc. Overall, this was a great conclusion to this trilogy
Week 31: Promare
My expectations were already high, but HOLY CRAP! This may be my favorite anime movie. The action is absolutely stellar, the characters are all amazing, the soundtrack is pure bliss, and OH MY GOD THE ANIMATION IS SO INCREDIBLE! I JUST... AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Week 32: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This was just pure hilarity. I can't say anything more than that. It's nonstop laughter.
Week 33: Jurassic Park
What can I say? It's an absolute classic. The characters are likable, and the special effects still hold up to this day
Week 34: Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Probably one of the best Batman stories ever told. I love the deconstruction of Batman's character, asking the question of if he could ever live a happy life, and it has some of the best vocal performances of Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill.
Week 35: Airplane!
This is one of the best comedies I've ever seen. Every joke lands, and I wish modern parody movies would reach the same level
Week 36: The Naked Gun
Yet another hilarious parody movie. Leslie Nielsen delivers incredible acting, and it has a lot from what I loved about Airplane, absolute absurdity, while all the characters take it seriously
Week 37: The End of Evangelion
...what? What do you want me to say? What can I even say at this point? Never have I been more confused, disgusted, shocked, and intrigued in my life.
Week 38: Cube
I'm about 12 hours too late. Oops. Anyway, this is a fantastic horror movie, and a great example of how you can do so much with so little.
Week 39: Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
I needed something uplifting after the mental trauma that the last 2 movies put me through. Thankfully this movie did it, as it's one of the funniest stoner comedies I've seen
Week 40: Alien
This whole month is dedicated to classic horror, and this movie is definitely a fantastic one. The tension is high, the cinematography works wonders, and the alien is absolutely terrifying, with a fantastic design, and chilling presence
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