Signs you’ve outgrown someone (a thread):
1. You still love the person, but you like them less. Character traits are becoming more clear that you wouldn’t vouch for.
2. Interactions flow less and feel more forced.
3. Things that just bothered you in the past no longer surprise you and you’ve accepted it as simply the way they are. For better or worse.
4. You latch onto past positive experiences with this person to justify the relationship.
5. Your growth isn’t supported, it’s more often criticized.
6. Your views on important topics seem too far off to make sense. Your reasoning and theirs seem to come from different views of reality.
7. You don’t feel a need to cut them out completely, but less is more.
8. You don’t think they’re bad people, just not for you.
9. You’re reading this thread and a particular person comes to mind.
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