A lot of folks are being convinced by broader culture and all of these new revolutions that their orthodox beliefs in what God has said in His Word is wrong. Subsequently, they trade sound doctrine for a progressive theology/belief in God that culture is cool with but is false.
There’s a lot of talk about deconstructing our faith (which isn’t always a problem) but it becomes a problem when the reconstruction is accompanied by doctrine that literally opposed what God himself has said. We then justify the opposition.
That opposition is usually justified by all the damage the church has caused within culture and individuals specifically. This damage usually is said to come at the hands of what the church has believed historically. Thus, orthodoxy becomes the enemy that hurt me and others.
There are true legitimate critiques and opposition for the way the church has handled things - this should be called out - but let’s not confuse folk’s “actions” with what God has actually said and taught. That’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Let’s not confuse people’s abuse of God’s word and doctrine with what God has actually said and taught re sexual ethics, potential romantic relationships, gender/sex, the necessity of the local church, sound doctrine, etc.
I think folks are feeling the pressure of the outward culture now bearing down on everything we believe about sexual ethics, sex/gender norms and roles, power dynamics and even God himself. I think the temptation is to fold. To not be seen as bigots, enemies, etc.
Things in culture are changing rapidly & I believe that opposition to Christian’s beliefs (if they don’t match the culture’s) is getting more and more intense. The response is not to re-structure your beliefs/doctrine to make it acceptable or even tolerable to culture at large.
The response is to endure. Yes, endure! Let’s not forget that our Lord told us what folks would hate us on His account. Let’s not forget that Paul said folks will turn away from sound doctrine for a doctrine that scratches their itching ears.
I think another response we should have is also humility and repentance. A humility and repentance that is willing to sit and listen. A humility that is willing to understand where we went wrong with abuse, lack of love, lust for power, apathy, etc.
There are legitimate issues the church should be called out on. There are legitimate issues that needs to be addressed head on (racial issues, justice issues, political tribalism and issues of abuse are just some I’m passionate about).
But let’s not take these things -areas in which professing Christians have dropped the ball and even blatantly harmed others in - and then start throwing out ALL of the legitimate sound doctrine in which we have held on to. What God has said hasn’t changed. People have.
Trauma an abuse at the hands of the church must be called out and dealt with. Healing has to take place and there needs to be spaces for this. But a departure from God’s teaching (not man’s) will not accomplish this goal. We need both/and.
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