Okey, mari membuat jurnal tentang apa yang saya tonton di 2020. #2020KembaliMenulis.
1. Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini (NKCTHI)
dir. Angga Dwimas Sasongko ( @anggasasongko)

A quite good film. NKCTHI membuka perspektif mengenai apa itu keluarga, tentang hidup. Bahwa treatment pertama untuk masalah adalah acknowledgement. Not mas Angga's strongest.
2. Swing Kids
dir. Kang Hyoung-Chul

A very well told film and super on tempo just like how these kids are tap-dancing. DO's acting range is crazy fucking good. A must watch.
3. When They See Us
dir. Ava duVernay

When Jharrel Jerome said "Unfortunately, I think, our strongest stories are stories about pain," he meant this. Strong. Well-told. Taking all emotion and binding it all at once. Super TV series. A must watch.
4. 1917
dir. Sam Mendes

1917 is a War Film 101. One-take formula yang diusung bukan untuk gaya saja, tapi instrumen cerita. Filmnya tidak akan sebagus ini tanpa teknik itu. Everything is super masterful. Mr. Roger Deakins should have his own temple.
5. The End of The F**king World 2
dir. Lucy Forbes, Destiny Ekaragha

Darkly funny, sharp and full of wit. TEoTFW S02 takes James and Alyssa to a journey unexpectedly deep about overcoming trauma and embracing love. Super fun sequel.
6. Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
dir. Quentin Tarantino

Yg paham refrensinya akan bersorak kencang, tp yg tidak akan cukup tersesat. Bekali diri dgn pengetahuan soal Sharon Tate sblm menonton. This film is really heavy on old-school Hollywood references. Not Tarantino's best.
7. Marriage Story
dir. Noah Baumbach

Baumbach's latest film took a closer look on how painful and hard the journey to a divorce really is. Heartbreaking and feels true to life. Scene membaca surat di akhir film akan saya bawa sampai mati. Cantik sekali. A must-see.
8. Spider-Man: Far From Home
dir. Jon Watts

Ya, i know i'm late. The reason i didn't watch it sooner is exactly the review. It's just fun. No more, no less. The illusion scene is enigmatic, tho. But yeah, fun. No more. No less.
9. Jojo Rabbit
dir. Taika Waititi

This anti-war film showed how mature Taika is as a storyteller. Very light, full of wit, but carry a very important message about love and hate. Kalau kamu ngerasa filmnya konyol, coba resapi. Taika's probably laughing in your face.
10. In Bruges
dir. Martin McDonagh

Martin is the master of dark jokes. Almost everything about this movie is not appropriate to be laughed at, but fucking hilarious nonetheless. Very very fun. A must watch.
11. The Invisible Man
dir. Leigh Whannell

Elisabeth Moss turned her acting up a notch by becoming a reguler suburban girl with psychotic genius ex. The film's build-up is good but kinda ruined by the rushed third-act. Still good, but anticlimactic.
12. Onward
dir. Don Scanlon

One of Pixar's best. I'm ugly-crying in theatre. A very well made film. Please watch.
13. Ford v. Ferrari
dir. James Mangold

This high-octane drama is being revved at full speed the whole time resulting in such a tight-knit narrative without ever being boring. Christian Bale is indeed one the best actor of our generation.
14. Sex Education (Season 1)
creator: Laurie Nunn

Sex Education revolves its story around sex without becoming gross or superficial. Instead, it carefully tackles the taboo around the subject and delivers very colorful stories with so much fun. A must-see.
15. The Haunting of Hill House
creator: Mike Flanagan

Oh, my God. This series is super scary, but beyond that, it's not the main event, rather the tool for such a big heart and cleverly executed story. Mike Flanagan is a horror master. Man, Ep. 6 is one to die for. Must-watch.
16. Me$akke Bang$aku (a stand up special by Pandji Pragiwaksono)

It's his 3rd time touring but i feel that this one is his 'true' take off. Pandji (as always) is insanely funny, insightful and punchy with hard-hitting truth. Truly one of a kind comic.
17. Fleabag (Season 1)
creator: Phoebe Waller-Bridge

This show is so good that it hurts. I have no word. So, so good. Oh and that finale is fucking spectacular. Phoebe is my new crush.
18. Lovely Man
dir. Teddy Soeriatmadja

Although i thought that this movie should've been better narratively, it's still a good film and a prove that Indonesia is really diverse too in film sense. Donny Damara and Raihaanun's actings are collosus.
19. Fleabag (Season 2)
creator: Phoebe Waller-Bridge

How. Can. A. Show. Have. Two. Fucking. Spectacular. Finale. In. A. Row.

Fleabag will go down in history as one of the finest TV series the world has ever seen. Phoebe is a prodigy.
20. Menemukan Indonesia
dir. Pandji Pragiwaksono

Using the title of the movie is very heavy considering the movie lacks the narrative to actually point it out. There are many overlong sequence. It's better to be titled 'MBWT TRIP JOURNAL' rather than 'Menemukan Indonesia.'
21. Sex Education (Season 2)
creator: Laurie Nunn

The series got bigger and cleverly put every character's journey without anything being too overwhelming. This is how you treat a sequel. Well done. Rooting for Season 3.
22. Uncut Gems
dir. Safdie Brothers

This film is the embodiment of a panic attack. Terlihat begitu berantakan tapi terstruktur. Menonton ini seperti disuntik adrenalin sepanjang waktu. Adam Sandler in serious roles is the best Adam Sandler.
23. Don't F**k With Cats
creator: Mark Lewis

This docuseries is scary but it's scary more because of the fact that it really happened in real life. Narratively, the film feels unfocus and confused of what it was going to say. It's still good, but i think it should be better.
24. Initiation Love
dir. Yukihiko Tsutsumi

Initiation Love is the kind of a love story that will set long debates afterward. This clever 80s homage is an ode to the duality of love in ways that it causes pain and comfort at the same time, just like both sides of a cassette. 4/5.
Dulu sempet diingetin sama @houndmonster untuk ngasi rating di review yang saya post disini, yang saya jawab dengan "saya akan tulis di blog"...

Sepertinya itu tidak akan kejadian dalam waktu dekat...
Jadi, kalau temen temen ingin liat rating VERSI SAYA untuk film - film sebelum Initiation Love, klik review filmnya lalu lihat reply-nya ya:)
25. The Strange Thing About The Johnsons
dir. Ari Aster

What the fuck is happening? Who hurt you, Ari Aster? How did this cross your mind? Twistedly insane. Insane insane insane.

26. Lemantun
dir. Wregas Bhanuteja

Lewat ini, Wregas dengan jelas bilang, untuk sesuatu jadi besar, yang pertama harus dilakukan adalah bersyukur. Pesan ini disampaikan dengan cara paling hangat yang dia bisa. I'm crying. Must see. 4/5.
Lemantun bisa ditonton secara gratis di YouTube dari kemarin! Ini linknya:
27. Next Floor
dir. Denis Villeneuve

This metaphorical short is basically Denis shitting on human greed. Specifically about how we see our environment 'devour' everything and we have no choice but to be part of. This is Denis' way of saying we're fucked. 3,5/5.
28. La Casa de Papel (Season 1)
creator: Alex Piña

A slow start season with unreliable protagonists and blurry sense of danger makes La Casa de Papel a not so compelling heist series. Thank God it got better through the end. 3/5.
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