I’m getting ready to preach a twitter sermon on spiritual fathers, so follow this thread and retweet if you’d like. I’m doing this because it is a very important concept that needs explanation because without understanding, people end up battling rejection and insecurity
To begin, the Bible legitimizes this concept and portrays the spiritual father-son dynamic in many places, but most clearly in the relationship between Paul and the Corinthians as well Paul and Timothy. See scripture above 1 Cor. 4:14-17
We see here several kingdom principles. 1. Paul refers to himself as the spiritual father of the corporate body of Corinthian believers. 2. Paul refers to Timothy as a “true son” due to his faithfulness to Paul and the similarity between their message and lifestyle. (Impartation)
3. Paul bases his authority on the fact it was through his ministry that these people had come to faith in Christ and were being taught and held ACCOUNTABLE by his teachings as was God ordained purpose. A person is not your spiritual father simply because you like their preaching
A spiritual fathers primary role is to point you to THE FATHER, not themselves. Paul understood that he was not to replace God but reveal Gods ways to them. Whenever a leader is concerned about you following them than God, you have the raw ingredients for a cult
There are categories and jurisdictions for spiritual fathers. We have “Church Fathers” these are akin to the “founding fathers” of America, the church fathers are the original Apostles and others who birthed historic movements. Historically, They appear every 100 years or so
We have Fathers of movements, ideas and local churches. They usually don’t carry the title “father”, but are designated as such because they, by Gods grace ushered the church into new era such William Seymour, CH Mason, Wesley, MLK Jr, John Piper, Lou Engle, Bill Johnson etc...
We also have fathers who lead churches and are NOT FAMOUS! More than likely if God brings a spiritual father into your life they will be ordinary, integral, humble, and knowledgeable. They are Gods gift to serve you. Fathers don’t come to be served but to serve God’s children
Not everybody needs a 1on1 relationship with a spiritual father, we have PASTORS, Elders, big brothers and sisters to encourage, teach, rebuke, console and walk with us through life. For 95% of ppl, that’s all you will ever need!
I believers there’s generally speaking 3 main types of people who need a spiritual father. #1 If you come from extremely traumatized history #2 you are truly called to preach the gospel #3 you join a church that you truly believe you are called by God to help build and sustain
The last part of this thread, I’m going to give you 10 ways to identify a spiritual father and how to approach them if at all. Please re-read the previous tweets to understand the context... continued here —->
1. They are absolutely obsessed with JESUS! A true father, realizes it’s NOT ABOUT THEM. If you hear more about themselves than Jesus... red flag
2. A true father has a heart to serve their children. They make sacrifices to push them forward. They model servant-hood
3. They will be very TOUGH on you. Spiritual father is a higher level of accountability for people called to be on frontlines of ministry. They will lovingly rebuke you! Never mean-spirited but firm. You DO NOT WANT A WEAK FATHER... red flag. Let them call out sin and dysfunction
4. They will teach you the value of honor not only with their words, but example. Your spiritual father should demonstrate HONOR. In Gods kingdom, dishonor is the kryptonite
5. They will call you to consecration! Any spiritual that doesn’t emphasize holiness does not walk close enough to God. It is impossible to have a low view of holiness if you truly seek His heart. Spiritual fathers place holiness high on the list!
6. They have God ordained wisdom to help you make “big decisions” in life. Don’t make a decision and then tell them after the fact. Few things are more dishonorable than keeping your leaders out of the loop, but expecting them to bless a decision they had no involvement with!
7. Whether they are famous on social media or not, they have a word from God for your life. It may be a prophecy or their preaching. But when you become familiar with them, the impartation ceases. Don’t dishonor their role. Some distance is healthy!
8. A true father wants you to go further than them! They are not in competition with you. They see your success as an extension. They lend their resources to you. Counsel, prayers, money, time... if you honor their role!
9. They are more concerned with your health than your anointing! They look for character growth not so much at gifting. They’ll ask you about your grades, punctuality, following through with your goals, your bible reading, your family etc.. they love YOU not your gift
10. They are imperfect and their hearts are easily broken. They probably let you into their to heart and home. If you have a great Pastor or spiritual father respect and appreciate them. They are just humans at the end of the day. Let them make mistakes. They are not your savior
There’s a lot more than can be said, but in closing as mentioned above 95% of people will be just fine with a godly church and pastor. If you know you are called to preaching or deeper levels of intercession, pray for God to send someone into your life, who will bring you higher
If you have a spiritual father or desire that kind of relationship with your pastor, be honest with them, that a higher level of accountability is something you desire and let them seek God about it. Don’t come with entitlement but with honor. A true father will gladly serve you
one last thing... if the person you call spiritual father is constantly asking you more money or God forbid charging you money to be affiliated. Pack your bags and run. We should sow into people and ministries that bless us, but never out of fear or compulsion! That’s a cult
You can follow @BrianMwilliams.
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