The Argument From Contingency
- Simply summarised

Note: This is one of the greatest proofs of God’s existence and there are no refutations.

Bismillah let’s begin..
1- Let’s begin by defining some terms which are contingency, necessary existence and infinite regress.

-Contingency: Contingency- In simple terms, a contingent reality is an existence that depends on something else for its existence. It also means something in which

could have not existed or could have potentially existed in another shape or form. Examples of contingent existences are humans, chairs, and computers, etc. For instance, if we take a look at a human, we humans had to depend on our parents for us to come in existence

and there is a chance that we could have not existed. Computers depend on certain parts to function such as the CPU, HDD, etc. and they could have not existed at the same time.

Necessary Existence- A necessary existence is a fully independent existence which could have not existed in any other way, therefore, anything else that exists is contingent upon this existence. This existence is eternal and contains qualities such as independent etc.

Infinite Regress-  This is a fallacy which presupposes an explanation which can never come to an end. For instance, if I wanted to punch you but this requires the consent of A, but A requires the consent of B and B requires from C and so on for ad infinitum.

This would mean that I would never be able to punch you until we arrived at a point of where someone didn’t need the consent of someone else

Now we must show that the universe is contingent and I have based this premise on 3 preceding factors:

1)     Universe having causation- it was hugely believed within the 20th century that the universe was an eternal existence simply due a continues creation of matter however as science had advanced majority of the evidence points towards the Big Bang Model rendering that the

steady-state model; is therefore invalid. The common belief is now that the universe is finite and had a time in which it began which is approximately 13.4 billion years ago. This is simply one of the reasons why the universe is contingent.

however for argument's sake if the universe was eternal it would still be continent due to the other reasons we discuss.

2)     Limited Nature of the Universe- The subsequent parts of the universe such as time, matter, dark energy, dark matter, and electromagnetic radiation are limited in their very nature and extra questions ponder as to why these parts are way they are etc.
3)     Variation of the Universe- This is the very fact that the universe didn’t have to exist, or it could have simply existed in another way or simply rearranged differently therefore even if the universe was deemed as eternal, it would remain contingent from these factors
Let’s walk through the premises and see which one of these can only be possibly true.
1- The universe is Contingent on a small number of contingent realities
Problems start to arise because each contingent reality depends on another however if there is a contingent existence which isn’t dependant on an NCR or another contingent existence then this would /13
nullify the whole timeline.

2- There is an infinite chain of contingent realties:

This would leave to the simple problem of an infinite regression which would conclude that no reality could ever exist except the universe does exist hence this option would also be nullified.
When the fallacy of infinite regression is used then any of the contingent realities could have never existed as there was no one necessary existence that was there first.

3- A Necessary Existence:

The last option is that there must exist a necessary existence (NCR) which handles the qualities of eternal and independent meaning this existence could have not existed in any other way. The necessary existence is the only logical necessity /17
as well as an explanation for our universe.

Please Note::
-This argument argues for a specific monotheistic entity which is the prime cause of all other possible existences.

-This argument isn’t arguing for any specific God. So don’t strawman this post and Finally

May Allah swt reward you all and guide us all 😊

I shall post more in the future iA but use this thread as a backup or a challenge for any atheist to refute. Let’s see how they can’t.
When you realise no one can refute this argument then you know how easy it is to prove God exists. It’s that simple
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