Thread: Tesla and the Germans Pt 1

What is the real legacy of Tesla’s work?

During his life, Tesla made amazing discoveries. Helped by close working relationship with a man named George Scherff Sr. He was at different times noted as Tesla’s assistant, accountant, and friend.
During the time they worked together, Scherff amassed a large collection of Tesla’s papers as well as insight into what he was working on and the “previously unknown physics” behind that work.
Upon Tesla’s death, agents from the Office of Alien properties seized his papers and equipment almost immediately. They were then given to John G Trump, an electrical engineer, physicist and inventor (as well as POTUS uncle) for examination
By many accounts, Tesla had some 80 trunks filled with notes and equipment plus what he kept in his personal safe. A lot of highly technical things to go through for 1 man. But John managed it in 2 days because he concluded there was “no scientific notes” within any of it.
This could very well be misdirection on the part of Trump. Tesla’s work covered a lot of ground and in his later life he was focused on military applications of his concepts of Teleforce and Telegeodynamics as he spoke about in a NYT article from 1940. But what if it were true?
Is it possible that someone had cherry picked the technical info out of Tesla’s work before he died? Who would have access AND know what to grab? His former assistant/accountant George Scherff Sr stands out to me as a strong possibility.
After Tesla’s death (January 7, 1943), many researchers and govt officials were asking these same questions. The FBI contacted Scherff Sr in 1954 to ask him just that. But instead of showing up himself, he sent his teenage son to speak with the FBI (weird, right?)
The sons name was given as George H Scherff jr and he told the FBI that through his fathers work with Tesla, they possessed a large collection of his notes. Scherff jr told the FBI that he was contacted at his home in New York by Leland Anderson, a writer from Colorado Springs.
Anderson wanted the information to both memorialize Tesla and continue his research along with Kenneth Swezey. Here are the letters Anderson sent to Scherff jr
While it’s unclear whether Scherff Jr gave them any info, it was clear that he possessed much of what they were interested in. Considering the books they wrote, even if they didn’t it’s obvious that Tesla was light years ahead of his peers in physics, electromagnetism...
Wireless transmission of power, radio waves, propulsion, and particle manipulation. Tesla even claimed to understand how to create and control ball lightning as well as transmit and receive signals from deep space.
During his life Tesla had many financial troubles and made a lot of bad deals, claiming much of his work was stolen by other countries (including Germany). Much of his work was apparently stolen by “friends”. Which brings us back to Scherff Sr
While working together, Scherff Sr would bring his son to the lab. Jr proved to be an annoyance to Tesla and would often rifle through his papers and equipment, and things would often go missing. Tesla gave Jr the nickname “Curious George” because he was always under foot.
So who exactly were the Scherffs? To answer that we need to explore another strange but fascinating part of the story. Fast forward to 1999 to Otto Skorzeny, Hitlers former bodyguard and SS Officer who escaped after WW2 through the rat lines setup by the Nazis the end of the war Skorzeny escaped to Chile where he spent time at the notorious secret Nazi stronghold Colonia Dignidad. Working with other Nazis to continue the goals of the Reich
Skorzeny supposedly died in 1975, but he was apparently quietly living in the US until 99. On his deathbed he confessed to his daughters boyfriend who he was and told him an incredible story.
The story was that Scherff Sr was none other than Prescott Bush! And Jr was none other than George HW Bush. And that they were Nazi spies put into position to continue the work of the Reich and undermine the free world from within the US.
To back up his claims, Otto had a shoebox full of photos of he and his fellow Nazis after WW2 getting together in places all over the world to meet secretly and continue their work of achieving the goals of their Reich. Otto even claimed Scherff Sr killed Tesla.
Curiously Scherff Sr (Prescott) was the last person to see Tesla alive on Jan 3 1943. The backstory of their family history is rather complex (purposely so) but here are a couple links to good breakdowns (H/T @Wrecknor)
But did they also pass on Tesla’s sensitive and highly technical information to the Germans? A bit of conjecture here but I think the answer is yes. Germany’s military was decimated after WW1 but yet made an incredible resurgence and developed some advanced tech almost overnight
Let’s consider some of the weapons developed by Germany. Starting with their “V” weapons. Towards the end of 42 they started using their V1 buzz bomb and their V2 rockets (essentially the first guided missle) to strike as far away as London. V2s were guided by radio signals...
...sorry, technical difficulties posting all of part 2. Stay tuned
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