I'm making this thread where I'll be adding things I learn everyday in 2020 starting today:
Jan 1: "Creating time"
The time you create with anyone or anything are the ones that define your life over time. Be selective about it.
Jan 2: Don't settle for less than what you deserve.
Jan 3: Always always make time for things you love.
Jan 4: . “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”  - Jack Canfield
Jan 5: Saw this in @abnux's yt video, and it's the one thing I never one to forget, so putting it here.
Jan 6: Pick a mentor, if you want to grow in the right direction. They speed up your learning process and don't let you make mistakes they did.
Also, if they decide to give you their time, respect it.
Jan 7: Protect your dreams, no one else will do it for you.
Jan 8: Write about my learnings in more detail so they don't look like they've been picked from google
Jan 9: Learn how to use social media effectively. It gives you platform to connect with literally anyone. Use it to your advantage.
My medium articles and Illustration work I put on instagram helped me get job opportunities, even before I started applying.
Jan 10: Till last year I couldn't have imagined choosing a career path that isn't relatad to my college course, going against my parent's wish, and being independent at 22. All it took was a little courage and motivation (& smol amount of hard work).
btw you'll find these two cuties if you zoom in
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