So... after playing for 7 days I am now at the 6th singularity and WOAH THIS IS INTENSE 😅 #shiikaplaysfgo
Now at Lvl. 82 haha. This is the most dedicated and intense I have been towards a mobile game. 😅 ALL FOR ULTIMATE HUSBANDO ARTHUR PENDRAGON 😆

Now, need to farm those Medal of Knight to ascend him 🤴 #shiikaplaysfgo
#shiikaplaysfgo husbando tier list 😆
I think I am lucky in my first summon ticket roll because the Berserker of El Dorado came home!! 😆

Maybe I triggered her into coming to my Chaldea because my status in the game mentions Achilles 😂 #shiikaplaysfgo
Worked so hard for this the past week. I need ascencion materials for Merlin and Arthur Pendragon (my two game husbandos hahahaha) #shiikaplaysfgo
Support setup progression update.
* Almost all servants maxed out
* FINALLY GRAILED ARTHUR WOOHOO. On our way to Lvl 100!!
#shiikaplaysfgo Support set up update.
* Rolled Sessyoin Kiara 3 days ago. Finally a 5★ Alter Ego/Extra Class servant
* Arthur finally ay Lvl 92, grailed him again to have his max level cap at Lvl 94. Slowly but surely getting to Lvl 100
* Bought a copy of Chaldea Lunchtime CE
#shiikaplaysfgo Support Set-up update:

* After 300++ SQs and 20++ STs, no Arthur NP2, but I was able to bring Ozymandias home!! Now I have full SSR+SR line up. ❤️🙏
* Arthur in his spiriton dress code is ❤️❤️❤️
Am now at Lvl 121, this is the most dedicated I have evee been in a game lol. FGO made me more of a degenerate hahaha
I need to replenish my Achilles SQ fund because half of it was taken bt Chaldea Boys Banner hahaha. I am so gullible to FGO husbandos 😅
I am trying to make an all husbandos support line up. I am still miles away on making this work haha.

Need more husbandos on:
* Extra class: Sherlock or Edmond Dantes pls
* Lancer: Karna pls
* Berserker: Cu Alt or Kintoki pls
#shiikaplaysfgo support set up update:
▶️ Summoned my husbando, Achilles. Thank you gacha gods 🙏 Will surely grail him to Lvl 100 alongside Arthur ❤️✨
▶️ Bond 10 Merlin! He is my first 10/10/10 servant and first one to bond 10
▶️ 10/10/10 Waver as well 😁
▶️ Me at Lvl 126!!
Took a break from work (haha) to finally max out Arthur to Lvl 100.

I just need more medals, qp and gold fous 😅

FARMING. IS. LYF. #shiikaplaysfgo
#shiikplaysfgo milestone: finally hit the 130th mark 😅
Today marks another milestone with my husbando Arthur: he finally reached Bond 10 ✨

Time to grind QP and 10 more knight medals (lol) to bring him to 10/10/10 skills 💖

I just need 6 more secret gem of saber and tons of QP (as you can see I am still poor in QP lol) to bring him to 10/10/10.

Arthur, we'll get there soon. 💖✨ #shiikaplaysfgo
Husbando tier list completion log:
First bond 10 servant: Merlin ✨
2nd bond 10 servant: Waver 💖 (+ story of how he spooked me in Archer Gil's new year banner)
April 24, 2020: after months of saving, was able to summon Achilles in just 30 SQs ✨
And after a few weeks, Achilles became my first lvl 100 grailed servant 😁
Despite initially not planning to roll for him, tried my luck in his Murder in Kogetsukan banner. My fave detective, Sherlock Holmes, came home in 11 pulls ✨💖
#shiikaplaysfgo support set-up update:
▶️ Holmes joins the line-up! I have mats for his skills but I am poor in QP so leveling him may take a while
▶️ Arthur finally at Lvl 100 & 1,540/2000 fous. Need more Knight Medals and QP to max level his skills. When can I NP2 him tho 😭
#shiikaplaysfgo support set-up update:
▶️ Placed Carmilla in Assassin slot. I love Shiki but Carmilla was my starter so she deserves to be displayed 😁
▶️ Finally leveled-up Berserlot! He's very useful in general farming ✨
▶️ Am now also Lvl 131. How did I end up like this? 😂
It's been a while since my last #shiikaplaysfgo support set-up update. 😂
* Finally got Komaeda, err, Edmond Dantes. 😅 Equipped a star gather rate CE for crazy crits with his cards ✨
* Carmilla NP2 lol
* Need to work on Orion's skills
* Not in here but also got Skadi 9/7/10 💖
#shiikaplaysfgo support set-up update:
▶️ FINALLY MY HUSBANDO ARTHUR HAS MAXED SKILLS. Soon he will have max fou, too ✨
▶️ FINALLY PULLED GIL AAAAHHH. Will grail him up to Lvl 100
▶️ Bought MLB Mona Lisa at last 🙏 Hope this helps in taking me out of QP hell lol
#shiikaplaysfgo support set-up update:
▶️ Gilgamesh and Edmond Dantes finally 10/10/10 🙏
▶️ Not here but Skadi also 10/10/10 🙏
▶️ Now in QP hell again due to this wahahaha

I just need SSR Assassin and Berserker soon 🙏🙏🙏
#shiikaplaysfgo support set-up update
▶️ Finally got Cu Alter, SSR Berserker! Working on his leveling his skills now (QP pls)
▶️ LB Heaven's Feel CE with Arthur ✨
▶️ Trying also to level Eresh's skills (more QP pls)
it has been a long time, here's my #shiikaplaysfgo support set up update ✨
▶️ finally all 5★s in have 10/10/10 skills ✨
▶️ in the kama waiting room, hopefully she comes home so i will have a 5★ assassin
▶️ playing CCC event to get BB and One Summer CE for Edmond Dantes ✨
also i have 5 slots in my friends list pls feel free to add ✨ (adding mutuals only, pls let me know your IGN)
#shiikaplaysfgo support set up update
▶️ finally all slots are SSR characters 🙏
▶️ need more QP to up Kama's skills

have 4 slots left, feel free to add but let me know your ign so i know who to add ✨
#shiikaplaysfgo support set up update
▶️ finally all slots are SSR characters with 10/10/10 skills 🙏
▶️ I have also Skadi and Beni-Enma as alternative in caster and saber slots respectively

have 4 slots left, feel free to add but let me know your ign so i know who to add ✨
You can follow @miraishiika.
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