#transfur #TFtuesday #TFeveryday
My hobby: turning you into a sweet little critter like me, through cuddles and smooches.
Long, slow kiss, tongue wanders around your changing teeth. Possum muzzles are so big, aren't they?
Got you by surprise, mwah. Your fluffy skunk tail pops out before the stripe runs down your nose.
Kiss. Kiss. Starts a bit shy, but once there's some squirrely colour on your cheeks you're much more keen.
Smooch. Little lick. You pounce, tabby fur from nose to cheeks to ears, and pick up kisses where I left off.
Snoozy, half-awake kisses, my paws on your ears that get smaller. Aww, be careful with those ratty teeth!
Peck. Just a quickie each time we pass. It's mid afternoon before you notice your colourful macaw feathers.
All day I've been teasing you, so when you get a chance it's you smooching me. There's a good badger.
Eee, hold still! Silly. Fine, then I'll kiss your nose, tuck my paws in your fluff, cuddle up with my new anteater~
Dinner, wine, chocolates, a clear night under the stars. The kiss turns us both into hyenas. Gotta laugh, right?
Noses nuzzle, whiskers tickle, gently does it. Goodnight kiss. But once you're a ferret, you're wide awake again...!
Snuggles. No rush. Hands to paws, tails wrapped around each other, squeeze, watching and feeling new lemur fur.
Eee, you're tall. Perched on a shoulder, cute little kiss, stripes and soft fur. You'll be a lovely red panda, I'm sure.
Close your eyes! The gentle kiss you're expecting, but the kit fox muzzle is a cute surprise.
Sneaky fuzzy ninja. In your kitchen, looking for food. Just a quick little kiss, and we can be raccoons together.
Boing! There's your big pointy fennec ears. A long, passionate smooch brings out the rest of your foxy look. Mmm~
You're late? Oh no, have a little snug and a quick kiss for the road. Or the sky. Peregrine falcons are pretty quick...
Rubbing cheeks, teasing ears, kissing your lips. Feel twitchy ears and soft muzzle, wag-wag your fluffy husky tail~
A dance, a cuddle, a kiss to the cheek. Helping you out of the pile of clothes: shrunk, fuzzy, cute coatimundi.
At the wildlife park. Wasn't me, this group of little otters smooched you one by one until you were just like them. <3
Caught in a kiss, your muzzle grows, your ears plump out, fluffy black and white, familiar spotted skunk. Hiya me~ ^^
Mmf, such a long drawn-out kiss. Now you're a tiny little mouse, might you get even smaller next time? Ooh, let's see~
Smooch. Making out so much it's hypnotic, captivating; you just can't stop until you're that long, slinky tongue <3
A long kiss. Deep breaths that plump you out, round and squeaky, stripy and shiny. Cute little ringtail cat balloon~
Wrapped tight, a smooch so deep and passionate that you melt. Literally. You'll be the sweetest, cutest goofriend~ đź’ś
Nuzzles. Warm little nose-kisses. Doesn't take much for us both to end up plush toys; soft, plump, so very cuddly~
Not a long kiss, but at that moment we swapped bodies. I'm you, you're me. It's nice having a new perspective~ 💛💜
It's okay to be shy. A quick kiss and you're a cute pangolin ball. A longer one relaxes you, lets you safely uncurl. 🧡
Just relax in our catdragon's kiss, changing, shrinking, squeaking... welcome to the swarm, kobold mouse~ đź’™
Kiss me while I'm changing, let's share it. Noses touch, whiskers brush, little ears perk up. Sweet, fuzzy ferrets~ 🧡
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