65 pages of guidance for lobby groups to get legislation on the books to allow self-determined (SelfID) gender identity on the books. Absolutely fascinating insight to how a marginalised group are changing laws despite incoherence about what “gender” is

The project is European wide. The U.K. advisors are Mosaic Youth Trust and another organisation that “wishes to remain anonymous”. This is a guide to lobbying for legislative change and they refuse to tell us who they are!!🌈
Free advice from the corporate Thompson Reuter’s Foundation and one of the largest Law firm in the world! Polycentric? Is this one of the new Genders? CBA to look it up) . What was that you say? Most oppressed group ever?
We now have more of the Stonewall Stats. Now 80% have self harmed and 90% have contemplated suicide. Does nobody actually question this data? I have NEVER seen any Civil Rights movement weoponising suicide the way this lobby group do.
Introduction by a U.K. based activist. They are over on twitter denying that anyone believes sex doesn’t exist. Worth a look at some of the media they produce as this is a key tactic, as outlined in this document.
Lessons from Ireland. “Latch onto” popular legislation. Get stuffed passed under the radar. The U.K. ran out of time on an obscure bill regulating counselling practitioners. It was actually trying to outlaw any therapy to resolve Gender Dysphoria! We see you @GeraintDaviesMP
Those of us having our gay offspring destabilised. Check your school out. The LGBT materials actually hurt our gay kids, who aren’t walking sex stereotypes by telling them they may be #BornInTheWrongBody. No opt out in 2020. CHECK THE TEACHING.
Another organisation to note. Also the Legal bodies take no responsibility for any legal advice provided. Nice touch.
This is a common tactic. Reference SEX is protected. (To reassure) Claim “Gender Identity” is protected, by implication. Sex segregation,it is made clear, needs to go. So we have ourselves a conflict. The introduction states that “gender segregation” violates privacy. Whose?
Another common tactic is to talk about “minors” say you mean 16-18. Then switch to “child”. Talk a lot about a child’s legal rights and their autonomy. This is another attack on parental responsibility. As is made more explicit. They want Parental Consent to be over-ridden
Not only wanting to eradicate parental consent but they want parents to be subject to “State” sanction! The activists clearly think they have a better chance of passing this under left governments. I hope Labour has better sense than to gift another election with this madness.
Anyone should be able to declare a new legal gender and a spouse is not allowed to review their marriage contract on that basis. Also if you, the woman, gives birth they would like the ability to register as per “gender identity”. Anyone thought abt Labour rights for the mums!
The tactics are to target “youth” politicians. (Mhairi. You are being played as well as many old enough to know better in ALL political parties)
Check Hansard. A number of our politicians use the phrase “de-medicalise” the process. We must make sure the public don’t think about “minors” & medicalisation. Yet elsewhere we are told that “Gender Affirmation Surgery” must be available & funded.
There’s a lot of tips to manipulate with human interest studies (Becoming Leo sneaked on CBBC springs to mind). Then we have the NGOs getting involved. As we have seen here with Stonewall Law. “Get ahead of the government”. This is what is happening in the U.K. Already.
Limit PRESS COVERAGE! This was highly successful in other countries. Elsewhere it talks about getting international Human Rights orgs to criticise governments. (Amnesty is already pimping for pimps & now the Trans Lobby). Some prominent QCs too. Also talk up hate crimes. Again.
BTW. It costs £140 for a GRC. Document changing adds more. There’s financial help. The cost argument is bonkers. Also GRCs have been given to prisoners & attempted rapists with no surgery. It’s not that hard. It’s an enabling process as described by a GRP judge.
The U.K. is seen as particularly resistant to the juggernaut. More hyperbole about the hostile environment. Remind me again who attacked a woman? Remind me again who gets meetings aggressively shut down? That would be WOMEN!
And it uses a slur associated with threats of rape & violence.
Coined by a Guardian Journalist 👇. Would love to know which one?
Nicely skirts over the issue that means women can’t meet without males the way this is heading. NO! it’s not JUST about toilets. Lies & Obfuscation
I have rarely read a more sinister document.
And here we have an unexpected connection.
https://twitter.com/stonewalluk/status/1181249232294072321?s=21 https://twitter.com/stonewalluk/status/1181249232294072321
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