Where Am I?

Kal-El watched from an unknown location, the pain Diana and Martha were going through. There was nothing he could do to ease their pain. He swallowed hard as he watched the love of his life lay on his lifeless body. He could hear every word she said to him. >
<He wanted so badly to comfort her. To wrap his arms around her and assure her everything was alright. But there was no way he could. For Kal-El time had no existence where he is.
But it was torment and sheer pain to watch Diana suffer as she has been. Martha had others to >
<lean on. Diana had no one, she had closed herself off. He felt a presence near him. And he spoke to it without seeing who it is, "Isn't there something you can do to help her?" There was only silence that followed. "Answer me! Isn't there something you can do for her?" >
<His father's voice called his name. "There is nothing my son we can do. She must mourn your loss in her own way."
Kal turned to see his father, "You don't understand. She can't take this much pain. She's pregnant with our child and there is something wrong, I can feel it." >
<"Kal-El, we can not interfere with the things that need to come to pass."
Kal approaches his father, upset and broken. "You are talking about the woman that is carrying your grandchild. The woman I love! There has to be something?"
"There is nothing Kal-El. This is what >
<is meant to be."
Kal looks around and takes notice of his whereabouts. "Where am I?"
"For now my son, you are in a place of healing."
Kal takes a deep breath releasing a heavy sigh. "I need to be with Diana. Send me back, please father. She needs me."
Jor-El places his >
<hand on his son's shoulder as if to comfort him. "If I could I would my son. But only someone of greater power can do that. As of now, you shall remain in this realm until she can help you."
Kal turns away hearing Diana's cries as she rests her head on Kal's chest. >
<"Who," Kal asks.
Out of nowhere, a beautiful blonde woman appears. Bathed in sunlight she smiles at Kal-El. "How soon you forgot about me, Sweety? Listen, Pop is going to fix you up. We just need to get baby Sister away from your body. I'd like to believe that I had >
<a hand in this great love that you both have for one another," she rolls her eyes and makes the tsk sound. "Oh what the hell, I'll just say it was all me." With her hand, she shoos away Jor-El. Aphrodite's expression changes. "Kal, everything that is happening >
<and will happen is not your fault or Diana's. I need you to keep that in your head. I was hoping that I could change the outcome to all of this. But this is how it has to be."
Kal looks at the Goddess of Love. "The baby?"
"I'm sorry. Peanut . . ." she closes her eyes and >
<takes a deep breath. "she has another path. I'm sorry Kal. All of this pain that Diana is going through is affecting the baby. And so is your absence. Peanut knows you're not there." Aphrodite comes closer to him. "There's something you need back. Something that will help >
<you and Diana." She places her thumbs over Kal's eyes. A surge of images flows into Kal's memories. It was the dream he had forgotten. He remembered meeting his and Diana's unborn daughter. In the realm, the baby could meet him in. Her and her father's dream. >
<Kal could now remember his daughter's face, her innocent voice, and laughter. She has his eye color and has her mother's beautiful features. Tears streamed down from his eyes.
"I'm so sorry Kal-El. I hope you know she will be safe and I will look after her. If it wasn't >
<for that worthless brother of mine and that witch Circe. You and Diana would have my niece with you. All your plans that you and Diana spoke of would be happening." Aphrodite places her hands on his scruffy face. "You will be with Diana again. I will not standby and have >
<her lose you and the baby. You and my sister have been meant for each other. A love this strong can not be torn apart. I won't allow it." Aphrodite releases Kal's face and turns away to shed a few tears. "I just wish Peanut could be saved from her fate." >
<"NO! I much rather remain wherever it is that I am than to have our baby not have a chance at life."
Aphrodite turns to face Kal, wiping away the tears she cried for the child. "I wish it were that simple Kal-El, but it isn't. Ares and Circe know about her. They set in >
<motion their plan. With Diana as broken as she is they will use that to their advantage. The moment Peanut is born they will take her from Diana and raise her. Using Peanut's powers to rule over Earth."
"Could you please stop calling the baby Peanut?"
"What," Aphrodite >
<shrugged. "She likes her nickname."
Kal goes back to where he can see Diana. "How do they know about the baby?"
Aphrodite explained to Kal that it was during a conversation Ares and Circe had that the two figured out the secret that Diana had growing inside of her. >
<It was then they plotted to kill Kal and later wait for the baby to be born and then take Kal and Diana's baby once she is born. It was something The Fates saw. Without Superman in the world total chaos would be unleashed.
There was once a question asked many years ago, >
<does the world really need a Superman? Aphrodite answered that question, "The world needs you Kal-El, YOUR world needs you." She points over at Diana. "She is your world Kal-El. To be without the other is an injustice to your love for each other."
Kal holds out his hand to >
<her image wanting to touch her and comfort her.
"She'll need you once the baby is gone. It won't be long now." Aphrodite bows her head down as a tear streams down her face. "You would have had a beautiful Christmas Kal-El, had it not been for Ares and Circe. Ares was >
< given a heart. But he never deserved it. One day, it will be ripped out. Something that Zeus himself should have done. Remember that Kal, while yours and Diana's baby won't have that chance to live. His heart will keep beating with evil intent to always spread war and hate. >
<I blame him for everything that will take place. I weep for Peanut. But I will not weep for my brother when his time comes."
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