If you procrastinate by playing with another potential skill (e.g. instruments, imagining physics, messing with computers, learning about medicine, etc.), then you’ll inevitably expand your curiosities into activities & potential relationships that begin with those commonalities.
compound interest from many quick small iterations is greater than the compound interest from a few slow big iterations. Compound interest operates in most intellectual and social domains.” ~ @naval
Procrastination isn’t always a zero-sum loss. You can use it to gain momentum! https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1212190145329299456
Philosopher is a fancy name for a person who contemplates & imagines more than anything else. Engineering is enacting philosophy with technology. Physics is proving some philosophies via geometrical & mathematical proofs of patterns.

Titles are limiting; mastery is an illusion.
“If we were detectives, we might look for something that has been over-looked because it is too obvious, staring us in the face.”

“One has to go outside the whole system to see something so obvious. If one stares at a phenomenon straight on, one often looks right through it.”
“By altering the angle of vision, suddenly new and important areas stand out.”

“By treating phenomena philosophically, it is possible to see that we are dealing with an immensely complex bundle of interconnect
 which can only be studied if we forget disciplinary boundaries.”
“Gains in one field, for example mathematics or the representation of three-dimensional space, soon feed back into the other
 As we have already seen, the intellectual and the material are interlinked.”
I compulsively remind myself of learning hacks & ego release because my biggest fear is gain/growth inflating my confidence beyond the ability to think critically (which requires doubt). It may be annoying to see the notes, but it’s my failsafe — & occasionally they are on-point. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1212183143349751809
It is possible to attract and encourage conversion by brainstorming with tweets, but if you are wrong and care about truth more than your public image
 then you’ll learn to tolerate public embarrassment from fruitless brainstorming.

If you gain even a clue, it will be worth it. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1209606758445924352
“I spent my life in books only to realize the knowledge preparing me for the turbulence of life is only valuable if one actually lives
 being buried away in books during youth is seen as a sacrifice, but understanding excels further with the balance of knowledge and experience.” https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1211792747285237761
Truth is not dictated by your belief or affirmation.

That’s the nature of truth

It resists the ever-changing bullshit emerging and destroying the world by simply existing
 waiting to be understood. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1203901798227963904
I’m not trying to sell you on this idea in the sense of converting you to it. I want you to play with it. I want you to think of its possibilities. I’m not trying to prove it. I’m just putting it forward as a possibility of life to think about. ~Alan Watts https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1182547948950843393
Employment: external pressure.
Entrepreneurship: internal pressure.
~ @jackbutcher
Employment usually breeds products, not innovation.
Academia: external pressure for approval.
Autodidact: internal pressure to understand.
School usually breeds regurgitation, not understanding. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1185730183371751425
Some indulgences kill you quickly
 some deteriorate you slowly.

But if creation or skills become an indulgence, possibilities blossom. 💼

The daily loop you live in can be hell or a blessing, but it is almost always a little of both. The indulgences you choose most shape you

Don’t be fueled by your past successes

Be fueled by the passion that urged you to succeed in the first place, before you accomplished projects but when you believed you could
 with eyes of awh.

That shaped energy is more potent than any confidence successful ventures create.
Most spend a few hours or more a day on digital devices.

What you do during that cultivates the path you walk

Sometimes a new lifestyle is simply less social media, more web browser, and more notes
 not turning into a gym rat & traveling the world.

Little pursuits compound.
Merging fields often happens during defocalization or casual times, not always intentionally. Procrastinating on carving a skill with another potential skill is a neat trick, but honing in for a few days or weeks on a specific goal that pertains to a single field can be fruitful: https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1179460982566871040
Avoid: “Backfiring effect— a supercharged version of confirmation bias where being presented with evidence that goes against your beliefs makes you double down on your initial beliefs because you feel you’re being attacked.”

Rather rejoice in new evidence unfolding unseen truth. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1140107040682938368
Looking for what you are afraid to find in an area of research can help you uncover the uncomfortable contradictions that lead to vital truths.

During research, leverage the discovery of paradoxes as potential opportunities for innovation. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1256344640472506368
When you only search to confirm your hypothesis (and sense of righteousness), you miss everything that contradicts it
 pointlessly creating confidence in an incomplete understanding.

“If identity feels threatened, then we are literally incapable of acknowledging facts.” ~ @naval https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1257227780086886400
The Cycle of Gradually Compounding Curiosity đŸ” đŸ§© 🎯 🧿 🔄:

Intermittent research for expanding possible directions and synergistic combinations.

Consideration over days or weeks+ to narrow down contradictions & unreconcilable collisions through different moods/frames of mind. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1214446804671950849
“Anyone who deals with their

restlessness and boredom

in productive ways ends up getting called

~ @TinkeredThinker
What you build may be timeless, but nothing is rarer than the present.

Don’t forget that people are more temporary than creations, so cherish them while they are around. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1257217804484308992
Obedience is the real opiate of the masses because it’s easier to trust experts than it is to dissect known evidence & think for yourself.

Research & verify how the pieces are put together yourself, or be beholden to misunderstanding from trusting authority & reputation blindly.
Holding a broken idea together in denial would be a much greater tragedy than admitting it’s incomplete. https://twitter.com/ColbySerpa/status/1196100163321786368
Crises distinguish proof from hype in real-time.
The optimal zone for performance is “slightly hungry.” ~ @naval

Restlessness is a side-effect of unfulfilled desire.

If you were truly content, you wouldn’t be looking to build or understand anything.

But unforced contentment sometimes gives you unbiased clarity at roadblocks: https://twitter.com/colbyserpa/status/1223890303305666560
Anxiety is unoutletted excitability.

“Enjoyment appears at the boundary between boredom and anxiety, when the challenges are just balanced with the person's capacity to act

to transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge improves quality of life.”
~Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Learn how to interact and work with your emotions to best outlet their spontaneous directions and cyclical tendencies.

Suppressing all your emotions isn’t stoic, it’s flying blind. https://twitter.com/colbyserpa/status/1266030306336714752
You can follow @ColbySerpa.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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