KiriBaku Twilight AU

CW: Twlight nonsense, sparkly vampires

Eijirou was not having a good month.

First, his mom gets remarried.

Then, the guy she gets married to ‘doesn’t have enough space for her only child’.
And finally, he has to move across the country from beautiful and warm Arizona, to dark, cold and rainy Forks, Washington.

Fuck the rain. It messed up his hair.


So, here he was. On a plane. Flying to Washington.
His Dad, Kosuke, met him off the plane. It was a quiet drive from the airport to the house.

Good thing though, Kosuke got him a truck. It was a bit older, and could use a paint job, but it was Eijirou’s. So, that was nice.
“Hey, Kosuke!” The older man turned to see his best friend, Yagi, and his adopted son Izuku.

“Oh Eichan, do you remember me?” Izuku scratched the back of his head.
Eijirou remembered him but holy hell had he changed. When they were little Izuku was small, but now it seems he shot up and bulked up.

“Yeah, I remember you Izuchan.”
The next day, Eijirou picked up Izuku in his truck and drove them to school. He met new friends, Ochako, Tenya and Tsuyu. They were nice, welcoming but he still felt out of place.

It was lunch when he saw them for the first time.
“Oh, those are Dr. Aizawa’s kids, well, adopted kids.” Ochako answered the unasked question, “They moved here, like two years ago. The one with the pink hair is Mina Ashido, she is like a giant fashionista. +
The tall one is Hanta Sero, giant stoner. He and Mina are together together. The small blond is Denki Kaminari and he’s like dumb as a brick. The one that looks like he’s about to drop dead is Hitoshi Shinsou. He’s an insomniac or something. He and Denki are a thing. +
And the one that looks like he wants to murder everyone is Katsuki Bakugou.”

Just as Ochaka was talking about him, Katsuki’s crimson eyes flashed over to their table, before going back to his siblings.

“Aizawa is like a professional matchmaker.”
“Ochaka! It’s quite rude to talk about important town figures like that!”

“Important figure? He’s a doctor-”

“Yes Tsu! A doctor who has helped many people in town!”

“Tenya, calm down!”

Eijirou tuned out the rest of the conversation. He couldn’t stop thinking about Katsuki.
Okay, he couldn’t stop thinking about how hot he was.

But who could blame him! Katsuki looked perfect. Spiky ash blond hair, piercing crimson eyes, pale skin, broad shoulders and narrow waist that was just a sin.

Plus, it seemed like Katsuki couldn’t stop staring at him either.
He wanted to see more of the blond. And he got his wish when he walked into science class and Katuski was staring out the window, obviously bored out of his mind.
“Ah, Eijirou. Why don’t you take the open seat next to Katsuki.” The teacher gestured to the seat and the blond looked over hearing his name.

Ruby eyes locked with crimson.

Eijirou could see him stiffen as he walked over, even threw a hand over his mouth and nose in disgust.
He knew he probably put on too much AXE this morning but this was over exaggerating.

Katsuki spent the whole class clutching the table in a white knuckle grip, pushing the work over the redhead to do and he was practically out the door before the bell rang.
So, maybe Eijirou didn’t want to get to know him after all if he was going to be a dick.
The next day, the happy family was all there except for Katsuki. Which was an uproar, because the Aizawa kids had never missed a day of school by themselves, every now and then their Dad took them camping but other then that they were there.

He was gone for a whole week.
And when he got back…

Needless to say, Eijirou was not prepared.

Katsuki waved at him from across the parklot. Well, waved it kinda an exaggeration, more like gestured vaguely in his direction.


It was something other than being disgusted.

Then lunch rolled around and Eijirou was getting an apple only for it to fall to the ground. Katsuki was there though, bounced it off his foot like some fancy soccer player and handed it back to the redhead.

“Dropped this Shitty Hair.”
“Shitty Hair? My hair isn't shitty! It’s the damp weather here!” Eijirou pouted, taking a large bite out of the apple.

Katsuki actually smirked, “Alright, let’s go with that. See you in science.”
Eijirou was not prepared for his friends to bombard him with questions about why the blond was talking to him.

Fast forward to science, and they actually talked and worked together.
It was...nice. Behind the grumpy exterior Katsuki was actually pretty chill. He seemed to like chemistry at least and they managed to talk about old superhero comics and cars.
The next day, the roads were a bit icy. Eijirou’s truck almost slipped on some black ice on his way to school. He parked and hopped down out of the truck.


He whipped around to see another car skidding on the road right for him.
Before he knew what was happening a strong hand pushed him down to the ground and CRUNCH!

Eijirou looked and saw Katsuki crouched next to him, one arm held protectively in front of him, and the other in the car door, which was crushed in like it had hit an immovable force.
He couldn’t figure out what was going on or how Katsuki did that and before he could he was gone.

Just his teachers and friends pulling him and the driver of the car away.

He spent most of the morning with the nurse and principal. His dad even came by to do the accident report.
It was lunch time when he was finally mobbed by his friends.

No Katsuki anywhere.

It was around midnight when Eijirou woke up from a bad dream, and he swore that Katsuki was sitting in the corner of his room just staring at him.

But he couldn’t really be there...right?
The next couple of days were actually sunny. The first since Eijirou moved to this place.

“And of course the Aizawa clan is out camping. They always go camping when it’s sunny.” Ochako was lounging on a picnic table.
“Eichan, we’re all going out to the movies this weekend, wanna come?” Izuku asked, showing Eijirou the movie description on his phone. Some cheesy horror movie about vampires.

“Sure. Sounds like fun.”

Cue the weekend, and the group of friends road tripped to the movies.
Honestly, Eijirou could care less about the movie itself, he just needed a distraction from Katsuki.

The blond couldn’t seem to get out of his head. The way his eyes always seemed hungry, or the way he stopped the car.

How did he do that…
About halfway through the movie, Eijirou leaves to go sit outside. His friends barely notice, though Izuku tells him not to go too far.

He sits out on a bench and just breaths. Scrolls on his phone. Watches as the same car drives by him three times.

Well that’s not creepy.
So he gets up and walks, doesn’t know where to, just away from where he was.

Casually looks over his shoulder a couple times.

No car, but there is a group of drunk guys.

Great. He can feel it coming.

Cue drunk heckle.

“Hey, look at this fruitcake!”

And here we go.
“What the fuck is up with his hair! No real man would have hair like that!”Oh, that did it.

Eijirou turned on his heel and was about to punch a drunk guy straight in the jaw except someone else did it first.
Katsuki fucking Bakugou was standing there in a leather jacket, glaring at the three guys still standing, one on the ground out cold.

“Fuck off assholes.”

He didn’t wait for an answer before he turned and grabbed Eijirou’s wrist, pulling him toward a very familiar car.
“Were you following me?”

“Shut up and get in.”

“Nope. Don’t think so.”

Katsuki let out a breath that sounded like a growl, “Get. In. The. Car.”

Eijirou just cocked an eyebrow.

“No. Don’t. Think. So.”

“Shitty Hair, if you don’t get in this car so help me-”
“You’ll what? Throw the car at me with your super strength?”

Eijirou could the anger bubbling up inside the blond. He was probably pushing too hard, but it was funny to see him trying not to lose his cool.

“Eijirou. Get in the car.”

Wow, that was surprisingly calm.
“Fine fine.” He got into the front seat and whistled looking around.

The car was very nice, and it even had butt warmers.

“Buckle up.”

Katsuki barely waited for the click before he sped off down the road.

“Holy shit! Slow down!” Eijirou scrambled for something to hold on to.
“Do you like Italian?”


“Do you like Italian food Shitty Hair?”

“I told you my hair isn’t shitty!”
“Sure sure. Answer my question.”

Eijirou huffed, “Yeah. I like Italian.”

“Okay then.”

The rest of the car ride was in silence until Katsuki pulled up to a small restaurant.

They were seated and didn’t start talking again until after the food arrived.
Eijirou dug into his alfredo while Katsuki just picked at his lasagna.

“So. You ditch school like all week, then randomly show up in way out of town, know exactly where I am and follow me like some creepy stalker, then punch a guy so hard he’s out and then take me to dinner.
Plus, that doesn’t even count the whole saving my life from the car and I’m pretty sure you’ve been watching me in my room.”

The blond choked on his water.

“If you’re stalking me bro, gonna break it to you that my Dad is the shei-”

“I know he is. I’m not stalking you.”
Eijirou narrowed his eyes, “Suuuuuuuure…”

Katsuki rolled his eyes, “I’m not, really. I’m just interested in you. You’re different…”

“Different how?”

“Look. I can normally read people really well...but with you I get nothing. So, you’re different. And it’s driving me crazy.”
The redhead leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest.

“So because you can’t “read” me, you’re stalking me?”

“Fucking hell! I’m not stalking you!”

“Feels like stalking to me…” Eijirou muttered.

Katsuki just glared at him.
“Finish your food. Your friends are probably worried about you.”

He just shrugged, “No texts or anything. They’re not worried. Barely friends anyway.”
Katsuki didn’t say anything, just pushed around the food on his plate.

“So, what about your family? Your siblings and Dad aren’t wondering where you are?”

The blond snorted, “Sure. They care a bit too much where I am.”

“Oh, they’re worried about the stalking too!”
“For the last fucking time! I’m not stalking you!”

“No, you’re just interested in me.”

“Exactly! It’s like your stupid or something!”

“Oi! I’m not stupid, I’m slow at times but not stupid.”

“I have to fix all of your shit in science. Everytime.”

“Fine. I’m not good at math-”
“And I saw your essay-”

“How the hell did you see my essay? It’s not due till next week!”

“You done eating?”

Eijirou wasn’t going to let him change the subject, “You were in my room! I knew it!”

Katsuki threw down some money on the table and stood up quickly.
“Come on, I’m taking you home.”

“But I’m not done yet!”

“Too bad, come on Shitty Hair.”

Eijirou didn’t have time to protest anymore before he was pulled from the restaurant.

The drive back to town was surprisingly fast. Too fast.
Katsuki pulled up to his house, “Have a good night Shitty Hair.”

“Will you really stop calling me that.” Eijirou huffed, fingering a couple spikes that had come loose from their gel.

“Stop making it shitty then.”

He rolled his eyes and got out of the car, “Stop stalking me!”
Katsuki didn’t answer, just flipped him off.

“Eijirou!” Both boys turned to Kosuke’s voice. The older man didn’t look happy.

“See ya’ at school.” Eijirou shut the car door and headed inside, avoiding his Dad’s seemingly knowing gaze.
It was in the middle of the night that Eijirou had a realization.

He remembered something from the movie. Super strength, super speed, doesn’t eat, can sneak in and out easily.

Was Katsuki….

No, he couldn’t be.


Eijirou spent the rest of the night on the internet.
The following day after Eijirou parked his truck, he caught Katsuki’s eyes across the parking lot. He jerked his head toward the woods and waiting for most of the other students to head inside before walking out toward the tree line.
He didn’t check if Katsuki was following him, but he knew he was. He hiked for awhile, at least until he was sure they were far enough away from the roads and school.

“Why are we out here Shitty Hair?”

Eijirou rolled his eyes, guess that nickname isn’t going away.
“I figured something out.”


“You’re strong. You’re fast. Don’t go in the sun, don’t eat.”

He could hear footsteps, quiet and careful.


“I know what you are.”

“Say it then.”

Katsuki was right behind him.


“Say it.”

“You’re a robot.”
“Oh my god you are stupid.”

Eijirou whipped around, “Hey! It’s totally plausible! Robotics have gotten really advanced!”

Katsuki looked like he wanted to strangle him.

“I’m a fucking vampire you idiot!”

He blinked.

“Suuuuuuuure. Vampires exist. Totally real man.”
Katsuki made a face Eijirou couldn’t even describe, but definitely looked pissed off.

“I drink animal blood. I am super strong and fast. I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, hell I don’t have to breath. And the reason I don’t go in the sun is because I fucking sparkle.”

Eijirou took a step back, “Alright Katsuki...whatever you say…”

A few steps at a time and then he turns to run.

He only gets about ten feet before Katsuki is in front of him.

Eijirou collides into him and it feels like running into a brick wall.
He blinks the stars from his eyes and realizes he’s looking at the sky.

“Hurt, didn’t it.”

Katsuki pulled him up.

“What...did I run into?”



Katsuki sighed, “Do you really not believe me?”

“I mean, vampires aren’t real.”
“But they are. Come see Shitty Hair.”

The blond let go of his arm and walked over to a small patch of sunlight.

“What are you…”

Eijirou stared slack jawed as Katsuki pulled off his tee shirt and stepped into the light.
His skin was flawless, abs good enough to lick and the weirdest thing.

He was sparkling. Like diamonds were etched into his skin.

“Believe me know Shitty Hair?”

Eijirou blinked. Once. Twice.

And darkness.
“-out?! What do you mean-”

“He’s an id-”

“-itty Hair is just-”

Eijirou felt comfy. He slowly opened his eyes to see not the forest but a house.

A really good looking, modern house. Damn it had lots of natural light. The people on HGTV would love this place.
He slowly sat up and looked around. The voice that woke him up were coming from a different room.

“He’s awake by the way.”

He poked his head through the doorway and was greeted by five pairs of eyes.

“Hellooo.” He gave a small wave.

The whole Aizawa family was staring at him.
“Glad to see you awake. I was worried you might have a concussion.” Dr. Aizawa spoke lazily. He was sitting at the kitchen counter, leaning on his elbows.

“Um, thanks?” Eijirou didn’t know what to do, or why he was in the Aizawa household, “But what am I doing here?”
“Katsuki thought it was a good idea to bring you here.” Hitoshi answered, glaring out the corner of his tired eyes at his brother.

“Shut up Mind Freak.”

“Be nice ‘Toshi.”

Hitoshi bumped his head gently against his boyfriends who was draped against his back.
“So, Eijirou. You know the secret.” Aizawa brought the attention back to himself.

“Secret? What secret?”

“I told you he was an idiot.”

“Shut up Mind Freak!”

“Katsuki told you the secret. That he’s a vampire. Showed you proof.”

Eijirou nodded.
“And based on that, you could assume that his family is also vampires.”

Another nod.

“And if we want, we could kill you in an instant.”


“But we aren’t going to do that. We’re vegetarians.”


“We don’t hunt humans. We hunt animals.”


“But, you have to promise to keep our secret.”

“Who would believe me?”

Hanta started laughing, “He’s right! Who would believe him!”

Mina smacked his arm, “Stop it.”
Aizawa frowned at the two.

“Really though, I don’t have anyone to tell and why would I?”

Eijirou wasn’t really concerned for his safety but he was concerned about why he seemed to be getting the shovel talk.
“I don’t know, but Katsuki trusts you, so I do as well. We’re a family, and we protect each other.”

Aizawa nodded and stood up.

“Katsuki, make sure he gets home alright.”

And with that, he left.
“So, Eijirou! Do you like video games?” Denki bounced off his boyfriend’s shoulders and right into the redhead’s face.

“Uh, yeah?”

“Good!” He grabbed Eijirou’s hand and dragged him back to the living room, where he woke up to begin with.
It was then he noticed to giant tv, had to be at least 80 inches and hooked up to it were every type of gaming console known to man.

“Holy shit.”

“Yeah. I’m a bit of a collector.” Denki scratched the back of his head, “Thankfully Aizawa doesn’t mind.”
Then something occurred to Eijirou.

“You all aren’t really adopted are you?”

Hanta snorted again, “Oh my go-ow!”

Mina had smacked his head again.
“Ignore him. He’s still stuck in the sixties.”

“Sixties?” Eijirou cocked his head like a confused puppy.

“I was turned at woodstock. Aizawa found me at the hospital after someone took me there for an overdose.” Hanta answered, pulling Mina into his lap.

“Oh. Oh!”
Of course. They weren’t really 16 and 17 year olds.

Hanta was at least 50 years old, actually older.

“I’m 69 if your wondering.”

Denki snorted, “I’ll never get tired of that.”

“Oh shut up lightning rod.”

“Make me hippy!”

Eijirou suddenly felt very out of place.
“Don’t worry about them, they are all idiots.”

He turned to Hitoshi, who was slouching in a comfy looking arm chair with a book.


“Denki was struck by lightning. He was dared by his friends to hold a metal rod out in a storm.”

“Hey! Don’t diss dares man!”
Denki tossed a controller at Eijirou, who barely caught it before it hit the ground.

“Little warning next time?”

“Oh shit, forgot that you’re so slow dude. Sorry.”

“Slow?” Eijirou thought he had pretty good reflexes.

“He doesn’t mean slow, just human.”
Mina answered, “We move very fast.”

“How fast?”


That was the first time he heard Katsuki speak. The blond was sitting on the couch, one leg resting under the other and arms crossed over his chest. And of course, signature scowl in place on his face.
“Come on Ei. Let’s play.”

So, they played some party game that Eijirou was horrible at but he learned a lot. Like that Mina is Mexican and was turned in the 80s after an earthquake. And that Hitoshi was over 100 years old, and that Katsuki was even older though that was it.
He didn’t know how long he’d been there but he knew it was a good couple hours because his stomach growled.



“Probably should take you home. Come on Shitty Hair.”

Katsuki got up and started for the door, causing Eijirou to scramble after him.

“Wait up bro!”
“See ya at school Eijirou!”

He waved at the others over his shoulders as he rushed out the door after the blond.

“Hurry up!”

“I’m coming!”

When they pulled up outside his house he noticed his Dad’s car wasn’t there.

“Why did you tell me?”
Katsuki let out a huff.

“I told you at the restaurant. You interest me.”

“What does that mean? Interest.”

“I don’t know. But in all my life, I’ve never cared about others, humans, but you. You are the only one I’ve wanted to get to know.”
Eijirou found it skeptical, “You sure you just don’t want to eat me?”

“Yup. We hunt deer. Every now and then bear.”

“You actually hunt?”

“Yup. Every month or so.”
Eijirou leaned back in his seat.

“What are you thinking Shitty Hair.”

“Hanta was turned by another vampire right? So there are other of you, vampires, out there. Why do people not know about you?”

“That’s complicated. Has to do with politics and shit.”
“Politics? Vampires have politics?”

“Everyone has politics. But Aizawa is really the only one who has to worry about that. He’s in charge of our coven.”

“Coven? Family?”

“Yeah. You should go inside.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Go inside Shitty Hair.”
“You know, I moved here because my mom married this guy. I barely remember my Dad from before the divorce and the group of “friends” that I did join when I got here seem to barely care about me. You’re family asked more about me in the last couple hours then anyone else has ever+
since I got to this shitty town.”

Eijirou turned in his seat to face the blond, “Sorry if I don’t want to be alone in that damn house waiting for my Dad who barely talks to me outside of ‘how was school’ and ‘have a good day’.”
Katsuki met his gaze. Earlier those eyes had been harsh, displaying his annoyance with his siblings tenfold but now.

Now they were soft, like he understood exactly how Eijirou was feeling.

“Want me to come in?”


So Katsuki accompanied him inside. And they just spent time together. Talked a bit, not about anything important, even did homework. At least until Eijirou’s Dad came home. The blond was sent on his way and Eijirou got the chewing out of a lifetime for skipping school.
“They are decent people, but if he’s convincing you to skip school-”

“Dad. Stop. He didn’t convince me to skip school, I was just having a bad day and he helped me out.”

Kosuke just stared at him over his coffee cup.

“Really. I promise. No more skipping school.”
“Good. Because I got a call about your grades. The school is worried about your progress.”

“Katsuki was actually helping me with my homework earlier. He’s gonna tutor me.”

“Tutor you?”

“Yeah. His offer.”
Katsuki had made no such offer but if it got his Dad off his back, he would beg Katsuki tomorrow to actually tutor him until he caved.

Apparently tomorrow was actually 2AM because he turned over in bed at the right time to see a pair of crimson eyes staring at him.


Eijirou sat up in bed and turned on his lamp, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I may have gotten bored.”

“And you’re solution was breaking into my house and stare at me while I sleep? Remember when we talked about the stalking.”
Katsuki was in inch in front of his face in an instant.

“I. Am. Not. Stalking. You.”

“You. Kind. Of. Are.”

The blond raised his hand like he wanted to punch him but stopped himself.

“You are such a piece of work.”

“But you find me interesting, that’s your fault.”
Katsuki just rolled his eyes and sat back on the bed.

“Oh, by the way, my Dad got a call from the school about my grades and I told him you were tutoring me.”



“Why would you tell him that!”
“Because he was worried that you were being a bad influence and you did help me with my homework.”

“What do you need help with?”

“Math and English. I’m actually pretty good at history. And I guess science you’re already there so…”

“Pretty much everything then. Geez.”
“Are you gonna help or not?”

“Yeah. I’ll help, but you may not like my help once we get started.”

Eijirou let out a yawn as he shook his head, “Sure bro.”

“Go back to sleep. I’ll let myself out.”

He nodded sleepily and laid back down in bed, “Next time, just wake me up.”
Eyes almost closed he saw Katsuki slip out of his window, but not before he threw a soft smile over his shoulder.

The next day Eijirou spent more time with the Aizawa clan, walked to class, sat with them at lunch, and went to the house to study with Katsuki after school.
Instead of the living room, Katsuki lead him upstairs.

“So you do have a bedroom.”

“We have rooms, well I have a room. The others share.”

“Share...oh! Share, right. Cause they’re together…”

“Well, Mina and Hanta are married.”


Katsuki just stared at him.
“Right. Not teenagers. Sorry.”

“My room is down this way.”

He lead him down a windowed hallway and to the last door.

“Listen, don’t be put off by my decorations, they’re...special…”

Eijirou cocked an eyebrow, “Special?”

“Just don’t act weird.”

“Fine fine, I promise.”
((CW: Mentions of suicide, seppuku))
He opened the door and let Eijirou in.

One wall was just windows, letting in streams of sunlight. There was a large desk covered in stacks of books of all sizes, some didn’t look like they were in English. A couch was opposite the desk as well as a well loved drum kit.
But the striking thing about the room was the decorations.

Japanese art covered the walls, obviously very old. Eijirou couldn’t name when from but he knew they were old. And like a centerpiece next to the door was an ornate sword rack.
On it were three different katanas, metal glinting in the sunlight.


“That all you can say?” Katsuki was sitting on the couch, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“I mean, just wow. How long did it take for you to collect all this? And why do you have it? Do you just like Japan or something?”

The blond rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“I’m originally from Japan. I was a samurai in the Edo period. Right before the Bakumatsu. I tried to commit seppuku, but my parents begged the local healer to save my life. I’ll give you one guess to figure out who the healer was.”

“Not as slow as you think you are. So, he saved my life by turning me. I wasn’t happy with him at first, spent ten years running around trying to go anywhere away but we ran into each other again and he convinced me to stick around with him and well…”
“You never left.”

Eijirou sat down next to him.


"I'm glad you didn't."


"Cause I got to meet you."

Katsuki snorted, "Dork."

"You like it."

"I do."

Crimson eyes met ruby.
Before Eijirou could second guess his own thoughts he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Katsuki’s. The kiss was brief but it felt right.

Katsuki’s lips were cold and rough, still beneath his own before he fell forward into the couch.
He looked up and saw Katsuki slumped in the corner of the room, eyes wide and fingers clutching into the wall.

“Don’t-” He gulped and exhaled, “Don’t do that again. I can’t...I almost...I almost bit you.”

Eijirou blinked, “You...what?”

“Stay there.”

“What? Katsuki what’s-”
Eijirou started to get up but Katsuki shouted at him, “Don’t!”

Suddenly Mina and Hitoshi burst into the room.

“Ei, come with me.” Mina grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room. Over his shoulder he could see Hitoshi start to push Katsuki to the windows.
“Mina, what’s wrong? What did I do?”

Mina didn’t say anything, just pulled him downstairs and into the living room.


She just pulled him down onto the couch where Hanta threw an arm over his shoulder.
“Just sit. He’ll be back in a few hours.”

“What did I do?”

Neither said anything, just kept their hold on him.

Denki walked in then, arms wrapped around his stomach, “Hitoshi got him away, you can let go now.”

“Got him away?”
Mina and Hanta let him go and leaned back on the couch.

“How long are they going to be out do you think?” Hanta asked.

“Don’t know, he seemed rough.”

“What the fuck is going on?!”

Eijirou had had enough. He stood quickly and glared at the three vampires.
Eijirou had had enough. He stood quickly and glared at the three vampires.

“Katsuki...he, well. How do we explain this?” Mina twiddled her fingers, while Denki stratched the back of his head.

“Katsuki wanted to bite you.”


“What!? He asked!”
“You could have been more delicate!”

Eijirou cut into the quarrelling couples’ conversation.

“I know he did! He said that but why? He’s been okay before.”

“He hasn’t hunted in awhile, he’s hungry.”
“He usually has good control. I do wonder what set him off.” Denki spoke, plopping down in a chair.

“Uh I may have, um kissed...him…”



Mina and Denki were in his space in an instant.

“Kissed him?! Like on the lips kissed him?!”
((CW: Panic attack))
“Why did you think that was a good idea?!”

They both were talking at once and getting faster by the second. Eijirou was quickly getting overwhelmed. His stomach was flipping in all the wrong ways and his chest was starting to feel tight.

Oh, now the world was spinning. That’s good. No, not good.


“Move away.”

Eijirou couldn’t really see much, just blurry silhouettes spinning around, and couldn’t really feel much other than the painful tightness in his chest and the churning of his stomach.
“Eijirou, I need you to breath with me.”

Breathing is kinda hard right now random voice.

“In and out. In and out.”

A pair of strong hands cupped his cheeks. Oh that feel good, cold and relaxing. They moved from his face to his shoulders.

“Breath with me.”
Okay. He could try. In and out, in and out. With the voice, he could do that.

“There you go, keep going.”

Soon enough, the pain in his chest subsided and the room slowed to a stop.

Eijirou blinked a few times, eyes focusing on Aizawa crouching in front of him.
The others were standing behind him. He didn’t even notice when he sat down on the floor.

“Keep breathing, we’re not out of the woods yet. Denki, water.”

Denki handed over a cup of water to Aizawa, who handed to Eijirou.

“Drink slowly and keep breathing.”
It took much longer for Eijirou to come back to himself then he would have liked.

“How long...what time is it?”

Aizawa stood and helped him off the floor, “Don’t worry about it, just breath.”

“I’m breathing. I’m okay now.”
“We’re sorry. We didn’t mean to make you freak out like that.” Mina, Hanta and Denki were all nearby, obviously nervous.

“It’s fine. It was bound to happen sooner or later with all the stuff that’s been happening.”
Aizawa gave him a look over before turning to his kids, “Denki, go find your brothers and make sure they're okay. Tell them that I’m taking Eijirou home.”

Denki nodded and was gone in the blink of an eye.

The car ride home was quiet for the most part.
“Eijirou. I want you to know that Katsuki would never hurt you intentionally.”

That surprised him. Is that why they thought he was panicking?

“I know. I wasn’t panicking because I was afraid. I thought I had done something wrong.”
The older man glanced over at him, like he was determining if what Eijirou said was the truth.

“Why would you have done something wrong?”

“I know...I know Katsuki likes me, but I don’t know how much? Like does he even like guys like that? Or do I remind him of someone he knew +
+a long time ago or-”

“Don’t ramble. You’ll work yourself up again.”

“Sorry.” Eijirou sunk down into his seat.

“Katsuki likes you for you, not because you remind him of anyone and yes. He does like guys like that. Though to be fair, when you’ve lived a long time gender doesn’t
+really matter in the long run.”

It was like a weight had been lifted off Eijirou's shoulders. They pulled up to the house and Eijirou’s dad was waiting outside.

“Why does he only care when I don’t want him to.”
Eijirou got out of the car and quickly walked over to his Dad, “Mr. Aizawa drove me home because Katsuki wasn’t feeling well.”

Kosuke nodded and waved to Aizawa. Dinner was quiet, as was the rest of the night.

Katsuki didn’t stop by, and that made Eijirou worried.
The Aizawa's didn't show up at school the next day. Or the one after that. Or the one after that.

On the fourth day, Eijirou was met at his truck by Denki after school.

"Denki! Is Katsuki okay? I've been worried-"

"He's fine. We're all fine."
It was like a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Why haven't you come to school then?"

"We went camping."

Camping. Hunting.

"Also, Aizawa wanted to invite you up to the mountains this weekend. There's going to be a great storm."
Eijirou must have looked confused because Denki laughed, "I know. But you'll see. And Katsuki told me to give you this."

The small blond handed over a note then gave a wave and bounced off to his car.
He wanted to wait until he got home to read it so he shoved his things into his truck and was home in no time.

Safely in his room, he fished out the note from his backpack.

'Shitty Hair, leave the window open tonight. And wear something warm.'

Well if that wasn't ominous.
So he dressed warm and opened his window.

Around 1am Katsuki poked his head in and found Eijirou asleep over his computer.

"Shitty hair."


"Shitty hair."


"Shitty hair!"

"I'm up!"

Eijirou jumped up when Katsuki yelled in his ear, arms flying up and papers scattering.

"My Dad's not here. He's working the overnight tonight."

The blond nodded, "Yeah, but you still have neighbors."

"Whatever. Where are we going?"

"Some place special."
After successfully sneaking out of an empty house, Katsuki drove them out to the woods.

"Now, we hike."

"Hike? You said dress warm, not for hiking."

Eijirou pointed to his crocs.

"Why are you wearing crocs when I said dress warm!?"

"They are comfy!"
Katsuki made a vague gestured like he wanted to strangle the red head before letting out a breath.

"Fine. I'll carry you."

"Uh...if you hadn't noticed, I'm a lot bigger then you."

The blond stared at him for a good minute.

"Oh! Right! Vampire."

"Why do I like you?"
Eijirou just smiled, "Idk bro."

"Did you just say 'idk' out loud!?"

The redhead let out a laugh as Katsuki tried to grab at him across the consol but he was already half way out the door.

"Shitty Hair! Get over here!"

"No. You want to hurt me."

"I'm not going to hurt you."
"I don't believe you."

"Stop acting like a child!"

"To you I am a child."

"More like a fetus."

"Harsh bro."

Eijirou walked around the car to Katsuki kneeling on the ground, "Get on Shitty Hair."
"I still don't think this is a good id-AH'

Eijirou was cut off by his own scream as Katsuki lifted him off the ground and onto his back with ease.

His arms flung quickly around the blond's neck and legs wrapped as best they could around his hips.

"Holy fuck I don't like this."
"Then you better hold on tight spider-monkey."


"Spider monkey?"

"The stoner told me to say that. Forget it."

"Spider monkey!? How does that even make sense!?"

"I don't know! Shut up!"

And off they went into the forest.
It was a Katsuki didn't need to breath because Eijirou was squeezing the life out of him.

Apparently he didn't like heights.

"We're here. You can let go of me now."

Eijirou lifted his head from where it was buried in Katsuki's hair and slowly loosened his grip.
Then he was dropped on his butt.


He let out a whine, rubbing his sore butt as he stood.

"Big baby."

Katsuki threaded his fingers between his and lead him through a thicket of trees.

"I wanted to show you this place. It's where I come to get away from people."
It was beautiful. A wide open clearing with just soft grass and wild flowers. There were a few larger rocks around that looked almost like chairs. The moon was full and bright above their heads, illuminating the meadow in silver light.

Eijirou was breathless.

"It's so peaceful."

The blond started walking, pulling on their still joined hands.

"That's why I come here. I've been really been a people person. Not even the extras know about this place."


"My family."

"Oh. So I'm special?"
Katsuki turned around, one eyebrow cocked as he gestured to their joined hands.

"Duh shitty hair."

"If I was special you'd call me by my name."

"If I do that, there's no going back."

"Going back to what."

As they talked they were getting closer and closer.
Both hands were wound together, toes were overlapping, chests brushing as they breathed.

"Going back to not caring."

"But do you really want to."

Noses brushed together, breath mingled.


Lips met.
And this time there was no pulling away, just warm and chapped against cold and smooth.

They didn't stop until Eijirou pulled away with a gasp, panting as Katsuki pressed their foreheads together.

"No going back?"

"No going back."
They spent the rest of the night in the meadow until Eijirou fell asleep, head resting on Katsuki's shoulder.

He woke up at home, vaguely remembering being carried to the car by...

His boyfriend.

He had a boyfriend.

And he was a vampire.

What was his life?
That Saturday, Katsuki pulled up to his house not in his normal car, but a Jeep.

"Hello sir." The blond waved at Kosuke while Eijirou shoved his gear into the trunk.

"How long is this trip?"

"Just until tomorrow sir. Dad has to be in call tomorrow night."

Kosuke nodded.
That was his only sign of approval and they were off.

"So, why do we need a storm to go into the mountains?"

"Well we need the lightning for Dunce Face and the thunder for me. It's not really for the others."

"Why do-"

"You'll see shitty hair."
The arrived about an hour later way further in the mountains and away from town.

The others were spread out of the large open field, dressed in workout gear.

Denki met them as they parked, "Hey Eiji! Glad you could make it!"

"Me too, though for what I still don't know."
Denki rolled his eyes, "Blasty didn't tell you?"


Eijirou turned to look at Katsuki who was scowling as the smaller blond.

"Duh. Blasty cause he goes all-" And he proceeded to mime what could only be explosions and manic laughter.

"Ignore him."
Katsuki grabbed his hand and gently started to pull him away from Denki, who was now laughing, and over to Aizawa.

"We're here old man."

Aizawa looked over his shoulder and nodded, "Mina! You and Katsuki spar."

"Why am I against Blasty!?"
The girl haired vampire whined but still walked a bit into the field.

Katsuki gave Eijirou his sweat shirt and went to join his sister, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms as he walked.

"Spar? Like fight?"

Aizawa nodded, arms crossed against his chest.
Hitoshi was there as well, arm raised above his head, "Ready? Begin!"

The movement was almost too fast for Eijirou to catch but he did see the literal explosions that came from Katsuki's hands.



"Did Blasty not tell you anything?"

Hanta and Denki stood near by.

Eijirou was too busy trying to figure out what was happening in the fight.

"Katsuki can produce explosions from the palms of his hands. Mina can secrete an acid like substance from her skin."
Aizawa answered the unasked question.

"Does every vampire have powers?"

"No, not all. Hanta doesn't as well as some others that we know. Powers are rare. They come circumstance or traits you possessed as a human."

"So you need the thunder to cover the explosion sounds and-"
"Lightning for me!" Denki looped both arms around Eijirou's shoulders.

"Because you control lightning?"

"Electricity really. I can only store not produce so I use storms to charge up."

Eijirou's head hurt.

"Hitoshi has a power too. He can control peoples minds."
"Don't make it sound scary. It doesn't work well on humans, mostly vampires." Hanta thumped the blond on the head.

"And Aizawa here is power immune."

"And you invited me up here because...?"

"Humans and vampires don't date. So, assuming that you like Katsuki that much..."

The group turned back to the fight to see Katsuki twisting Mina's are behind her back, held down by a knee and the other hand on the back of her neck.

"She actually got close this time."


Eijirou was still hopelessly lost.
"Yeah, he lost his shirt."

Sure enough, a pale upper torso was on full display.

But even though his eyes were glued to those perfect abs, Eijirou was too busy thinking about what Aizawa said.

If he and Katsuki were serious then eventually he would be turned.
He hadn't thought about that at all, hell they just decided to start dating two days ago.

He was so lost in his head that he didn't notice Mina and Katsuki taking places with Denki and Hanta.

"Shitty Hair."

He would have to leave his family, not that he had much of one.
"Shitty Hair."

Would be still be able to dye his hair? Well, Mina had pink hair he didn't think that was her natural color.

"Shitty Hair!"

Plus were Katsuki and him this serious? He just didn't know yet.


The sound of his name broke his train of thought.
Eijirou looked up to worried crimson eyes, "Are you okay?"

He gave a small smile, "You called me Eijirou."

Katsuki blinked and chuffed, "You we're so lost in your head I thought we'd have to get Mindfreak over there to get you out."

He wiggled his eyebrows, "Suuuurrreee."
A bright flash brought his attention back to the pair now fighting. Denki looked almost demonic, electricity was sizzling on his skin, making his hair stand on end. Even the air seemed more electrified.

Eijirou was sure Hanta was going to get fried.
“Don’t count Hanta out yet. He spars with us all the time.” Mina giggled, elbowing the redhead’s side playfully.

Sure enough, Hanta seemed to dodge the electricity as it was shot at him, weaving and moving with more fluidity than you would assume for someone who was so lanky.
“Kick his ass babe!” Mina called out, “No mercy!”

Suddenly mid run toward the blond he stopped, head whipping toward the tree line. Even Eijirou could see his body tense up before he turned to Aizawa.
Eijirou didn’t catch what was happening but the next thing he knew, Hitoshi and Bakugou flung their clothes at him, a hat and sweatshirt while Aizawa, Mina and Denki formed up together in front of them.

“Katsuki, what’s goin-”
“Someone’s coming. Hanta smelled him. It’s someone we don’t know. Just stay between me and Mindfreak and you’ll be fine.”

Oh. Another vampire. A vampire that they didn’t know. Which meant they probably ate people. Eijirou was people.
“Calm down, just breath and relax. They aren’t going to hurt you.”

Katsuki laced his fingers into Eijirou’s hand, squeezing just enough to reassure him.
Not a minute later a large figure broke through the tree line and was barrelling right toward the group. It skidded to a stop just about five feet from them. He was massive, easily close to seven feet tall, with muscles that most bodybuilders would be jealous of.
He had stringy dull red hair in a ponytail and piercing black eyes that raked over the group.

“Can I help you?” Aizawa said, stepping forward slightly.

“Yeah. I wanna fight someone.”
Aizawa cocked an eyebrow, “Lucky for you, we were just doing the same thing. I’m the leader of this coven, Aizawa. You are?”

“Rappa. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be in your territory for long, only grab a snack and a fight then I’ll be gone.”
“No worries. Hitoshi, up for a fight?” Aizawa turned, giving a subtle head nod to the cars.


Rappa turned to the purple haired vampire, frowning slightly, “Nah. Doesn’t seem like a challenge. What about him?”

Eijirou paled slightly when a large finger pointed at him.
Katsuki opened his mouth, scowl on his lips but Aizawa cut him off, “They were just leaving.”

“Too bad. He seems like he could put up a-” He suddenly took a sharp breath in before smirking.
Katsuki’s grip tightened till it was almost painful.

“Oh. You brought lunch.”

In a second Eijirou was pulled behind Katsuki while the rest of the family moved between them and Rappa.

“Back off!” Katsuki literally growled.
“Katsuki.” Aizawa’s voice was stern, “Yes he is human, but he is not here to be food.”

Rappa laughed, “Oh! Is that so! I’ll fight you for him then!”



The blond glared.
“Rappa. Let’s talk.”

“Nah, much rather fight. Doesn’t matter who.” He brought back a fist, wild smile on his face but instead of landing the punch to Aizawa’s face he was struck in the chest by a bolt of electricity.
He was then tackled back by a blur of pink and purple.

Mina landed over his head, knees digging into his hands while her hands were under his jaw, wrapped as much as she could around his neck. Hitoshi had one knee on his stomach, hands near Mina's.
“Why do you want to fight with us?!”

“Because it’s…” Rappa stopped mid sentence, eyes glazing over.

Mina and Hitoshi slowly backed off before Hitoshi spoke again, “Leave our territory. There’s no fight for you here.”
Rappa stood from the ground and turned away from the group, running off without a second thought.

“He’ll break out of it in an hour or so but hopefully he’ll be so far away that he won’t come back.”

Aizawa nodded, “But we should get prepared if he does come back.”
Eijirou didn’t really get what was happening other than it was bad. He let Katsuki drag him back to the jeep, didn’t even complain when the blond drove like a maniac down the mountain.

“Katsuki.” He finally spoke when they pulled up to his house.
“Have a good night Shitty Hair.”


“Go inside.”

“Katsuki! What is going on?!”

The blond let out a frustrated sound, “I don’t know!”
“What do you mean you do-”

“I mean that we have no idea if he’s going to come back or not! We have no idea what the hell is going to happen! Normally when others wander through they feed then they go! We know nothing about him!”
Katsuki yelled, banging the steering wheel several times before sagging against it.

“Katsuki. I trust you. I know we haven’t really known each other for a long time, but I trust you. Something in my gut tells me that you aren’t going to let him or anyone hurt me.”
Eijirou reached out and took his hand off the steering wheel, threading the blond’s fingers between his own before giving the back of his hand a soft kiss.

“Come upstairs with me.”
Katsuki didn’t fight as he was dragged out of the car and up to Eijirou’s room. He didn’t fight when the redhead pulled him into his bed or when he wrapped Eijirou wrapped his arms around him, pressing Katsuki’s ear against his chest.
A few weeks ago Katsuki would be fighting his instincts not to sink his teeth into Eijirou’s flesh but now he took comfort in his heart beat. It was still going and hopefully would be for as long as he could make it.
Thus began the weeks of guard duty. It seemed that there was always a vampire nearby; someone picked him, walked him to classes, drove him home. They were always glued to his side. It wasn’t bad, he enjoyed their company, but it was a little stifling.
Especially since this was a just in case reaction.

Aizawa had explained it one of the first time Eijirou came over to the house. Just like Katsuki said, they just didn’t know if Rappa would come back and he had Eijirou’s scent so it would be easy to track him.
But if at least one of them were with him, their scent would dilute his.

It was going well.

Until it all went wrong.
It was Hanta’s night to keep watch, about a month after their encounter with Rappa. Katsuki, Denki and Mina were hunting for the weekend, Hitoshi was going to take over Saturday's watch and Aizawa was at work.
Eijirou and Hanta were out in the forest, looking for some kind of plant for Eijirou’s science class. Hanta was useless at science though so he was just kinda there.

“How about this?” He called to Eijirou, holding up a stick.

“That’s a stick. Not a leaf.”
“There’s only one kind of leaf I know about.”

“Does that even work for you?”

“Nope. I’ve tried many a time.”

“Sorry dude.”

Hanta shrugged and threw the stick into the forest.


The black haired vampire froze. That was not the right sound of a stick hitting dirt.
“Hanta? What’s-” Eijirou let out a shout as Hanta was suddenly tackled into a tree, toppling it over.

“Finally! It was just you pipsqueak!” Rappa stood, holding Hanta by the head.

Eijirou felt his blood go cold, his hands shook as he scrambled for this phone to call Katsuki.
“No no no.” Rappa snatched the phone out of his hand, crushing it right as the call went through, out hand still holding the limp Hanta by his face, “There will be none of that little human.”
Rappa was long gone with Eijirou by the time Katsuki, Denki and Mina found Hanta leaning against a tree badly hurt and barely conscious. After literally pouring blood down his throat he was able to explain what happened.
“I don’t remember much but I do remember Rappa saying something about finding him after all this time.” Hanta groaned, leaning against Mina as she helped him off the ground.

“I can pick up his scent but it’s faint. Eiji’s is the same.” Denki jumped down from the tree.
Katsuki wasn’t listening to any of them. All he could do was stare into the woods where Eijirou’s scent led. His hands were clenched tightly, palms smoking.

“Blasty. Kats-” He whirled around, hands raised to strike causing Mina to jump back hands up in defense.
He growled and turned back, “Fuck off.”

“We’ll find him. We will.”

Katsuki knew they would find him. He was just hoping that it would be before something horrible happened.
((CW: Death, blood, descriptions of corpses, nausea, violence, descriptions of pain))
((Please heed recent cws))

Eijirou slowly opened his eyes. His head hurt like a bitch and his body felt heavy and sluggish. He looked around, trying to figure out where he was.
It was a house, there were pictures decorating the walls, a fireplace was just sizzling embers and he was laying on a couch.

“Good to see you awake little brother.”

Eijirou shot up, chest heaving as Rappa’s voice carried across the room.
The large vampire was leaning against the far wall, arms crossed over his chest.

“Wh...what….where…” Eijirou didn’t know what question he wanted an answer for first. Where they were, why he was still alive or why Rappa called him ‘little brother’.
“I was hungry when he first met, I didn’t realize it was you. But the longer I watched you it all made sense. I can’t believe you’re really alive.” Rappa spoke with fondness. And boy did Eijirou find it creepy.

“Where are we?”
“Some house I found. Don’t worry, no one will rat us out.”

Eijirou’s stomach dropped, “Wha..”

“I left you some food too. For after we turn you of course.” Rappa jerked his head, gesturing behind him.
Eijirou slowly turned around on the couch, looking into a small kitchen. At the table was an elderly couple. The man’s head was turned nearly all the way around and blood was soaking his shirt and dripping down from a bite wound in his neck.
The woman’s neck was snapped as well, but was facing him. Her eyes were wide open in fear, jaw open in a forever silent scream.

Eijirou whipped back around and clutched his stomach as it churned before bending over and dry heaving. Thankfully there was nothing in his stomach.
“Always did have a weak stomach Eiichiro. We’ll fix that though.” A large hand thumped against his back, making Eijirou freeze. Rappa’s hand moved up his back to rest on the back of his neck, “I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner but I’m here now little brother, +
and I’ll never leave you again.”

Eijirou slowly sat back up, shoulders tense under Rappa’s grip, “What do you mean?”

“You don’t remember? You were so sick Eiichiro, the damn doctors couldn’t do anything, and Mother couldn’t take another heartbreak. So I looked for a solution. +
I got myself turned and was going to turn you too but when I came home…”

Rappa’s grip tightened on Eijirou’s shoulders, causing him to wince.

“Sorry.” He let go just slightly, “When I came home, you were already gone. But! Now you’re back and I’m not losing you again!”
Eijirou let out a shaky breath. Okay. Apparently, he reminded Rappa of his long dead younger brother and the vampire has a lot of emotional guilt about not being there for his younger brother when he died and guilt that he couldn’t save him.
And to save him now, he’s going to turn him.

He was fucked.

“Can...can I call my Dad? I just...I just want to say goodbye…”

“I don’t have a phone little brother, but I think these human’s did.” Rappa moved away, walking to the kitchen.
Eijirou felt his shoulders drop as Rappa moved it. This could work. He just needed to pretend to call his dad when he really called Katsuki. Yeah. Just breath. He could do this.
Rappa dropped a phone on the couch next to him, “Go ahead, then we can make you better.”

Eijirou picked up the phone and dialed Katsuki’s number. Before hitting send, he forced himself to shiver, “’s kinda cold in here. Did they have any other firewood?”
Rappa stared down at him over his nose, “You don’t need firewood.”

“Pl...please brother?” Eijirou prayed that Rappa wasn’t focused on how fast his heart was racing.

Rappa sighed, “Fine. I’ll be back quickly.”

And with that he left.
Eijirou hit send as soon as he was out the door, hands shaking as he held the phone up to his ear.

“Pick up, pick up, pick up.”





“Who the fuck is-”
“Katsuki! Rappa kidnapped me and took me to some house. I don’t know where we are but he’s insane and he want to turn me and he killed two people and-”

“Eijirou! Breath, slow down. I need you to give me any information you can.”
Eijirou took a deep breath and looked around the house. Pictures of family, old and new, a set of car keys on a table and some mail.


“Address! 1187 Archer Ct, Port Angeles!”

“Okay. We’re on our way. Stall him as much as you can-”
Rappa walked back in.

“Bye. I love you.” Eijirou hung up with a lump in his throat.
He ignored the heavy weight on his heart as he stared blankly at the wall. He had no idea how to stall Rappa any longer than he already had. This was going to be it.

Rappa was going to bite him, and probably kill him.

“Little brother.”
Eijirou jumped and tensed as Rappa took a firm hold of his shoulder, pulling him back toward the couch.

“Are you ready?”

Meanwhile, less than 20 minutes away were Katsuki and Mina, having been the closest when Eijirou called.

As soon as he hung up, Katsuki was sprinting in his direction, leaving Mina behind to text everyone else and catch up as she could.
Eijirou said I love you. Neither of them had said those words yet and Katsuki wasn’t going to let the only time he heard them be because Eijirou was afraid he was going to die.

He forced himself to go faster, he didn’t care if someone saw him, he didn’t care what was in his way.
He needed to get to Eijirou.

He only stopped once he reached the street. Crimson eyes darted from house to house looking for the right one.


He had no idea if Mina was behind him. He had no idea if Eijirou had stalled Rappa enough.
He had no idea what he was going to do or whether he was going to come out of this alive.

He bust open the door and his eyes locked with Rappa’s.

Eijirou was hanging limp in his grip, left wrist held in Rappa’s hand as he pulled his bloody teeth out of Eijirou’s arm.
Time slowed.

Katsuki lunged at Rappa, who dropped Eijirou onto the couch to try and block him.

Instead all he got were two explosions to the face. They slammed into the floor, Katsuki’s knees digging into Rappa’s chest as he fired explosion after explosion into his arms.

He ignored Mina’s voice, just kept firing.


Someone tried to pull him off, he fought to keep going. He wanted this bastard dead.

“Eijirou needs you!”


He stopped, Rappa let out a groan and tried to get up but was stopped by Denki and Hanta.
Katsuki let himself be pulled away, eyes locked with the struggling man before he looked to Eijirou.

He was drenched in sweat and his breaths were wheezing gasps like he couldn’t breath.

“Katsuki. He’s turning.” Aizawa was holding Eijirou’s arm, examining the bite.
“Stop it!” He dropped to his knees, hands shaking as he cupped Eijirou’s cheeks.

“I can’t. Rappa must have been holding onto the bite to force more venom into him. It’s too late.”

He looked back up at Aizawa.

“I don’t think he’s going to make it.”

Katsuki’s stomach dropped.
Everything was blurry. Light was blending with darkness. Sounds were muffled and so far away.

Everything was far away.


So tired.


So so tired.




His hair?

“Shitty Hair.”

His hair wasn’t shitty.

“Don’t gi….”
Don’t…? Don’t what?

“Don’t give up….”

But he was so tired. He just wanted to sleep.

“Don’t leave me.”

Leave? He didn’t want to leave. He just wanted to sleep.
“I love you.”


He called him by his name...and said...he said…

He couldn’t sleep! He needed to be with Katsuki!


Katsuki who actually listened to his interests and got to know him.
Who helped him with his homework and tried to explain it in ways he could understand instead of just saying he should have gotten it by now. Whose family was more welcoming and warm to him more so than his own parents.

Who loved him.

Not loved.


Cause he isn’t going anywhere.
When Eijirou opened his eyes, everything was bright and sharp, like his eyes could see in 4K HD. And he could hear everything too. The rustle of his clothes as he sat up, the sound of running water from the other room, even the flapping of a bird's wings outside the window.
But the thing that threw him off the most was himself.

His hair was black for one, something it hadn’t been in a long time, his skin was flawless, smooth and blemish free, and his eyes. They were deep and bright, almost alluring. But the biggest thing he noticed were his teeth.
They had always been a bit more pointy then normal but now they were downright shark teeth, like they were filed.


Eijirou jumped at the sound of shattering glass, whipping around and flying against the wall with one motion.
Denki was standing in the doorway, jaw dropped with glass shattered in a pool of water at his feet.

“Wha...what happened?”
“Dunce Face what the hell di-” Katsuki stopped mid shove to push Denki out of the way.

“Katsuki?” Eijirou stared at the blond.

“Eijirou.” Katsuki lunged forward, slipping slightly on the water, before vaulting himself over the bed he was laying on and pulling Eijirou into his +
arms, head buried into his shoulder, “I thought I lost you.”

Eijirou let out a breath, “I almost did…”

He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding him as tight as he could.

“Ei! Eijirou! Too much!”
Katsuki sounded winded, like something was crushing his chest before Eijirou let go.

“Oh! Oh fuck!”

Katsuki let out a wheeze and bent over at the waist, “Holy fuck he’s strong.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! What did I do?! How am I so strong?! Why is my hair black?!”
Mina let out a laugh, followed slowly by the others until it was just Eijirou standing there so confused.

“What is going on?!”

Katsuki just smiled fondly and cupped his cheeks, “You’re a robot.”
Eijirou whined, “That’s not funny!”

Katsuki couldn’t help but laugh before pulling his boyfriend into a kiss.

“Welcome to the family Eijirou.”

They pulled apart and looked toward everyone else, Aizawa standing in the front.

“So I’m…”

“Yes. You’re a vampire.”
Over the next few days, Eijirou learned about being a vampire. How to act in public, control his strength and speed. And then they took him on his first hunt.

Katsuki, Eijirou and Hitoshi were crouched in some bushes, watched a small group of deer.
Eijirou’s eyes were locked on the buck. He was about to pounce when he smelt it.


Sweet and savory and…

His fingers dug into the dirt before pushing off and tackling the buck.

Katsuki and Hitoshi shared a surprised look. They both smelt the blood as well, and were expecting to have to fight the newly turned vampire away but he controlled himself well.
Eijirou looked up at them, mouth covered in blood, “What?”

“Nothing Shitty Hair. Just impressed is all.” Katsuki stood and walked out of the bushes, followed by Hitoshi, who tossed Eijirou a towel.

“So, when will I know if I have powers?” He asked wiping off his hands and face.
“It’ll develop soon, if you have one, probably in a fight.” Hitoshi shrugged, picking up the buck’s body and hefting it over his shoulder.

“Why are we bringing that back?”

“Spare blood in case of emergencies.”
It was on their way home that a thought occurred to Eijirou.

“What did you tell my Dad?”

Katsuki let out a huff, “Probably better if Aiz-”

“You’re dead.”

“WHAT?!” Eijirou stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth hung open in shock.
Katsuki glared at Hitoshi who looked mildly perplexed about what he said wrong.

“You’re not /dead/. You’re missing...officially...and will probably be pronounced dead soon.”
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